On the evening of July 23, the TV series "Lotus House" launched 6 episodes through iQiyi, officially starting its premiere. Cheng Yi and Zeng Shunxi are the leading actors of this TV series. Judging from the current plot, their performances are very suitable for martial arts dram

On the evening of July 23, the TV series "Lotus House" launched 6 episodes through iQiyi, and officially began its premiere. Cheng Yi and Zeng Shunxi are the leading actors of this TV series. Judging from the current plot, their performances are very suitable for martial arts dramas. However, there are some problems in the play, mainly that the script is not good enough, the story is not good, and there is also the problem of confusion in the main narrative line and so on. In "Lotus House", Cheng Yi and Zeng Shunxi's acting skills can be said to be impeccable. The two young actors are very suitable to play the roles in the martial arts drama. The male protagonist portrayed by Cheng Yi left an impression of a city man and a high level, and he can also show emotion at critical moments. Zeng Shunxi himself has starred in many martial arts dramas, and he has his own reasons for being suitable for martial arts dramas. The male protagonists of martial arts dramas must have pure and kind qualities, especially in the works of Mr. Jin Yong, these male protagonists have shown a pure and sincere character. Among the young actors, only Zeng Shunxi can perfectly interpret this feature. He is born with an attractive appearance, and at the same time exudes a strong martial arts temperament, which is quite similar to Chen Haomin. Apart from the leading actors, the script of this TV series does not seem to be too good. To make a TV series exciting and attract audiences to follow the series, the most important thing is to have a clear narrative line and arouse the audience's expectations for the plot through the development of two episodes. This needs to tell the audience in two episodes what the goal of the show is, what motivates the characters' behavior, and the behavioral obstacles they face, etc.