The three domestic animated films that have emerged this year, each of which has a high rating, I will regret it if I don't watch it!

Guide: In recent years, my country's animation film industry has developed by leaps and bounds. The three major domestic animation films screened this year can be said to be representative. Compared with the animation films of previous years, their screen production is more sophisticated , The story is more attractive to the audience, and has a certain national style characteristics.

, the three major animated films in chronological order are "White Snake: Origin", "Nezha's Devil Child Comes into the World", and "Luo Xiaohei Zhan Ji". Yes, where is each of them good? We together look.

​​Cross-racial indecent love: "White Snake: Origination" and "White Snake: Origination" mainly tells about the amnesia Xiaobai was rescued by Xu Xuan, and then the two embarked on the road to retrieve Xiaobai's memory. During this period, the two People have a strong feeling, Xu Xuan finally sacrificed his life in order to save Xiaobai.

was born as a demon, but he benefits the world: "Nezha's Devil Child Comes into the World" Nezha is a crazy demon by nature. Because of his uniqueness, he is often misunderstood by the people around him. However, when the danger came to the world, he did not embark on it. The road to becoming a devil, choose to save the people of Li people.

estimates that everyone's childhood was the 2003 version of "Legend of Nezha". The Nezha in this animation is quite different from the Nezha we used to know. Judging from the plot line, Nezha should have been a demon king from birth to death, but he remained attached to the world, and finally overcame the concept of being a demon with his own will. In

, the characters of Ao Bing and Nezha are in sharp contrast. They have similar destinies, but different attitudes and goals in life. The fate of the two of them is the emotional line of the entire animation.

The coexistence of humans and fairies: "Luo Xiaohei's War" Luo Xiaohei was originally a cat demon living in the forest. Because humans destroyed his homeland, he lived a wandering life. Xiao Hei possesses more powerful abilities than ordinary fairies. In order to get it, Feng Xi does not hesitate to deceive Xiao Hei's feelings, but fortunately, Wu Wu has always stood behind Xiao Hei to protect Xiao Hei. The lovely character of

Xiao Hei has been well received by everyone. Although Infinity is always a dead fish-eye, his heart is a delicate and gentle person. This animation embodies a theme from beginning to end, that is environmental protection. Because of the excessive destruction of human beings, the goblin lost his homeland. In the end, Feng Xi embarked on a path of no return. From the above three movies, we can see the strong Chinese charm. Two of the animated films were adapted from folklore, but they had breakthrough creations on their original basis, giving people a certain visual impact on the legends they had previously known. In today's era of rapid economic development, the theme of environmental protection will never be out of date. Seeing that these three animated films have received unanimous praise from the audience, I can't help but feel joy. I hope our national comics will become better and better, and finally go abroad!