Ten domestic low-scoring TV series, there is no worst but worse, the top of the list is a new height

In recent years, with the endless emergence of domestic TV dramas, many conscience dramas have emerged, such as "All Very Good", "Chen Qing Ling", "Small Huan Xi", etc., which not only saved the audience from the trouble of drama famine, but also demonstrated the national culture. Soft power. But conscience dramas are always one of the few. On the contrary, some low-scoring dramas sprung up like mushrooms, which is intolerable. There are even some TV dramas that are very ruinous. Let’s take a look today. The lowest scores on Douban Of the ten bad dramas, Lu Han is on the list two strong, there is no worst, only worse!

1, "Mother's Way"

Douban: 2.5

Starring: Yue Lina / Yu Yi / Zhang Shaohua and others

Plot Comment: The plot, starring and values ​​of this drama, none of them are desirable. Moreover, the three views of this play are simply poisonous. It is a treasure to inherit boys from one generation to another, and it is ironic that girls who are treated as grass and must devote their lives for their husbands and even their children. The whole play does not criticize this kind of thinking, only sings praises. The brain is insulting the audience's IQ and poisoning the audience's eyeballs. In addition, this time the director is really fat and water does not flow outsiders' fields, and the heroine is really hard to say. ps: The trial went through smoothly, and it was still on the star drama.

2, "Sweet Crit"

Douban: 2.6

Starring: Lu Han/ Guan Xiaotong/ Pei Zitian and others

Plot review: To be honest, Lu Han is not completely without acting skills. He has made breakthroughs in "I am a Witness" and Yang Mi , It is commendable. But the tone, the character, and the editing in the play are simply the "magic drama" of 2018. I was still teaching and chasing up the problem when I was in college. The private three-in-one institute also allowed transfers. The male protagonist’s mouth came with foul-smelling chicken soup from time to time. The Abao color filter made me a headache, and it was really dull. It is estimated that the director thinks that the audience is too stupid now, so as long as it is an individual can make a drama, it can be broadcasted as a drama, so that the quality of the drama of the online drama is still full of long talk, which is really enough.

3, "Late Night Canteen"

Douban: 2.8

Starring: Huang Lei / Zhao Youting / Zhang Junning

Plot review: I watched the two episodes seriously, it was really bad. Regarding pretentiousness as affection and mental retardation as innocence, the most damning is that the editor and director think from the bottom of his heart that what they present is exactly what the audience needs. This is the ultimate insult to the audience. The whole show is full of blunt advertisements, blunt plot turns, blunt izakaya reproductions, and even the lines of cooking. Which small Chinese restaurant owner has you ever seen call cooking as cooking? The original version is a unit drama, one episode and one story. The domestic version of Lorry Bark will not see the plot unfolding after the episode, and I don't know how much water I plan to inject. In short, it is the best choice to leave it far, and a lot of actors are wasted.

4, "Beautiful Li Huizhen"

Douban: 2.9

Starring: Di Lieba / Sheng Yilun / Li Xirui and others

Plot review: Read the news that Di Lieba won with the heroine "Li Huizhen" in this drama After looking behind, I couldn't wait to make up for the whole night, and then went to see the other shortlisted dramas. I was angry with my heart, and I always suspected that it could defeat the other dramas? Regardless of the original version, the hostess is just ugly, but she has been cast as a mentally retarded, and her forehead tattoo is daunting. All in all, it is really shameful. I have once again refreshed the lower limit of my understanding of bad dramas. If the weather vane in the field of Chinese TV dramas is to bow to capital and traffic, I just want to say that domestic dramas deserve to be looked down upon.

5, "Lonely Fang Doesn't Appreciate"

Douban: 3.0

Starring: Zhong Hanliang / Yang Ying / Gan Tingting

Plot Comment: I always feel that I have been very resistant to domestic dramas, and I have very low expectations, and the result is finally The finished product can still be so "surprise", which is really unexpected. Although I haven't read the original work, I don't know if the author is an adaptation of the pot, but there is no doubt about the plot idiot. Baby's eyes fell off his eyes during the whole performance. Zhong Hanliang wanted to say he was dedicated, so I don't know what to say about "malfeasance". A drama that has no plot, no acting skills, no details, or even special effects is not worthy of nothing, it is kind to live up to the stars. It is a pity that Zhong Hanliang, following Lao Du in one hundred good roles, was almost defeated by his own character.

