Taiwan's new crown epidemic is severe, the Kuomintang chairman election is suspended

(Observer Network News) According to Taiwan media " United News Network " reported on May 27 that the local epidemic situation of new crown pneumonia in Taiwan is severe. After the regional epidemic alert is lowered to level two, regular meetings will be held to discuss arrangements for form collection, registration and elections. Chairman of the Kuomintang Jiang Qichen expressed the hope that the election of party positions will be completed smoothly after the epidemic situation stabilizes.

reported that the KMT Central Committee’s proposal to postpone the election of the party chairman was mainly due to the severity of the epidemic. He was afraid that holding the election at this time would increase the risk of cluster infection. Moreover, holding the election at the moment of the epidemic may not be perceived well by the society and fall into the pretext of the DPP. Li Qianlong, secretary-general of the Kuomintang, originally insisted on collecting forms and registration was still held in early June, and changed to online registration. The election will depend on the development of the epidemic. Later, after communicating with the Standing Committee of the Central Committee, he decided to postpone it.

KMT chairman Jiang Qichen (data map) photo from Taiwan media

According to Taiwan media "United News Network", Taiwan's "Central Epidemic Command Center" announced on the 26th that there were 304 new confirmed cases of new coronary pneumonia in Taiwan, 302 local cases respectively and 2 imported cases from abroad; another 331 "corrected return" local cases, a total of 635 cases. In addition, 11 new deaths were reported.

The so-called "correction return" is a new term created by Chen Shizhong, Taiwan's "commander of the epidemic command center". "Because there was a time difference in the notification and the case sequence was chaotic, we checked overnight, cleared the blocked cases, and returned to the cases of last week according to the date of onset and test date."