Prospects: The development of film and television becomes more standardized

There are new trends in the legislative work of the Radio and Television Law. It has been decades since the drafting of the "Radio and Television Law" began. However, to this day, there is still no formal bill in the field of radio and television.

During the Third Session of the Eleventh National People's Congress held in March 2010, 31 representatives including Xu Jinglong put forward a proposal on enacting the Radio and Television Law.

In March 2015, Cai Fuchao, then Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Director of the State Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television, publicly stated that the legislation of the Radio and Television Law would be initiated.

On March 28, 2018, the official website of the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television issued the "Report of the State Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television on the Construction of the Rule of Law in 2017", stating that the promotion of key legislative projects has made new breakthroughs and further improved the socialist press, publishing, copyright, and The legal and regulatory system in the field of radio, television and film, such as the start of the formulation of the "Law on Radio and Television" and the establishment of a basic law in the field of radio and television. More than a year has passed since

, On October 28, the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television issued the "State Administration of Radio and Television 2019-2028 Legislative Work Plan", indicating that it will promote the legislative process of the "PRC Radio and Television Law" and complete it within 10 years Develop work .

The announcement of this news means that the "Radio and Television Law" has achieved a substantial breakthrough in the legislative process of the Long-distance Running for many years. It will end the legal gap in the field of radio and television for many years in the near future. All production links will also come to an era where there are laws to follow. The "Law of the People's Republic of China on Radio and Television" will also become another important bill in the film and television industry following the "Law of the People's Republic of China on the Promotion of the Film Industry" officially implemented on March 1, 2017.

And what can the upcoming "Radio and Television Law" bring us? Perhaps the "Film Industry Promotion Law" can answer us.

With the vigorous development of China's society and economy, the people's living standards continue to improve, and the demand for spiritual culture is also increasing. Since the start of market-oriented reforms in the film industry in 2003, it has entered the fast lane of development. From 2003 when legislation was initiated to 2016 when the law was promulgated, Chinese film screens grew from less than 2,000 yuan to more than 41,000 yuan. The number of movie viewers continues to soar, the annual box office numbers continue to break new ceilings, and the movie has also completed the perfect turn from the early missionary approach to the commodity.

However, in contrast, the soundness of laws and regulations in the film industry has been lagging behind the development speed of the film itself. Although the industry has been calling for legislation over the years, it is still slightly weaker than other industries. The long-term lack of legal restrictions and the highly commercialized development trend of led to an increasingly mixed film market in the years before the legislation, which gave birth to many industry chaos . After more than 30 years of long legislative process, the "Film Industry Promotion Law" was finally passed by the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress on November 7, 2016, and it was officially implemented in 2017.

The "Film Industry Promotion Law" has made corresponding clear regulations on all aspects of the film industry such as creation and production, distribution and screening, industry support guarantees, and legal responsibilities. At the same time, it has also imposed strict regulations on the corresponding violations of laws and regulations in the market. Blow. After the implementation of the law, the film authorities imposed severe penalties on unfair market competition such as "leaking and concealing the box office" and "box office flooding". Judging from the current situation in the film market, it has indeed been greatly improved.

Nowadays, broadcast and television media have also come to such a point in time. In the past, most radio and television media were established and developed under the control of higher-level departments. With the development of the Internet and the emergence of new media forms, the original market rules have also changed. Under the general development direction of financial media, speeding up the legislative process of the "Radio and Television Law" is the general trend.

The future "Broadcasting and Television Law" will also play the same role as the "Film Industry Promotion Law". Legal restrictions on all aspects of the radio and television industry, such as the "reward limit order" and "anti-water injection" regulations and initiatives issued by the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television since last year, are also likely to be officially included in the "Radio and Television Law" as legal provisions Promote the standardization of the entire industry.

However, it is worth noting that based on the current status of the film and television industry, although the "Film Industry Promotion Law" and the upcomingThe coming "Broadcasting and Television Law" has largely made up for the gaps in the industry, but still has many unspecified problems . For example, the inconclusive film classification system, the supervision of the spread of piracy in the film and television industry, the supervision of emerging film and television works such as online dramas and online movies, and even the copyright supervision that still plagues many creators, all need to be further improved .

If the "Film Industry Promotion Law" is regarded as the beginning, then the "Broadcasting and Television Law" is a solid second step taken by the Chinese film and television industry to promote the institutionalization process. With the continuous improvement of relevant legal provisions and the improvement of the management model of higher-level departments, various industrial links and various product types will be classified and regulated, and the industry ecology will be improved from the root. Then the film and television industry practitioners will also have a healthier Creative environment.

This will also become a new starting point for the film and television industry.