6, "The Romance of the Gods"

Douban: 3.3

Starring: Luo Jin / Wang Likun / Deng Lun and others

plot comment:The adaptation is not random, the joking is not nonsense, it embodies a new level of ancient costume romance drama, except for borrowing the name of the Fengshen Kingdom, it has nothing to do with the Fengshen Kingdom. The plot of the whole drama is procrastinated, redundant, young and not as big as a net. At the same time, apart from the "Fox Demon" played by Deng Lun, the other actors are completely embarrassing in their acting skills. Also, the special effects in the play seem to be insincere. The plot is filled with serious water. In 2019, still playing such bad routines is simply insulting the audience's IQ and poisoning the audience's eyeballs.

7, "The Negotiator"

Douban: 3.4

Starring: Yang Mi/Huang Zitao/Guo Pinchao and others The drama is full of embarrassment, I can't swallow it, to be honest, I don't want to give it a star. Aside from the male protagonist’s stiff face, the acting skills are nowhere to be found. Every scene seems to say "I am the most handsome" to the camera, and the level of greasiness is comparable to that of Huang Jiaozhu. And the heroine, our big power, debuted for many years, countless works, but one is worse than the other, the former traffic queen has now become the king of bad movies, it is embarrassing! As an actor, don't you feel ashamed if you don't have a few shots?

8, "Take Dad to Study Abroad"

Douban: 3.6

Starring: Sun Honglei / Xin Zhilei / Zeng Shunxi and others

Plot comment: This drama basically accumulates many problems in one piece, but it is not very good, the whole piece Most of the drama feels ridiculous and a bit wrong, but every problem can be justified in reality. There are such people who have such things, and they are all tired together and a little too much. Taking screenshots and asking students studying in XJTLU if it’s their school, the cost is still very economical. Also, there are really a lot of ads that are hard-wired into the whole show, which can be said to be commercial TV shows. It wasted in vain to perform talented actors like Sun Honglei and Xin Zhilei.

9, "Towards the gunfire"

Douban: 4.0

Starring: Wu Qilong / Gan Tingting / Wang Xin and others

Plot comment: "Thunder hidden in the crotch", "Tear the ghost", "Grenade bombing plane" everything is too tired, body Wearing a leather jacket with overalls and hairspray is the unique style of anti-Japanese films in the new era. Especially when he jumped down from the mountain, riding a side tricycle, and riding Gatling, eliminated a regiment of enemies. At one time I thought this was a classic Hong Kong movie, but as everyone knows, this is actually a domestically enduring idol anti-Japanese movie. In addition, in addition to the protagonist who is immortal, all those who shouldn't die are dead, and they are all inexplicably dead, which completely insults the audience's IQ. Such a plot can also shoot 44 episodes. Whoever refuses to accept the screenwriter's strength.

10, "Fighter of the Destiny"

Douban: 4.2

Starring: Lu Han / Gu Li Nazha / Wu Qian and others

plot comment: watching a dozen minutes can not bear to turn off, watching such a drama is a waste of life! What Chen Changsheng first encountered in Beijing was not Tang Thirty-Six, but Luo Luo. Luo Luo changed from a ten-year-old Lolita to a big sister in her 20s, but the special effects of fifty cents on this kind of fantasy film dare to fantasize. To promote? And I can’t see the first episode. Aside from the necessary background introduction, it was Chen Changsheng who came to Beijing as a real man? How much I want to sell Hanhan's face. All in all, the whole drama is a bit interesting except for the first half of the young people's upgrades. The more you get to the back, the more you have the idea of ​​abandonment, until the end is really abandoned for one episode!

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