It was exposed that Big S was close to collapse! The daughter "centrifuged" and drove away Gu Junye in the middle of the night, and the big S lost completely

Taiwanese media exposed Dagua again, this time, Das completely lost. During

's quarrel with Wang Xiaofei, big s was poked at the pain point by her ex-husband. Not only did she lose face, she was also exposed by the Taiwan media for losing several endorsements in a row, which was a huge loss. The loss in

's career is just one of them. The most important thing is that the "good mother" persona that Das has maintained for many years has also collapsed.

Previously, a parent of a classmate who claimed to be at the school where Big S’s daughter was at broke the news that Big S and her daughter were not close and rarely picked up their children from school, and bluntly said that “she only loves children superficially, but actually loves herself.”

It is reported that when Big S and Wang Xiaofei divorced, they had communicated with the school where the child was, hoping that the school and the parents would not affect the child because of their divorce.

And the school and the parents are also very cooperative, taking care of Da S's daughter everywhere, for fear that she will be affected by the divorce of her parents.

But what is unexpected is that outsiders know how to protect the children, but the eldest s let Gu Junye live in the house shortly after the divorce, and showed all kinds of high-profile affection, without scruples about the children's feelings.

At that time, some media broke the news that facing the "bald grandpa" who lived in the house, the two children of Big S were very conflicted and did not get along well, and Ju Junye didn't like Big S's children either.

Recently, another Taiwan media exposed a big melon, saying that the daughter of big s drove Ju Junye out of the house in the middle of the night, and this is not the first time the two have clashed.

is her newlywed husband on the one hand, and her biological daughter on the other. Faced with the disharmony between the two, Big S is in a dilemma.

Not only that, Taiwanese media also revealed that during this period of time, Big S has faced a lot of pressure, her personality has collapsed, her reputation has collapsed, her career has been hindered, her daughter and Gu Junye have difficulty getting along, and various incidents have brought her close to collapse.

In addition, some netizens broke the news that the "cleaning" of Gu Junye by the big s was not smooth.

Previously, it was reported on the Internet that Gu Junye has a lot of family property, lives in the same community as Song Hye Kyo and other big stars, has worn famous watches 20 years ago, and drove 20 million sports cars and so on.

However, according to the analysis of netizens, this type of rumors are all "whitewashing routines" by the big s for Gu Junye, and netizens not only don't believe it, but even sneer at the two of them.

After all, if Gu Junye really has such a rich net worth, why does Wang Xiaofei have to pay the electricity bill, and even the shoes are swiped with Wang Xiaofei's card, causing the big s' "decent" personality to collapse and become a joke?

Therefore, there are only two reasons that can explain Ju Junye’s behavior:

One, he is really rich, but he just doesn’t spend it on Big S, he is willing to spend money on himself, but he is not willing to spend more on Big S one cent.

Second, it is rumored on the Internet that his rich net worth may be an act of big s to "wash white" for Ju Junye, while Ju Junye, as analyzed by netizens, is "poor and picky" and "married to his ex-husband's card".

But no matter what the reason is, Big S will be ridiculed by netizens, and she will lose.

Now, Taiwanese media broke out that Big S's daughter kicked Big S's current husband out of the house. It seems that Big S's daughter is also extremely disappointed in this mother, and she doesn't even bother to pretend.

's personality has collapsed, his reputation has collapsed, his current husband is ridiculed by netizens, and even his biological daughter is not on his side. It seems that this time, Big S has completely lost.

In fact, the ending of Big S was already doomed from the moment she sued Wang Xiaofei.

If she hadn't sued Wang Xiaofei, she could have continued to enjoy the financial "care" of her ex-husband, swiping her ex-husband's card while showing affection to her current husband.

will not push Wang Xiaofei into a hurry, and Wang Xiaofei will not publicly break the news and ridicule big s. Her "decent" persona will not collapse, and her "independent woman" persona will not collapse, and she will still occupy the advantage of public opinion.

But the big s is too greedy, she could have money to spend while lying at home, but she wants more, even the Internet celebrity Poppy also analyzed that the big s sued Wang Xiaofei, in fact, she wanted to get his hotel in Taiwan province and real estate.

I just didn't expect that the big s would lose money by stealing chickens, not only in Wang Xiaofei and Zhang Lan, but also in various revelations from netizens and the media.The collapse became the object of ridicule by everyone, and because of this it implicated Gu Junye, which made his reputation that was not very high even worse. Now even his daughter is "centrifuged" with her, it can be said that he has lost miserably.

But there are so many "ifs" in the world, the ending of the big s is already doomed, and it is difficult to recover the collapsed word of mouth in a short time. It is not an exaggeration to say that she is "a street mouse that everyone shouts and beats".

After all, Xiang Tai, who had always had a good reputation before, was complained by netizens because of being questioned about "speaking for the big s", and her reputation almost collapsed.

The family relationship is not handled well, and the career and popularity are seriously hindered. Today's big s can be said to be "internal and external troubles", the future is worrying, it will be strange if it does not collapse!