I also said regret, where is the confidence of the Golden Horse Award? Three sorry, one sentence "I was wrong", it is time to pay it back

The status quo of the Golden Horse Awards is obvious to all. There is no money, nothing, and no one. However, despite the advice of others to "suspend this year's Golden Horse Awards and change it to the Asian Film Festival", continue to organize the film festival in a high-profile manner, and even say " regrets , The mainland filmmakers did not come, it was their loss." As a result, they repeatedly got themselves into an awkward situation. At the beginning, the main sponsors withdrew and cancelled the cooperation. Later, the Golden Horse Executive Committee introduced a large number of foreign films and invited foreign filmmakers to participate in the Golden Horse. The film festival's works were filled, and then met with the resignation request of the chairman of the jury, Du Qifeng, and then went to the sponsor "Maserati" to divest for the second time. He obviously has no strength, but he has to pretend to be very majestic. I really don’t know the confidence of at the Golden Horse Awards Who gave it to .

On August 7, the National Film Administration announced that it would suspend mainland films and personnel from participating in the 56th Golden Horse Film Festival. As soon as the news of

came out, many Chinese-speaking filmmakers responded positively to the Golden Horse Awards, saying they would not participate, and no one to participate means that the market has lost value. The main sponsors of the Golden Horse Awards, "Maserati" and " "Evergreen Airlines" and "Bvlgari" also successively withdrew their funds and canceled their cooperation with .

In mid-October, the two major brands "Maserati" and "EVA Air" , which previously announced that they would not sponsor the Golden Horse Awards, suddenly appeared on the list of the main sponsors of the Golden Horse Awards, "Eva Air" It is a local brand in Taiwan and its main market is in Taiwan. From a commercial point of view, it is reasonable to return to sponsorship, but "Maserati" is willing to bear the risk of losing 40% of the mainland market and insists on sponsoring. This move has been heatedly discussed.

On October 23, Maserati officially issued a statement , in response to some recent media reports "Maserati re-sponsoring the Golden Horse Awards", and announced the decision to terminate again and the Golden Horse Award cooperation .

learned from the statement that Maserati’s return to the Golden Horse Awards was a stubborn behavior of the local dealers and did not represent the official position. Maserati Taiwan’s general agent Montena President is about the official termination of the cooperation with the Golden Horse Awards The decision deeply regrets . He said that at the 55th Golden Horse Film Festival, Maserati not only provided the chairman of the executive committee Li Ang to board, but also picked up the Golden Horse Award VIPs on the Avenue of Stars on the day of the awards ceremony, which is in terms of brand influence. It has received a lot of publicity, but this year it will miss the opportunity.

Golden Horse Executive Committee CEO Wen Tianxiang, in response to Maserati’s official document, also expressed his own views, saying that he has learned about this and is negotiating with the partners to adjust the operation mode, and the ongoing cooperation will continue to be implemented. The Golden Horse Awards will not embarrass anyone .

regret? The three I'm sorry and the sentence "I was wrong" owed by the Golden Horse Awards have not been paid yet, which is really regrettable.

regret? Is the Golden Horse Award just regretful? Isn’t there a little bit of guilt and self-blame, who ruined the great prospects of the Golden Horse Awards, but now abandons the word "regret" 2, don't you think it is ridiculous? The creator of

Fu Yu, you owe "I was wrong" to all Chinese across the Taiwan Strait.

At the 55th Golden Horse Awards Ceremony, Taiwanese female director Fu Yu, taking advantage of the opportunity to express her acceptance speech on stage, chewed his tongue , let The originally harmonious and stable scene exploded in an instant, and finally ended in an unhappy ending, creating the recent situation of the Golden Horse Awards.

Fu Yu’s behavior was condemned and despised by many Chinese on both sides of the strait, including many Taiwanese celebrities who also bluntly said " a rat shit broke a pot of porridge ". However, the parties concerned did not take it seriously, and continued to fight without remorse. To make money under the banner of "Golden Horse Award Best Documentary", and to attribute all responsibility to the mainland.

The Golden Horse Award was once the pursuit of countless Chinese filmmakers, and it is also the focus of common concern for Chinese on both sides of the strait. Everyone here exchanges film cultures on both sides of the strait and learns from each other’s strengths to help Chinese-language films. But now, because of Fu Yu’s remarks Isn’t she supposed to say “, I’m wrong ” to all Chinese in Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Hong Kong? The judging mechanism of

is like a decoration. The Golden Horse Award owes a "sorry" to the Chinese filmmakers. The reason why the Golden Horse Award can beEveryone is praised as the "Chinese Oscar Award" because the main reason is that it has a complete selection mechanism that allows the entries to be treated fairly and equitably. Therefore, Chinese filmmakers from both sides of the strait and three places like to participate in the Golden Horse Awards, but the 55th Golden Horse Awards There was a problem with the selection. Tang Xianglong, a famous Taiwanese mouthpiece, revealed on the program that last year’s judging was very careless. There were more than 600 documentaries that participated in . Two or three people from quickly finished watching and decided on the spot. List of qualifiers.

More than 600 works, two or three people have watched it, and there is no need to discuss and exchange. Such a judging mechanism is like a display, which creates opportunities for people with ulterior motives and makes all Chinese-speaking filmmakers lose an excellent platform to exchange film culture. , The Golden Horse Award owes them a "sorry" .

Sincerely in exchange for humiliation, the Golden Horse Award owes Ang Lee a "sorry".

Internationally renowned director Ang Lee was invited by Zhang Aijia last year to serve as the chairman of the 55th Golden Horse Executive Committee. Just after he took office, Ang Lee used all of his own. He invited most of the big names in the Chinese-speaking entertainment industry, and also invited Gong Li to serve as the chairman of the jury for the Golden Horse Awards, regaining justice for the Golden Horse Awards.

​​65-year-old Li Ang burned his old face and made the Golden Horse Awards star shining, but because of Fu Yu’s bad remarks, all his efforts were put to nothing, and he was truly humiliated. Li Ang became the most embarrassing chairman of the Golden Horse Executive Committee in the history of the Golden Horse Awards. The award owes him a "sorry" .

is just refilling the number, the Golden Horse Awards owes the audience a "I'm sorry"

With the withdrawal of Chinese-speaking filmmakers from the Mainland, Taiwan, and Hong Kong, the number of filmmakers participating in the Golden Horse Film Festival this year is very small, and most of the entries are not up to the level. Reining from the cliff, the 56th Golden Horse Film Festival was changed to the Asian Film Festival, a large number of Malaysian films were also introduced, and foreign filmmakers were invited to participate in the Golden Horse Film Festival in an attempt to save this embarrassing scene.

The Golden Horse Awards have forgotten the original intention of establishing the platform. They do not admit their mistakes or reflect on it, and insist on "going to the dark". Even if the 56th Golden Horse Awards are successfully held, there is a lack of outstanding filmmakers to participate, and there are no good works to show, how many audiences will they get Of recognition?

Regret, I believe that the Golden Horse Awards should not only express "regret" , but more should be apologies to countless Chinese across the Taiwan Strait, and .