The movie "Extreme Master Fu Dao" released family stills on Mother's Day

俳Excellent の Tamaki Hiroshi starring in the movie "Extreme Master Fu Road ザ・シネマ" より, the mother's day にちなみ, the protagonist, the dragon (Tamagi) の wife で sunflower (white bird Yuji) の mother Miku (Kawaguchi Haruna) をクローズThe scene photo of the アップした family's scene has been released された. In the movie "The Cinema" starring

actor Tamaki Hiroshi, on Mother's Day, the close-up family of Miku (Kawaguchi Haruna), the wife of the protagonist Ryu (Tamaki Hiroshi) and the mother of Sunflower (Hakutori Tamaki), was released. stills.

This work is a theatrical version of the original manga of the same name, which has accumulated 5.5 million copies, and will be broadcast in 2020.

The film is adapted from the manga of the same name by Kosuke Ohno, which has sold 5.5 million copies in total.

Count 々の伝説をcrumbly した most fierce の pole "undead body の dragon (Tamagi)" が, foot を wash い selection ん だ road は な ん and the owner husband. Ji Dao Times See 言 言 言 が 抜け ず ず ず ず ず ず ず ず ず ず ず ず グ グ ラ サ ン, ス ー ツ の に キャ キャ キャ ラ ク タ タ プ プ プ れ エプロ エプロ に に け け け け で で で で で で で ど, When に は ご near the place of トラブルに Fen 闘. Tamaki が is full of body, hilarious アクションを even 険で plays "The Strongest Master Husband in History" がになって帰ってくる. "Yuanji Road の 専 Owner's Husband vs イタリア Flavor のマフィア" のバトル, 爱のバトルなども加わり, and まさに書いのTop duel がが opening する.

left behind countless legends about the worst gangster "Undead Aaron (Yamu)", and chose to wash his hands in a golden basin to become a full-time master-husband. The appearance and words and deeds of the underworld era have not been adapted. The scary appearance wears sunglasses, and the apron with the appearance of Shiba Inu is printed on the outside of the suit. The master is very strong, and he is devoted to household chores such as cooking, washing, and cleaning, and sometimes tries to resolve disputes around him. Tamaki Hiroshi devotes himself wholeheartedly, and the "strongest master husband in history" with bursts of hilarious reactions will be made into a movie and return. Adding elements such as the battle of "the professional master of the former underworld vs. the Italian-style mafia" and the battle of love, the hilarious peak decisive battle is about to kick off.

​​This time, the scene photo of the protagonist of the mother's day, the wife of the dragon, the mother of the sunflower, and the family of Miku and the family has been lifted.

This time, on Mother's Day, a still photo of the protagonist, Ryu's wife, Sunflower's mother, Miku and her family was released.

Dragon's wife, Sunflower's mother, Miku, デザイナーとして働くバリバリのキャリアウーマンだが, Shaoしだけ Natural.また, 龍とは対photo's に is very hard.さらに、予告編で張り切ってキャベツをパワフルに切ってはみたものの、出来上がった料理に龍がもん絶する姿が映し出されたように、料理はこれでもかというほどヘタクソ。そのため Family affairs は Dragon に Ren せ き り で , Ya か ら は ポン コ ツ marriage and speech わ れ る the beginning and the end だ. Anima is good at one side, フィギュアなどグッズにもグッズにもがない.

Dragon's wife, Sunflower's mother Mijiu, is a designer, a professional woman who is able to work, but a little natural. Compared with the dragon, it is very loose and not good at cleaning up. Also, in the teaser video, he was cutting cabbage with great energy, but after eating her cooking, Long showed an inexpressible expression, which shows that he is still very bad at cooking. Therefore, the housework was handed over to Long, and Ya even said that she was a useless wife. I like animation, and I have no resistance to opponents and other peripherals.

​​This work is では, 龍に一目ぼれした Tiger Spring (Matsumoto まりか) and Ding 々険のバトルを缲り広げ, 真剣ながらもnatural ぶりを発覗いくいくねねねねその one で, 子 ど も へ の love あ ふ れ る Mi Jiu の posture が ら れ る Story も Expand さ れ る. Who is よりも龍を understands し, core がブレずまっすぐなMiku, しっかり人でどこか大人びているSunflower, そして龍ががぐなららカるなくららカるならららるもちろん, 龍が runaway しそうになると缲り出すラリアットやヘッドロックでの strong ツッコミは, the movie version でもさく動している.

In the movie, Hu Chun (Matsumoto Marika) fell in love with Dragon at first sight, and they often argued endlessly between them, serious and natural, and constantly misunderstood. On the other hand, Miku's love for children will also be shown in the play. He understands the dragon better than anyone else, the unswerving and straightforward Mijiu, the mature, stable and somewhat mature Sunflower, and the way of life of the dragon family make people laugh at the sky and feel a touch of warmth at the same time. Of course, when the dragon is about to go berserk, the classic lasso-style kick and the strong spit of the lock are also reserved in the movie version.

lifted the ban さ れ scene photo に は, ハ リ セ セ り り り り り す す す す す す す す す す す ハム ハム タ タ な な な な な 向 向 ・ ・ ・ が 隠 隠 隠 隠 隠 か か ろ と し し し る る い る い る い る る い る い る い る い る る い る い る い る い る る い る い る る い る る い る る い る る い る い る る い る る る い る い る るIn the stills released by

, Miku, who is waving a paper fan, Miku, Sunflower, Dragon, who is very interested in hamsters, and Miku cover her eyes to protect the sunflower. The

movie "Extreme Master Fu Dao ザ・シネマ" will be released nationwide on June 3rd. The

movie "The Cinema" will be released nationwide on June 3.

This translation is original in Japanese by Hujiang, and reprinting is prohibited without authorization.

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