The Blade of Ghost Slayer: Isn't it a bit miserable for Yin Zhu to be blind and break his hand? No, his ending is the best

Yinzhu Yujun Tianyuan is a relatively special existence in Jiuzhu. He was born in ninja . In addition, he appeared relatively early and did not have stripes. His strength is the recognized reciprocal of the columns.

But because of his ninja background, makes his anti-toxicity very strong, otherwise he is poisoned by the prostitute Taro, I am afraid it will be difficult to hit the last . After seeing Tanjirou's poisoning, it felt like he was about to suffocate to death immediately.

So Tianyuan still has a lot of things, after such a battle, Tianyuan can be said to be the MVP of Jiji, but he also paid a great price, breaking a hand and blinding an eye.

Someone said, sound column was abused badly, he is a double-knife, wouldn't breaking his hand kill him? no, after seeing the ending of the back column, you will understand how good the ending of the sound column is.

retired to save his life After

​​finished winding sixth, Sound Post retired with his wife and did not participate in the encirclement plan behind the ghost killing team, thus saving his life. In the later period of

, the crocodile had no heart, and directly took a knife and a pillar. The fate of the seven pillars seemed to be free of money. Even the most powerful rock pillars still couldn't escape the fate of being lunched.

and Tian Yuan, who has long since retired, has lived a long-term life. Isn't this directly happy and beautiful? Early retirement can save your life. If the does not retire, the sound column is estimated to have to get a lunch in Infinite City.

After all, he has already lost his eyes and hands, which greatly affects his ability to play , it is better not to participate in the war, so that he can still save his life, so as not to be ruthlessly stabbed by the crocodile.

When you get to the back, you will find that it's okay to be blind and broken. Tanjiro and Chana were also blind in one eye, and Yi Yong also broke his right arm. Disability and other things are basic operations. Losing one's life is the most cruel.

Three wives

​​The most enviable thing about Tian Yuan is that he has three wives, because he is a ninja, , the village package allocates three wives, can this be envied by others?

It's hard for others to marry a wife , Tian Yuan is better, and directly allocate three, is envious of others, and the prostitute Taro feels the most. Although he broke his hand and became blind, his three wives are all well.

and all three of them are dead set on Tianyuan, and they are good-looking, and each of them is the best, has the three of them by their side, what else is Tianyuan not satisfied?

Besides, they had agreed long ago that as long as they beat one of the strings, they would quit the Ghost Killing Team, and then the four of them lived a life without shame, no, they lived happily ever after.

So no matter whether Tian Yuan is blind or not, after he defeats the prostitute Taro, he will choose to retire with his wife. Although Yi Yong survived in the end, can he be as lucky as Tian Yuan?

Yi Yong can only marry one wife, and Tian Yuan has three beauties to accompany him. If you say that Tianyuan ended badly, you probably don't understand Tianyuan's happiness.

can also play the tenth episode of the second season of

, which is directly conferred to God. As far as the special effect of the sound column is concerned, the eldest brother of Yanzhu, who directly crushes the infinite train chapter, is a master of physical arts, and he has this special effect, which is really a card.

He broke his hand at this time, and he was poisoned. After opening the chart, he directly opened up with the prostitute Taro five or five. Do you dare to believe that this is the penultimate strength of Zhu?

has no stripes, and the residual blood and winding are five or five open to , so the sound column can have this card face, the key is that he also forced the prostitute Taro to rush.

This shows that can directly kill prostitute Taro as long as Tianyuan is not poisoned or broken. yes, weTian Yuan's charts are such a craze, the previous beatings were all for the rise of this moment.

So now it's okay for him to abuse him. Blindness and breaking his hand are trivial. As long as Tianyuan's card face is in place, his strength is affirmed, and his life is saved, the rest is nothing, so don't say that the sound column is very miserable, his The ending is the best.

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