Dai Shengyi relied on his mother-in-law when he was desperate to start a business, and Wang Pin had "three wows" for his success

October revenue was NT$1.44 billion, business groups on both sides of the Taiwan Strait were attacking together, chain restaurant Wangpin Group October revenue hit a new high for the same period. Wang Pin is far from the trough of the epidemic a few months ago, which also indicates that consumption on both sides of the strait has recovered synchronously and strongly.

Founded in 1993, Wang Pin has accumulated a history of 27 years. It is the number one catering group in Taiwan, with more than 21 million visitors every year. Converting to the population of Taiwan, almost everyone is its customer. There is no secret to the success of Wang Pin. The founder Dai Shengyi said that he relied on "Wow! Wow! Wow!" to succeed.



王品,今年第三季合并营收新台币44.6亿元,创下6年新高,也改写了近七年同期Record. In the third single season alone, it won the first half of the year and turned losses into profits.

Such an impressive performance has benefited from the strong recovery of catering in mainland China and Taiwan. In particular, the National Day and Mid-Autumn Festival holidays in October in mainland China have driven the catering market to flourish. Only Wang Pin Group’s business entity in the mainland had a monthly revenue of NT$510 million in October, an increase of 8.79% year-on-year.

By the way, the "Wang Pin Crazy Gourmet" app has been revised and launched in February this year. After just 269 days, it broke through the million member mark on October 26. By the end of October, the number of members had reached more than 1.01 million. The average daily increase is more than 3,700 people.

Wang Pin Group claims that it hopes to turn it into Taiwan's largest catering membership platform and create a "Wang Pin Ecosystem", including food, clothing, housing, transportation, retail and other livelihood projects, so that consumers can "satisfy with one click".

Chen Zhenghui, Chairman of Wang Pin Catering Group

Dai Shengyi, the founder of Wang Pin Group, implemented the professional manager system earlier. The current chairman of Wang Pin Catering Group is Chen Zhenghui; The salary of employees was raised, and it was NT$6,000 higher than the statutory basic salary. This is also the first catering enterprise group in Taiwan to increase salary since the outbreak.

Wang Pin, founded in 1993, focuses on the catering industry. Currently, it implements a multi-brand management strategy and has successfully established more than 20 catering brands on both sides of the Taiwan Strait. The number of global stores includes more than 400 in Singapore and the United States.

only entertain the most important people in my heart! Wangpin is popular in major cities on both sides of the strait with its characteristic Formosa steak of "one cow is only for six guests".

Dining is the projection of culture. For a long time, Wang Pin has been creating new brands and expanding the consumer market with diverse needs. In 2015, Wang Pin began to enter Chinese fast food, and represented Singapore PUTIEN Putian , self-created brand Goose Lady, etc.

Dai Shengyi, founder of Wang Pin Group (front row, middle)

No one’s success is achieved by stepping on thorns and thorns. In Taiwan, he is a model of entrepreneurship in the minds of Taiwanese office workers, and his influence exceeds Taiwan Wang Yongqing, Hon Hai, Guo Taiming.

Dare to fight! Can earn! love to play! Dai Shengyi believes that such a life is richcolorful.

started from scratch and established a catering empire. Like many entrepreneurs, Dai Shengyi relied on his courage and unremitting enthusiasm to make his dreams shine. Many people will ask, what is his unique success? Establishing a place in the catering market, Dai Shengyi once shared his secret of success - "three wow dishes" to win the hearts of customers.

In the past, some employees rode bicycles around the island for 10 days. Dai Shengyi also felt very good, and often used bicycles to keep fit. He said: "Life cannot be repeated!" It is worth trying various things. Dai Shengyi withdrew from the daily operation of Wang Pin Group in September 2018. After retirement, in addition to devoting himself to public welfare, he also imparted experience everywhere without reservation, pouring out Wang Pin's many years of successful practice.

Talking about Wang Pin's management philosophy, Dai Shengyi revealed his successful "three wow dishes". He said: The first "wow" is that the dishes should be good-looking; the second "wow" is that the dishes should be delicious. The dishes are good-looking and delicious, so that customers will feel "wow! Wow!", like a feeling of falling in love. He said that the third "wow" is that when you see the price, you will think how cheap it is, and you don't need to drink alcohol with the food, so you don't have to worry about the risk of drinking and driving after the meal.



戴胜益,生于1953年,台湾台中清水人。 When he was very young, his father, Dai Fang, went far away and never heard from him. His mother, Huang Shui, was the only one left to support the family of seven people. The meager income from making clothes for others was used to supplement the family income. Naturally, they lived in poverty.

To the surprise of the whole family, his father Dai Fang came back ten years later and founded a "Sansheng Hat Industry", which was the largest OEM factory of the hat industry in Taiwan at that time. The situation of Dai Shengyi's family has also changed drastically, and the "poor boy" has become the "rich second generation".

