Five disaster movies, how many have you watched? Feel what a devastating disaster is like!

Hi everyone, today I bring you a collection of five disaster movies. The Maya predicted that the end of the world in 2012 will not come true. So far, with the ensuing earthquakes and tsunamis in Nepal, Japan and other places, how far is the end of the world from us? If it does come, how should we face it? Here are five classic disaster movies for everyone.

1. "Zombie World War"

has almost no foreshadowing. As soon as the film opens, the protagonist's family is thrown to the brink of life and death. For no reason, the streets are full of zombies. All their family can do is escape. In the first twenty minutes of the film, the rhythm of the plot is so tense to suffocate. The family finally escapes from the sea of ​​zombies, and Pete has to leave his family to save the world.

So, he went to South Korea, Israel, Wales, and after nine deaths, he finally found an antidote to save all mankind. After watching this movie, thinking of the tense plots in the movie, he still felt suffocated in his chest. Big scenes and special effects, violent zombies, ignorant humans, and handsome guy Pete alone in Longtan, this movie is indeed worth watching. In some respects, this movie is obviously successful, at least not lethargic.

2. "The Doomsday Collapse"

former US soldier Raymond, after finishing his career in the fire fighting, became a helicopter rescuer of the Los Angeles Fire Department. Naturally, he went all out to be respected and trusted. But none of this can restore his failed marriage. After a short vacation, Raymond returned to work. At this time, there was an unprecedented earthquake in southern Nevada. The

Hoover Dam was completely destroyed in a strong earthquake. It didn't take long for another round of strong earthquakes to hit Los Angeles from San Francisco. Raymond witnessed the terrifying scene of the bustling city turning into ruins in an instant. At this time, his wife Emma and his daughter are in two cities. In order to save the two people he loves most, he went forward alone and started a race against the earthquake. The majestic Hoover Dam and the bustling San Francisco were all wiped out in front of landslides and cracks. The entire city was shaking and ups and downs, and the road broke from the middle into an abyss. The

buildings collapsed and turned into dust. Then there was a tsunami, and huge waves swept across the city, and the running crowd was like ants that were easily crushed to death. Among them, no matter what kind of scene, it will be a terrible scene you never want to face.

3. "The Day After Acquired"

This film depicts the greenhouse effect, which caused climate change and the earth fell into the second ice age. Professor Hall, a scientist who studies climate change, based his observations and studies on the laws of prehistoric climate and proposed a serious greenhouse effect that would cause a sudden drop in temperature. The hypothesis that the earth will once again enter the Ice Age, and his prediction has also been fulfilled.

Tornadoes, tsunamis and blizzards followed one after another, and mankind fell into an unprecedented catastrophe. Professor Hall told the President of the United States to announce to the world that residents south of 30 degrees north latitude should be evacuated from near the equator, and residents north should be kept warm. At the same time, Professor Hall learned that his son Sam, despite the danger, went to rescue his girlfriend alone in New York, which was in the course of natural disasters. After learning the news, he also went to the northern area covered by ice and snow to rescue him.

In the process of rescue and being rescued, the film delicately interweaves the touching emotions between father and son and the sincere feelings shown by people under the catastrophe. The editor always hopes that everyone can watch this film. It's not because of how the plot is made, but simply because of the theme he promotes. The main story of

2012 is still on the fate of a family of ordinary people. The male protagonist is a failed writer who learned the news that the world is about to be destroyed by chance. In order to save his family, he embarked on a thrilling adventure. Under the leadership of this main story line, all the side story lines are also unfolded in an orderly manner. All the plots are derived from the reactions of various people in the face of disaster.

Of course, for those viewers who are more experienced in genre films and disaster films, basically we can judge who will survive and who will die in the opening 30 minutes. But in 2012, relying on the powerful visual effects, these clichés still made a different feeling. This is the power of the Hollywood film industry system.

faces audiences from different countries, he can alwaysEnough to find some commonalities among them, and delicately integrate the human commonalities of these transnational cultures into the story, and then package them with powerful visual effects. Finally, integrate a movie that makes most viewers satisfied and exciting.

3. The movie "Tangshan Earthquake"

describes the magnitude 7.8 earthquake that occurred in Tangshan, China in 1976. A mother chose to rescue one of the siblings trapped under the collapsed floor of the earthquake. The mother finally chose The story of saving the younger brother, but the elder sister miraculously survived and was later adopted by the PLA

32 years later, the family reunited unexpectedly, and the rift in their hearts waited for them to make up. The tragic plot once again brought back memories of that tragic experience. But in fact, the two backgrounds of Tangshan and the Great Earthquake in the movie were severely blurred, and what was left was just a lonely family. At first, their house collapsed, then their wives broke up, and then they reunited again. The impact of a major earthquake on people’s hearts is by no means limited to the death of their loved ones, but you discover that the world you live in can actually collapse instantly. The editor of

always has a strong interest in disaster movies. I always feel that watching disaster movies is a kind of baptism for the soul, because every time after watching it, people will reflect on life and cherish the present.