For 30 years, the enlightenment of countless people's science fiction films has returned

The only role of

movies is to make life more interesting than movies

Who is looking forward to? "Terminator: Dark Fate"

sci-fi movie loyal audience? A fan of Schwarzenegger's iron blood? The ultimate fan of visual effects?

In addition to this, there is a group of people, those. As one of the most classic sci-fi series in film history, the filmmaker who was influenced by the "Terminator" series, "Terminator" has long been not just a movie series, but a harmony. It’s not an exaggeration to say that the cultural symbols of an era,

, ​​a generation’s movie dreams. In the 1980s and 1990s, when special effects technology was not yet developed, the apocalyptic situation of the future world described in "Terminator 1, 2" and A robot with overwhelming power, together with Schwarzenegger's incredible muscles. The "fear" is physically displayed on the screen

Just like the "Alien" of the same period showed the fear of unknown outer space, "Jaws" unveiled the crisis in a peaceful life, "Meng Ghost Street", "Moonlight Light" Panic" describes the anxiety hidden in daily community life. "Terminator" reveals the faint worries of human beings about the future

The self-aware artificial intelligence Skynet in the movie "Ghost Street"

, ​​the "Terminator" that travels back to the past through time and space, and the human resistance army constitute . Complex and magnificent worldview

The true classic of the whole story is that it conveys a strong sense of human unknown to the future-

is always a super robot that appears in this world under a flash of lightning, representing far beyond this The technological level and combat capability of the times represent one kind. The irresistible sense of extinction

Whether it is the childhood shadow of T-800 in the first part of removing the eyeball by itself, or the metal skeleton of the last bionic skin burnt, and the second part of the liquid metal T-1000's super recovery ability and face The expressionless cold temperament has become. The classics in the series and the famous setting of tribute to later generations

Of course, in addition to this, in "Terminator 2", the T-800 who "returned to justice" cultivated a deep relationship with John Connor, which was scared not long ago. The dying audience is also at the end. Crying in a mess

, ​​for young audiences who have not been shocked by "Terminator" in the theater, will we witness the renewal of the legend on the screen this time?

After nearly 30 years, we finally ushered in the orthodox sequel of this series

this time, "Terminator: Dark Fate" directly undertook Cameron’s own director of "Terminator 2: Judgment Day", and Card God returned to serve. It can be said that the film quality and effect are both insured. Screenwriter and producer

However, before watching the new film, let's sort out the first two stories.

In 1984's "Terminator 1", after activating the nuclear war and destroying the "Judgment Day" of 3 billion humans, Skynet and the Human Resistance Army still fought fiercely on the earth.

In order to win, the Skynet system sent back to 1984 to assassinate the mother of the leader of the Human Resistance Army John Connor. At the same time, John also sent his comrades back to protect his mother. T-800 Terminator Sarah Connor Kyle Reese

In this film, the Terminator played by Schwarzenegger is undoubtedly the core of the whole film, looks no different from ordinary humans, but cold The T-800, which carried out the mission relentlessly, has since become. At the end of the movie, the most classic robot image

, ​​T-800 was eliminated and Kyle died, but Sarah Connor not only believed in the coming disaster, but also became a resistance fighter, and more importantly, she Already pregnant with John Connor.

If "Terminator 1" is the embryonic form of "Terminator universe", then in "Terminator 2", Cards completely upgraded this series to a classic.

"Terminator 2" is also rare. The sequel is more classic than the previous one.

Judging from the plot, the second and the first are not much different. Skynet, which failed the assassination, sent out the assassination again, while John Connor sent the last one. The villain T-800 protects his young self and his mother. The more advanced Terminator T-1000

is here for this time, the first"Human vs. Robot" has become, and this change brings a huge sublimation of the theme. "Robots against robots"

On the one hand, the T-800, which was devastating in the previous film, was slammed by T-1000 in the sequel, with greatly upgraded action scenes, special effects after technological advancement, and full mechanized confrontation. Sensation, so that the visibility of the film has risen sharply.

On the other hand, the two generations of robots in the film, one to protect humans and the other to eliminate humans, have a more in-depth discussion on the film: Thinking about humans and machines

What is the relationship between machines and humans? How should we treat increasingly advanced technology? If machines are conscious, are they equal to people?

After destroying T-1000 at the end of the film, in order to prevent any future technology from staying, T-800 also chose to sacrifice itself.

Cameron will unite with here. The thumbs-up gesture where T-800 disappears into the furnace has become a lingering picture in the hearts of a generation. Emotional tragedy and philosophical thinking

After "Terminator 2," the sequel actually named "Terminator" has been filming, including "Terminator 3" and Christian Bale's "Terminator 2018" , And "Terminator: Genesis" starred by Long Ma, these sequels not only failed to reach the height of the second, but also failed to satisfy Cameron.

So, this year there will be "Terminator: Dark Fate", in a sense, this is. The restart version of "Terminator 3"

In this one, Skynet once again "back to the past" and sent more advanced ones, but this time the target is a seemingly ordinary girl, Dany, and this time is responsible The one who protects Dany is mysterious. Terminator Rev-9 Superwoman Grace

Sarah Connor, who has entered her twilight years, and the retired "outdated" Terminator T-800 will change the future of mankind together. Re-emergence again

In this sequel to the return of the original crew, Cameron finally has the opportunity to tell the story that he did not finish.

For fans of this series, 35 years later, they can still see it on the screen, and this scene alone is enough to cry. Sarah Connor fought side by side with the T-800

The classic line of the terminator, we finally waited to fulfill it. "I’ll be back"