What is "Weekly Shonen Jump" serializing now? One Piece is still firmly in the first place

" Weekly Shonen Jump" is a manga magazine published by Shueisha, Japan. It is listed as " Japan's three major juvenile manga magazines " alongside " Weekly Shonen Magazine" and " Weekly Shonen Sunday". However, because has the highest circulation, it is generally regarded as a pen.

Although many classic comics have grown up with Chinese comic fans, we still seldom touch the original "Weekly Shonen Jump". What works are it serializing now, do you know?

One Piece (ONE PIECE)

No matter how big One Piece is, it is still the pillar of Weekly Shonen Jump. As the best-selling manga in Japanese history, although it has the advantage of long serialization, its own quality cannot be ignored.

Full-time hunter (HUNTER×HUNTER)

It could have become the No. 1 in Weekly Shonen Jump, because of the well-known reasons of the author Fujian Yoshihide , it has been discontinued since 2006. Some time ago, it seems that there was a "Anniversary Ceremony".

He Ying (servant's のヒーローアカデミア)

well-known feces, not listed.

Black Clover (ブラッククローバー)

Yuji Tian Hao based on the comics serialized in 2015, tells the story of a teenager who has zero magic power but accidentally obtained a black clover magic book and became the "Magic Emperor".

Stone era (Dr. STONE)

Inagaki Riichiro started serialization in 2017. After all the human beings in the world turned into stones, a series of adventure stories happened around the boy Ishigami Qiankong.

The manga that was serialized in March 2018 by

must see the next manga. Due to the well-made animation, the original work has been fed back and has caused a huge response. It can be said to be a phenomenal work this year. .

The Great Battle of Ye Sakura Family (桜さんちの大作戦)

Quan Pingwei's comics serialized in August 2019, telling the story of the protagonist Asano Sun and the daughter of the strongest spy family, Ye Sakura Liumei, a childhood sweetheart story.

Undying and Unlucky (アンデッドアンラック)

Totsuka Keibu Totsuka started serialization in January 2020. It tells about the hero with the "undead" ability and the heroine with the "unlucky (unfortunate)" ability to solve their problems. stories of events.

Physical Magician -MASHLE- (マッシュル -MASHLE-)

A manga that started serialization in January 2020. It tells the story of a boy in the wizarding world who does the opposite and desperately exercises his muscles.

The Magic Trio (あやかしトライアングル)

Yabuki Kentaro 's comics serialized in June 2020, tells the story of what happened between the "Ninja" wind scroll festival and the childhood haunted witch, Hana Bell, and a monster cat, Platinum story.

The God of Destruction Magu Sauce (Destroyer God マグちゃん)

The manga serialized by Jing Uemu in June 2020, this is a work that combines Cthulhu Mythology and funny comics, telling the story of the God of Destruction "Magoo" -Interesting stories that happened around "Menuac".

me and the machine(Servant とロボコ)

Miyazaki Shuhei started serialization in 2020. It tells the ridiculous story of an ordinary person in the fifth grade of elementary school and a maid robot at home in the distant future. Kind of like "Doraemon".

High school student family (high school student family)

Nakama りょう The manga serialized in September 2020 tells the story of the protagonist who is studying in the same high school as his father.

Sakamoto Days (SAKAMOTO DAYS)

Suzuki Yuto's comic series started in November 2020. It tells the funny story of Taro Sakamoto, the strongest killer feared by all villains, after falling in love and becoming an ordinary person.

His Highness who is good at escaping (escape), WITCH WATCH Witch Guardian (ウィッチウォッチ), Box of Youth (アオのハコ), NERU-Martial Arts Road-(NERU-Martial Arts Road-(NERU-Martial Arts Road-), PPPPPP (PPP), Demon Writer (アヤシモン)

These six works are comics that have only been serialized this year, and I don't know what the future development will be like.

This article was first published by "Zhefeng Anime" and cannot be reproduced without permission.