"Kill a Mockingbird" is an in-depth black and white film. "Roman Holiday" Pike starred as a justice lawyer. The discrimination against blacks by whites is like killing a robin

is going to introduce you to a movie called Killing a Mockingbird. This movie is very classic. It has won multiple Oscar awards and has been nominated for many times. It can be said that it has returned with honors. This film is adapted from the famous novel Killing a Mockingbird. Because this film nakedly reveals the long-standing problem of racial discrimination, although it is a black and white film, the justice of the protagonist's lawyer is presented in the film He was deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. He was brave enough to be a just lawyer and opposed racial discrimination. This courage to take justice as his sense of responsibility is the most touching part of this movie. The reason why this movie can last forever, He is unique.

Because of this movie, the editor realized that a good movie can be so wonderful, shocking a person’s three views, and hitting the depths of the soul. From then on, the editor will pay more attention to in-depth movies instead of focusing on Time wasted watching some very shallow movies. It has such a powerful deterrent for me as an ordinary person, and I believe it can also surprise everyone.

Do you remember the handsome and gentleman protagonist in Roman Holiday? Parker, the leading actor, is the star of this movie. He plays the leading lawyer in the movie. In his opinion, the role he performed is the pinnacle of his acting career, which shows that this work is different. general. The story of

is like this. In a remote small town in the United States, people live a very frugal life, and the lawyer’s family lives in this small town. He has a pair of cute and clever children, even though his mother left early. They, but their lives are still very warm, which is inseparable from father's careful education.

In this film, there are many scenes of children having fun at the beginning. They follow a person they find strange in the night. The details make people can't help but recall their childhood, which is very real and interesting. The camera slowly turned from the child to the father.

's father is a true justice lawyer. He took a very challenging case and was even spurned by the townspeople. Then he helped a black man in a lawsuit. This black man did not commit a crime, I was wronged. The black Robinson turned into anger because he refused a woman's confession. It does not mean that the black Robinson raped her. In this American society where whites severely discriminate against blacks, this black is very helpless.

's father tried his best to defend the blacks in court. His bravery, sincerity, justice, determination and other virtues made him shine in this court. This scene moved the audience very much. Although his father tried to defend the blacks, he was eventually judged. The group convicted the black man as guilty, because his father also lacked some favorable evidence. But this also deeply reflects the depth of discrimination against blacks by white people.

The black man felt very desperate and chilling at this situation. In desperation, he could only escape, but he had a tragic ending and was shot and killed by the police. The blacks died because of this unfairness, and appealed for help to no avail.

killed a robin, the name I think is really amazing! The children like to hunt down robins in the film, but the father tells the children that these robins are very kind and they sing to us and shouldn’t be treated like this.

And this film uses robins to insinuate black people. Many black people are innocent. Like white people, they breathe, work, and live in the same place, but white people discriminate against black people so much. This kind of discrimination is deeply rooted. Not only a robin was killed, but also human nature, human kindness and human virtue. People strangled their true, good and beautiful nature, and strangled the pursuit of equality for all.

The robin is so cute and kind, but such a beautiful bird was killed. It can be seen that what the author wanted to express is that the discrimination against blacks by whites is so cruel and chilling!

hurry up and find the look of the movie, I believe this movie will not let you down! Although it is a black and white movie, a black and white movie like this can still express its deep meaning.