Animated movie "Frog Prince Adventures 2" released three-day countdown poster

1905 Movie Network News The classic parent-child animated film "The Adventures of the Frog Prince 2" is only 3 days away from its national release on November 12! The film was screened nationwide on November 5 and 6, and achieved high results. Most of the parents and friends who watched the video gave good feedback in a timely manner.

In order to build momentum for the official release of the film, on November 9th, the film party released a 3-day countdown to the release poster. The background of the poster is a quiet blue, with a huge golden "3" in the middle of the poster. The pink little glutinous rice dumpling at the top of "3" is the young Van Dika. She climbed so high when she was young. It seems that she has been very courageous since she was a child.

On the left of "3" is the grown-up Van Dika, who has become a famous knight in the forest. Judging by the way she is ready to go, it is estimated that there will be a battle soon. The handsome Prince Sevi leaned on the right side of "3", but his eyes were always paying attention to Van Dika's movements. Obviously, as a friend, he would not let Van Dika fight alone. The Frog Prince is sitting in "3", looking at everyone sincerely with big eyes, looking forward to meeting the fans.