Don't miss this century horror movie for being timid

Is anyone with you tonight?

Don’t be afraid, Sir will come to spend with you...


This old friend to be invited out today has not been seen for a long time.

has not been seen for a long time.

is missing. See you at


is here. Now, she is "Sadako".

is true, "she" is back.

The white dress fluttering her.

She who has the disheveled hair.

is rubbing on the smooth floor, taking strange steps...

is coming.

is different from some coquettish goods you saw before. The new version of

"Sadako" is of pure blood.

Director Hideo Nakata.

The creator of the "Midnight Bell" series.

is known as "the representative figure of the horror film industry in Japan".

This is his first return to IP after the first "Midnight Ring" and the second "Midnight Ring 2: Sadako Haunted". The story background of

comes to the moment.

focuses on a young girl who was abandoned by her parents and imprisoned at home.

In an angry business plan, she awakens Sadako again and spreads fear.

also tried to peel away the same fate that Sadako once carried through the girl's perspective.

is still a familiar formula, a familiar taste. Most of the designs and bridges in the

movie are the continuation of the previous creation of "Midnight Ring" by Hideo Nakata.

even, there are traces of re-engraving.

such as this familiar aunt.

If you have sharp eyes, you should be able to recognize it.

She is the middle school student Tomoko who was scared into a mental hospital by Sadako at the beginning of the first "Midnight Ring".

and the familiar panic and death.

saw it for the first time and was scared to cry.

look again now, a bit wanting to laugh what is going on.

and the plot of Sadako's rotten wrist grasping.

Sir understands. Director

tries to continue the story in this way and stir his feelings.

but sorry.

is the greatest natural enemy of horror films.

When the audience has foreseen what will happen in the next second.

Who would be scared to death?

's repeated scaring section, no surprise story, let netizens score a score of 4.0 on Douban without any waves. The

movie and "Benxian vs. Sadako" tied for the bottom of "Sadako IP".

Hideo Nakata was also planted this time.

was a complete failure. If

is the only value in this new film.

, in Sir's view, is that it successfully evokes the collective memory of movie fans.

People finally remembered.

Once upon a time, the fear of being dominated by Sadako.

On January 31, 1998, the movie "Midnight Bell" was released in Japan.

Matsushima Nanako, Sanada Hiroyuki, Nakatani Miki, Matsushige Toys co-starring.

These were young or unfamiliar faces at the time.

has now become a famous neon national actor that Chinese audiences love to see.

Hideo Nakata was also a little-known horror film director.

His goal is clear.

creates a unique and unique Japanese fear experience among the horror genres ruled by Hollywood movies.

At first, he didn't have much confidence.

never expected, it exploded.

is very explosive.

Even if there is a terrifying news in the cinema, it cannot stop the people's enthusiasm for movie watching.

eventually won 1 billion yen at the box office and became the highest-grossing horror film in Japanese movie history.

exploded not only in the local area. The

movie was released in Hong Kong, China in July 1998, and it became the highest box office in Hong Kong that year with 31 million Hong Kong dollars. It broke the record for the New Year film "The King of Comedy" and "Glass Bottle", even "Star Wars Debut" is hard to match.

Hollywood was also conquered. The American poster of

reads this sentence:

"Compared with "Midnight Ring", "Blair the Witch" is likeWalk in the forest. "

△ I don’t know "Blair the Witch", I own Baidu bar

In 2002, Hollywood remake "Midnight Ring", and finally won a global box office of 250 million US dollars.

was not released in mainland China, and it was widely circulated in the form of video tapes and resources. .

has become the childhood shadow that makes countless Chinese movie fans dream back at midnight and linger.

So here comes the question:

is also scary. Why is this little girl with long hair and white clothes more magical than others?

Why can "Midnight Ring" dial the world's threatening calls? How can

make you live with her forever?

Today, Sir comes to the dusty door of horror.

The first layer of horror in "Midnight Ring"— —


is through the sound and picture design, compresses the nerves, stimulates the senses, so as to achieve the effect of frightening the audience.

From this point of view, "Midnight Ring" is regarded as an outlier in the horror film at that time.

has no bloody visual impact .

jump scare is also very few.

uses the harsh soundtrack and creepy pictures to create a continuous, diffuse and breathless atmosphere of fear in the narrative of the death surge.

first talk about the soundtrack.

The soundtrack of "Midnight Ring" is Japanese musician Kenji Kawai.

seldom does the soundtrack for movies, more is an animation. You must have heard of

works, "Ghost in the Shell".

is using science fiction In the background music, you can vaguely smell the fishy smell of fear.

Hideo Nakata listened to the soundtrack of "Ghost in the Shell" before he found Kenji Kawai. There is only one requirement for


requires noise, not melody.

In a horror film, once the melody is played, the audience will get rid of the tension. The inharmonious and harsh noise of

will aggravate the anxiety of the audience. Let me talk about the picture.

can not fail to mention the source of the horror of the whole movie. The murder of

The video of

Sadako’s grievances. How did these images of

come out? The

film is adapted from the first science fiction novel "The World" by the famous Japanese writer Mitsuji Suzuki. The video tape in the original work of

is a 20 A minute-long true story. The images of

are derived from Sadako’s memories during his lifetime. The

movie is adapted on this basis.

screenwriter Hiroshi Takahashi said:

"This is a form of unreasonable fragments of my own scary memories. Composition of the plot. "

director Hideo Nakata described:

"It's like a dream of a person who is born blind. "

sounds very mysterious. To put it plainly,

means injecting perverted factors in the normal state.

is like a moving mirror.

comes from a supernatural story heard by a female staff member on set.

is like the mystery of being covered with a face and guiding the way. Man.

is based on a real incident.

was a scene of the criminals of the TV news "Miyazaki Tsunami incident" identifying the crime scene at the time. The

prisoner wore a hooded white jacket to cover his face, which was strangely unlucky.

was then used in it. In the movie.

and Sir selfishly thinks the most weird is the following two pictures.

a group of people squirming on the ground.

