This comedy was imitated by countless latecomers. Many people smiled and peeed after watching it.

As the hometown of the master of drama, Shakespeare, the UK has a very profound cultural heritage of drama. Therefore, most of the film and television works produced in the UK are of high quality.

What I want to introduce to you today is exactly such a British-style black humorous film "Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels", the Chinese film is called "Two Smoking Barrels".

Not much to say, first put a picture of a male god in the town building.


Fans of Jason will know that Jason is not a professional actor. Before entering the entertainment industry, he was a professional diving athlete.

He was a hawker selling second-hand goods in the first show on the screen of "Two Big Smoke Guns". He surprised the audience when he made his debut. Since then, his career has flourished and he has become a global star today. .

Before participating in this movie, Jason, in addition to being a diver, also set up a stall on the street for a while. Therefore, for him, the role of hawker Becken in the film does not need to be played at all.

​​At that time, in addition to Jason, there were many actors in the film who were temporarily hired by the director. For example, the beater Chris was in the film. Jones was a football player in reality, and he had been beaten because of his bad temper. The brutal history of the police can also be described as the true character in the film.

, together with the director for the first time, this film can be said to be a savage growth work. No one could have expected that it will leave such a strong mark in British film history in the future.

However, real works of art are often unintentionally created by various coincidences. It has never been possible to be produced on an orderly and step-by-step assembly line.


is different from straightforward nonsensical comedies. Black humorous comedies have more subtle and esoteric smiles, but the audience will involuntarily think about the line stalks in the filming process, and will smile after they get the answer.

Of course, any qualified film will explain some truths to people and spread a kind of value, and black humor films always make people feel that the world is absurd, and the things it conveys are sometimes slightly negative.

Take this "Two Big Smoke Guns" as an example. The story in the film starts with the desire of the four protagonists to make a fortune. During the period, they experience all kinds of thrilling and dumb things. In the end, the four people took a lot of work. After that, nothing was gained.

This is actually very much like our life. We don't bring anything when we are born, and we can't take anything with us after death. Everyone, without exception.

However, to borrow a comment from Douban netizens: the difference between doing and not doing lies in the process. The former has a rich process, while the latter does not. So

said, "Although everything is doomed by the sky", "Don't laugh and be busy."


Although the director is a novice, the story of the film is not simple at all.

is divided into five different camps in terms of power alone. In addition to the four protagonists, there are also the protagonist’s creditors, the creditor’s thugs, father and son, who live next door to the protagonist, a local drug gang, and a two-person gangster. small group.

This is a bit like a condensed version of "Water Margin", where all the heroes flow like a stream, and finally converge into a sea. As

mentioned earlier, the four protagonists initially wanted to make a small fortune, and their means of making a fortune was playing cards. The core member of the

foursome, Ed, has a talent that has been envied by countless gamblers, that is, when he is playing cards with others, he can judge the quality of the cards in that person’s hand from the facial expressions of others, so that he can be in the game. Win easily.

However, Harry, who is facing him, has a more rude way of winning. He directly places a camera on the upper part of the playing area. When playing cards, the monitor in front of the camera will use a very secret way to Tell him the number of cards in the opponent's hand. Therefore, in front of him, Ed's little trick was useless.

As expected, the four people who thought they were winning easily lost the 100,000 yuan they had put together. Not only that, they also owed Harry an extra 500,000 euros. All subsequent stories of

revolve around how they made up the half a million.


Because of the fact that there are too many interest camps, the story in the film is intricate, and few people can sort it out all at once.I watched this movie three times, and I dare not say that I understood it completely. The classic

is classic because it never gets tired of it, and every time you can find some details that you missed before, it is memorable.

The one who lives next door to Ed is a gangster. He is planning to take a group of subordinates to rob a drug gang. He doesn’t want their plan to be heard in detail by Ed and his party separated by a wall. The four are in urgent need of money. There is nowhere to find iron shoes", no matter what is illegal or not, anyway, the opposite is not a good person, so grab it first.

So, the drugs and money that the gangster had just gotten into the hands of Eddie's group.

Before Eddie made a big vote, in order to embolden himself, they also brought in two antique guns. It happened that these two guns were closely related to their creditor Harry.

In this way, several groups of people are intertwined back and forth in the movie, meeting around, one wave is not flat, another wave rises, making viewers shout about the impermanence of fate and the strangeness of the world.


is very different from the reputation of this movie. Director Guy Ritchie is not a familiar name to the public, but it doesn’t matter. You just need to know that he later directed the "Big The Detective Sherlock Holmes movie series is enough.

Calculated carefully, "Two Smoking Guns" was a film released at the end of the last century. Today, twenty years later, the entertainment industry has gone through waves and sands, with countless people ups and downs, but director Guy Ritchie is still Among them, maintaining a certain quantity and quality of output, we can not say that his success in the past was entirely due to luck.

Eddie’s starring Nick Moran, looking at the whole movie, he can be said to be the most attractive character in the movie, but his future reputation is much inferior to Jason, and there is very little information about him on the Internet. I only know that he has acted in many movies, but most of them acted as supporting roles.

It's sigh that a good actor is so buried. The scene in the

movie after he lost the card impressed me very deeply. I saw him swaying on the way back, and he was not poured, but he seemed to be a drunk without drinking. It perfectly interprets the tragic image of a person losing out after a desperate bet.

"Two Smoking Guns" ranked 50th among the 250 best-watched movies on Douban, with a Douban score of 9.1.

If you don’t feel satisfied after watching "Two Smoking Guns", you can also watch another black humorous film by the director, "Stealing and Robbery". The cast of this movie has another man of mine. God Brad Pitt, his level of excitement is no less than "Two Smokers".

In addition, there is even a sequel to "Two Smoking Guns". According to the introduction on Douban, the sequel is a seven-episode short play. Although the director has changed, the screenwriter still has Guy Ritchie, and the score is also It's as high as 9.0, because I haven't read it yet, so it's hard to comment.


Speaking of, the first black humorous comedy I came into contact with was still Ning Hao’s work, and coincidentally, "Crazy Stone" directed by Ning Hao is a work heavily influenced by "Big Smoke Gun". The plot design of the film pays tribute to "Big Smoke Gun". However, although "Big Smoke Gun" and "Stone" are both director's famous works, the filming process is also tortuous, but the former is obviously more like a work that can be passed down to later generations than the latter.

In my opinion, we also have a lot of good comedy movies, but most of them are nonsensical comedies. Although there are some black humorous themes like "Big Smoke Gun", the quality is not very high, maybe only a few of Jiang Wen's The movie has a little taste, but the style is also different.

hopes to see one or two domestic films like "Two Boomsticks" in my lifetime. This is a little bit long-cherished wish of my amateur film enthusiast.