After graduating from the Chinese Department of National Taiwan University, Dai Shengyi returned to the family business and worked with his father Dai Fang for more than 10 years. At that time, Dai Shengyi not only had a separate office, but also had a full-time driver. He had many brothers and sisters, and he was not interested in his father's business, so he decided to start a business alone, and resolutely left Sansheng Hats, which had more than 500 employees at that time. What he never expected was that starting a business The road turned out to be so bumpy and bumpy, it was simply a "near death". Before

founded Wang Pin Steak, he opened four amusement parks including "ㄅㄅ Paradise", also opened the Taiwan Guinness Museum of World Records, once worked as a national steakhouse, and also set up "Yipin Meat Dumpling" and Outer Mongolia Roast Quanyang Restaurant, etc., a total of 9 projects, except for some that ended in small profits, most of them lost money. The highest personal debt was as high as NT$160 million. Until the tenth time to start a business, Wangpin was founded in 1993, and it was also a "near death".

Dai Shengyi, Liu Caiqing and his wife had no choice but to rely on their mother-in-law.

It is said that in the past, Taiwanese who were burdened with debts were most afraid of "3:30 am". Banks close at 3:30 pm. Bounced". Dai Shengyi, who is burdened with huge debts of hundreds of millions of yuan, often suffers from the "3:30" cut. Fortunately, he has a good mother-in-law, and there is no unparalleled road to overcome the difficulties.

Dai Shengyi's wife Liu Caiqing has three brothers. Short of money and desperate, Dai Shengyi had no choice but to find a solution to his mother-in-law. At that time, my mother-in-law's family had a piece of land in the Nantou mountain area to grow jade purses, and they could borrow 9 million yuan, but they had been distributed to Dai Shengyi's three wives and uncles. The mother-in-law secretly lent the title deed toSon-in-law, in less than two weeks, Dai Shengyi also used up the money, so he had to bite the bullet and come to the door again. Later, his mother-in-law also gave him 6 million yuan of private money. At that time, including father-in-law, his wife Liu Caiqing and her three brothers, none of them knew about it.

Mother-in-law's money has been taken away, what should Dai Shengyi do? Later, he borrowed another 10 million yuan by "starting a meeting". Dai Shengyi said that he has always been grateful for his mother-in-law's "righteous act".

Dai Shengyi once jokingly recalled the past and said: There are two kinds of entrepreneurship, one is rich and the other is not rich; it is okay to have no money, but there is one thing, that is, a person should feel trustworthy and have principles in doing things Only in this way can people be willing to bet all their property, private money and even future happiness.

Dai Shengyi’s eldest son, Dai Dongjie, and his wife, Zhuang Zhengjun

The sudden outbreak of the new crown virus this year has impacted the tourism industry, and many restaurants in Taipei are in dire straits. However, Dai Shengyi's eldest son, Dai Dongjie, has bucked the trend. His newly opened "CHECK Inn" No. 2 is expected to be put into operation later this month.

Others are trembling like a "cold bird", how dare he enter the market in a crisis? Like a father, like a son, what others abandon, Dai Dongjie has the style of being a father. He said that he is optimistic about the future of Taipei's tourism industry. In addition, after the baptism of the epidemic, the rent is so low that it is exciting, so he decided to sell.

December 10, 2018 is the 65th birthday of the founder of Wang Pin Dai Shengyi. He announced his retirement and handed over the post to Chen Zhenghui as the chairman of Wang Pin Group. Previously in 2015, he stated that he would retire early, and said that Wang Pin is his own child, and he would never do anything to harm the child. Now that he has retired, he will retire completely and let the existing management team bear it.

Regarding the handover, Dai Shengyi wanted to set an example for corporate governance. He said: “If you don’t retire when you reach the age, you still don’t want to leave. Hand over.

Different from other family businesses, except for equity inheritance, Dai Shengyi has no intention of handing over Wang Pin to the second generation to take care of it. There is a "non-relative clause" within the Wang Pin Group, which prohibits managers above the third rank from appointing relatives within the fourth degree.

's only son, Dai Dongjie, graduated from Perth University in New York with a major in information management, and had to start a business alone with his wife, Zhuang Zhengjun. In 2014 they opened a stylish hotel, and later, "CHECK Inn" restaurant chain operation. Very early on, Dai Dongjie was told by his father that he had no chance to work for Wang Pin.

Dai Shengyi, Liu Caiqing and his wife have a pair of children. Rarely, both sons and daughters are sent to study in the countryside. Dai Shengyi believes that they should not be given a sense of superiority. Dai Shengyi has a philosophy: If you want a sense of mission for the next generation, please give it a sense of urgency and hunger first!

Yipin Bookstore founded by Dai Shengyi (middle)

"One mind can't do two things". The reason why Dai Shengyi retired early is to do public welfare. He founded Yipin Bookstore, selected classic food books at home and abroad to hold tour book fairs in major campuses and communities , the purpose is to make more people interested in working in the catering industry.

In his view, the catering industry is an entrepreneurial project with a low capital threshold. When he founded Wangpin Steakhouse, he started with only NT$2.5 million, and now it is a listed company with a scale of tens of billions. He also said that he will hold Yipin Bookstore touring exhibitions, and also hopes to cultivate the next catering founder through reading.

As for individuals, Dai Shengyi has his own concept of "happy retirement life". He said that there are "three stages of 20, 40, and 60" in a person's life. At the age of 20, he worked hard, at the age of 40, he worked hard to start a business, and at the age of 60, he pursued value.Let the "second half" of your life be more exciting than the "first half".

Dai Shengyi said: Remember a sentence: "Success is not the first to start, but the last to fall!" happiness.

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