What is the purpose of Wang Quan's return in "The Wind Blows Pinellia"?

Wind Blows Banxia Overall Rating 2022 /

Banxia's ex-husband Wang Quan came back to take revenge on Xu Banxia . Wang Quan belonged to the cheating party in the marriage. When Banxia found out that he was with a woman at home, she couldn't calm down. She felt that Wang Quan was sorry for her, and the two started fighting one after another. They fought almost every day. The neighbors in the corridor They were all watching jokes, and Wang Quan even fought against Banxia, ​​showing no mercy at all. Tong Xiaoqi, who had just sent Banxia back, heard the noise downstairs and rushed to save her. The two fought hard, Wang Quan put Tong Xiaoqi on the ground, and in desperation, Ban Xia threw a wine bottle at Wang Quan's head, and Tong Xiaoqi took the opportunity to kick Wang Quan's vitals.

This kick also made Tong Xiaoqi pay the price, staying in prison for a while. It also changed Wang Quan's life from then on. After that kick, Wang Quan couldn't hold his urine anymore. He held a grudge in his heart, the purpose of his coming back was to take revenge on Xu Banxia, ​​he saw her happiness, and when he saw her happiness, he was not calm and felt uncomfortable.