"Peacock": a story of broken dreams in a small desperate town, 23-year-old Zhang Jingchu has matured in acting

An out-of-date movie

The film "Peacock" released in 2005 was not eye-catching at the time. In those years, Chinese films were eagerly and confusedly wanting to embark on the broad road of "commercial films". The fifth-generation director led the way. Box office satellites competing for release:

on December 14, 2002, "Hero" was released;

on July 16, 2004, "Ambush on Ten Sides" was released;

, on December 15, 2005, "Promise" was released;

on September 14, 2006 , "Night Banquet" was released;

On December 14, 2006, "A City Full of Golden Armor" was released.

is known as the "blockbuster era" of Chinese movies in history.

is in this hustle and bustle. The photographer Gu Changwei, who once intervened deeply with the fifth-generation director (photographs include "King of the Child", "Red Sorghum", "Judou", "Farewell My Concubine", "Sunshine" Brilliant Days, etc.), but in his directorial debut, he ignored the current trend and chose to deal with his youthful memories.

The meaning of "Peacock" to several main creators Before "Peacock", Gu Changwei had already become famous as a photographer; after "Peacock", he successfully transformed into a director and won the Berlin Film Festival Silver Bear Award.

Before "Peacock", Li Qiao was a North Piao screenwriter who was depressed for many years; after "Peacock", he successively cooperated with big-name filmmakers such as Gu Changwei, Xu Anhua, Zhao Wei, Guan Jinpeng, etc., step by step to the peak of life. In 2013, he won the Best Adapted Screenplay Award at the 50th Taiwan Film Golden Horse Awards for his "To Our Dying Youth".

Before "Peacock", Zhang Jingchu was an 18-line actor; after "Peacock", although he always played some less important roles in some Hong Kong films focusing on men's drama, he never made it into the ranks of first-line actors, but To this day, he is still a "movie cafe" who is reluctant to work. Some time ago, in the second season of "Flowers and All Things", I was interviewed by Cai Kangyong and Xiao S, and even a cameo on a web drama would be brought out to chat with seriousness.

​​A desperate town

The story of "The Peacock" took place in the 1970s and 1980s in Anyang, Henan, the hometown of screenwriter Li Qiao. In Shi Hang's words, it was a small northern city with "storms and dust", just like the bird's-eye view of the opening of "The Peacock". The protagonist of the

story is a family of five: father, mother, brother, sister, and younger brother. Or more focused, just three young people. The

narrator is the younger brother, a skinny, sensitive teenager of seventeen or eighteen years old. At the beginning of the movie, it was the voice-over of my brother with a Henan accent: many years have passed, and I still clearly remember the scene of our family of five having dinner in the corridor together in the summer of the 1970s. At that time, mom and dad were in such good health. All three of our sisters are so young. The story of

is laid out in such a narrative with strong nostalgia.

If we do a little authorship analysis, the movie seems to be more like a work by Li Yao than a work by Gu Changwei : the first place of the story is Li Xiao’s hometown; and the two works after Li Xiao Both "Li Chun" and "Aunt's Postmodern Life" seem to continue the "small town dreamer" theme of "Peacock". Only in the detail of the age of the narrator, it seems to be closer to Gu Changwei: his younger brother was already seventeen or eighteen years old in the 1970s. This is only true for Gu Changwei who was born in 1957, not Li Yao who was born in 1968. The

movie does not follow a strict chronological order-if the ancient history is used, seems to be a "chronological" movie, not a "chronological" movie. In other words, the stories of sister, brother, and younger brother as the protagonists are narrated in three paragraphs. In each story, the other two also participate as supporting actors, and the three stories overlap in time. Yes, the confluence is finally completed at the end. At the beginning of each story,

would go back to the corridor of the tube building, where the family of five had dinner, accompanied by his brother's voice-over. Among the stories of the three sisters

, ​​the most impressive and the most consistent in the works of the creators is undoubtedly the story of the sister played by Zhang Jingchu.

dream brokenStory

In a secular sense, the older sister Gao Weihong is not a good daughter, a good sister, a good colleague, or a good wife: she plays the accordion, and she does not care when the water is boiled. (Much like we Chinese often say when young people are lazy "I can't help if the oil bottle falls"); I work in a kindergarten and coax my child to throw the child on the ground; in order to become the coveted paratrooper, I don't hesitate to steal money from my mother.

If we meet such a person in our lives, we will definitely be like the mother in the movie, and we wish to give her a shot. But in the movie, when we see the full picture of this character, we can't hate her anyway-because who has never had dreams like her?

However, no matter how high the heart is, the life will be thinner. The cruel life has dragged her to the destiny of "finding an honest man to marry" the female bottle worker who belongs to her again and again. The whole movie of

is dull and depressing. The only moment of joy is when Gao Weihong made a parachute with a sewing machine, hung it on his bicycle and rode out on the street, accompanied by cheerful music, disregarding the secular vision- is the whole play The highlight moment of the movie was also a clip of the talented creators of Gu Changwei and Li Xiao. It was as false as a dream , but—it was too short, and soon her mother grabbed the "parachute" and tore her to the ground.

is associated with the personal life of the screenwriter Li Xuan. He graduated from the Central Academy of Drama in 1992 and started writing "Peacock" in 1999. For more than 7 years, he moved between Beijing and his hometown of Anyang. He is a talented screenwriter, but Useless, no hope. Gao Weihong in " Peacock" seems to also include Wang Cailing in "Li Chun" and Ye Rutang in "Aunt's Postmodern Life". These characters have too much Li Qi's personal mood. The interesting thing about

is that Li Xiao himself finally succeeded-he became a professional screenwriter, but he still does not want to simply tell an inspirational story, nor does he want to give his characters a better ending — -At the end of "Peacock", Gao Weihong crouched on the side of the road and wept silently; at the end of "Beginning of Spring", Wang Cailing gave up her dream of going to Beijing; at the end of "Aunt's Postmodern Life", Ye Rutang returned from Shanghai to the small town in Northeast China and accompanied her husband Set up a stall to sell shoes.

Perhaps Li Xuan wanted to tell us that his story may be just luck, and the story of broken dreams is the truth that happens every day.