"Black Adam", the role played by Dwayne Johnson, landed in the movie. This movie, in addition to Black Adam, also has members of the Justice Society. Among them, Pierce Brosnan played Dr. Destiny in the play. Sadly, Doctor Fate leaves quickly in this movie. Pierce Brosnan talks about his pain while filming the death scene in "Doctor Fate" and connects his on-screen work with his real-life grief.
brings Doctor Fate to live action for the movie Black Adam. In addition to being a member of the Film Justice Society, Doctor Fate can also be seen as a mentor to Black Adam. Dr. Destiny first appeared as a DC Comics character in 1940, and he was a very smart, very capable wizard who wore the helmet of Destiny, which gave him his powers.
In the first act of Black Adam, Doctor Fate and the Justice Society, get in touch with superhero liaison Amanda Waller, who leads the team to subdue Black Adam and take him into custody. In the film, Doctor Fate plays the elder among the heroes. Brosnan 's silver hair, graceful demeanor and dazzling costume make the character seem authoritative and respectable like a saint, although the actor admits that Doctor Fate's costume is not as glamorous as in the movie.
Talking about the movie "Black Adam," Pierce Brosnan reflects on his role in the death moment of "Black Adam." He shared his perspective as an older actor on this pivotal and moving scene. "There was a deep poignancy," Brosnan said of Dr. Destiny's death, appearing to have drawn on his own personal experience in filming the scene.
In this regard, the actor said: "This scene resonated with me. I watched my friends pass away in front of me, and I was also close to the end of life." In the last moments of Dr. Fate's life, he and Eagleman The encounter, symbolically passed the leadership role of the Justice Society from one character to the other. As Brosnan said, his performance in that scene, in part, came from his real experience of loss, which gave the scene an extrinsic power that is not often seen in movies, let alone In comics movies, in comics movies, death on the screen is commonplace.
Anyway, even if Doctor Fate leaves, at the end of "Black Adam", we can still feel the presence of this character. It is worth mentioning that although Doctor Fate seems to have left in this movie, this may not be the case, Pierce Brosnan was last seen in the DC universe. The director of Black Adam has hinted at turning Doctor Fate into a Obi-Wan Kenobi (Jedi Master)-esque character, and his death does not mark the end of the character's arc. At the same time, Dwayne Johnson said that there will be more about Dr. Destiny in the future. In any case, "Black Adam" achieved good box office results and opened a new phase in the DC universe.