​​Sadako comes out of the well.

faintly projected an unbelievable weird.

Nakata Hideo reveals the answer:

When shooting these two images, he used reverse shooting.

allows the actors to do the action backwards, and then through the reverse to create an upside-down effect.

to capture, unlike human actions .

This is the difference between "Midnight Bell" and other second-rate horror films. The latter rushes to the front, stimulates the senses and creates fright; the former hides in the blind spot, beats the subconscious mind, and implants fear.

"Midnight Bell" The second layer of horror-


briefly review the plot:

a group of high school students watched a video tape of unknown origin, seven days later, they died one after another.

female reporter shallowChuan Reiko (Matsushima Nanako) tries to investigate the truth of the incident.

She and her ex-husband Takayama (Hiroyuki Sanada) watched the tape one after another, and slowly approached the truth behind them.

They discovered the identity of Sadako.

They found that as long as they copy the video for others to watch within seven days, they can escape Sadako's curse. In addition to all kinds of surreal settings,

. There are three plots in the

movie that make Sir shudder. The first

happened in the first half of the movie.

Takayama went to the house of his ex-wife Reiko to find out what happened. On the

road, I just ran into my son.

looked at each other, speechless.

each walk away. We can also hear

from the subsequent dialogue.

Gaoshan always regretted giving birth to this child.

The second part is about the origin of Sadako's tragedy.

Sadako Yamamura's mother, Shizuko Yamamura, is a superpower.

had the ability to see through and was very prestigious at the time.

Her husband, Professor Yixiong, found her, and the two had an extramarital affair and gave birth to Sadako.

Sadako has stronger abilities than his mother.

can kill with mind.

's biological father threw her into the well and killed her because of fear of Sadako's ability.

third place, at the end of the movie.

Asakawa wants to find a way to save his son Yoichi who accidentally saw the tape. How to save


Asakawa copied a videotape and got through his father's phone.

Yes, she wants to graft her son's curse onto her father.


When the camera is aimed at Asakawa.

We saw the corners of her mouth with a slight smile.

Father and son are indifferent, father kills daughter, kill father to save son.

Until today Sir looks back at "Midnight Bell".

discovered that what lies in the suspense plot is the ubiquitous crisis of morality.

is truly terrifying, and is never an invisible dead soul.

is the heart of the people who surround you all the time, but do not understand.

The third level of horror in "The Ring of Midnight"-

points directly to reality.

To unlock the theme of the film, you need to pay attention to several details in the film.

Such as Sadako's birthplace, Izu Oshima.

Mitsuji Suzuki chose this place, it is no coincidence.

You must know that Mount Mihara, a volcano located on the Oshima Island of Izu, is a famous suicide resort in Japan. Shizuko Yamamura, Sadako's mother in the movie

, also jumped off Mihara Mountain and died.

There is such a story about this suicide resort.

In 1933, a female student in Japan was criticized by public opinion for falling in love with a female classmate in the same class. Finally, the female student jumped into the Mihara Mountain crater to end her life. The media at the time of

carried out reports. Some details of

are disclosed, and some are rendered. As a result, many imitators went up to the mountain to die.

According to statistics, by the end of 1933, a total of 944 people jumped into the Sanyuan Mountain crater and died.

The media's irregular reporting of suicides will have a certain impact on crowd imitating suicide behavior.

psychology calls this the "Werther effect". The second code of the

movie is Sadako's mother Shizuko Yamamura.

is highly sought after by the media because of its superpowers. It didn't take long for

to be questioned again.

Shizuko could not stand the pressure of speech and chose to commit suicide by jumping off Mount Mihara. The character

has a real prototype.

was born in Meiji 19, Chizuko, who is said to be clairvoyant Chizuko in Japan and has become the focus of media attention.

On September 15, Meiji 43, Chizuko looked through the words in the iron box in front of hundreds of people without being told.

She answered three times three times, and everyone at the scene was dumbfounded.

But because someone suspected that she had moved her hands and feet, the newspaper accused her of being a scammer the next day.

Chizuko, who was only 25 years old, took drugs and committed suicide because he couldn't stand the criticism from the media.

While creating gods, while destroying gods.

The reality pointed to by "The Ring of Midnight" is the modern public opinion environment that can kill people without seeing blood.

brings us back to the beginning of the movie. How did

Sadako kill people with her mind?

The TV suddenly turned on, the phone rang suddenly.

copy and distribute the videotape.

Blurred, distorted photo. The intent of

couldn't be more obvious. The pictures of

made out of nothing, the noise of slander and harassment, the spread without thinking, the maliciously distorted truth...

is enough to kill people.

sounds familiar?

has been released for more than 20 years according to "The Ring of Midnight".

and the story of "The Ring of Midnight" is still being staged.