The work "Fire Force" serialized by Atsushi Okubo in September 2015, after nearly 6 and a half years of serialization, finally officially ushered in the final chapter on the 13th issue of Weekly Shonen Magazine released today, although This news has been public for a long time, but the official announcement and the "Ending Ceremony" on the cover of Weekly Shonen still make die-hard fans feel reluctant to part with it.
This work describes a large number of flames spewing out of the world, biological extinction, civilization regress, and human beings have unexplained natural phenomena that lead to chaos. The government with the integration of politics and religion established a number of special fire brigades to jointly maintain the stability of human society. "Flaming Fire Brigade" launched the first season of the animation adaptation in 2019, and the second season will be released the following year. To commemorate the official end of the work, the official also launched several special events to celebrate, including the "Special Fire Brigade Certificate". Peripheral merchandise on sale.