Five high-scoring spy dramas, "The Pretender" is at the bottom, "Kite" is second, and the first deserves its name

Speaking of spy war dramas, I believe many spy war fans will think of Liu Yunlong, who is known as the "godfather of spy war". In 2006, after the publication of "The Conspiracy" written and directed by him, it not only won unanimous praise from the audience, but also set off a wave of spy war dramas in China, followed by "Latent" and "Before Dawn" , "Kite", etc. are all affected by it. So, among the many spy war dramas, which ones are worth seeing during the famine? Below, I will give you a brief comment on the five high-scoring spy war dramas in my mind to see if this ranking is appropriate. (Sorted by personal preference)

1, "Latent"

Douban: 9.3

Starring: Sun Honglei/Yao Chen/Shen Aojun and others

Plot review: In the past, we saw TV dramas on the theme of the War of Resistance Against Japan and the War of Liberation, mostly high-level figures from both sides For the perspective, or to start the narrative from certain battlefields. And this drama can be said to create a precedent for domestic spy war films, and let our audience who love spy war dramas once again get spiritual sublimation. Although there are not many characters in the play, each person has more prominent characteristics, distinct personality, proper performance, and good and bad people are real. Stationmaster Wu's sophistication, Ma Kui's upright and insidious, Yu Zecheng's strategy and carefulness, etc. can be deeply imprinted in the minds of the audience, making people unforgettable. In addition, the most worth mentioning is that the show is like writing a living "workplace strategy" for white-collar workers, which benefits the audience infinitely.

2, "Kite"

Douban: 8.8

Starring: Liu Yunlong / Luo Haiqiong / Li Xiaoran and others

Plot review: Fortunately to see the trial version, it almost made me tears, and the shooting was too good. Mr. Liu Yunlong used his own perspective and The interpretation of the shooting techniques presents the praise and sadness of that era. The dramatic plot, the ups and downs of the characters in the play, and Zheng Yaoxian's entanglement with self-identity and self-salvation all make the play full of interest. It even made me feel that the play is no longer as simple as a spy war drama, but a period drama with epochal significance. Especially the many details in the play are very well controlled, which can be called one of the peaks of Chinese spy war drama.

3, "Before Dawn"

Douban: 9.2

Starring: Wu Xiubo / Lin Yongjian / Lu Jianmin and others

Plot comment: A good spy film can't help but reveal a kind of tragedy, about human nature, choice, destiny and the tragedy of historical torrents. In my opinion, what makes "Before Dawn" better than previous spy wars lies in the character creation. Especially the several directors, the actors' lines and acting skills have shaped the characters into flesh and blood. In the end, Lao Tan's decision as a brother and as a political struggle made the characters appear plump and real. In addition, the play is also a rare conscience drama that does not treat the audience as mentally retarded. The plot is tight and tight, with multiple clues alternately, fascinating, and once memorable.

4, "The Conspiracy"

Douban: 8.9

Starring: Liu Yunlong / Gao Ming / Song Chunli and others

Plot comment: Looking back many years later, it is still so exciting and emotional. A series of "Willow-style" spy war dramas, starting from "Hunting" to "Kite" and so on, show us not only a moving story, but also the changes of everyone in the changes and turmoil of the old and new society. , Growth, and even salvation. Each role in the play has its own standpoint, and it is rare that this play allows people of all colors to show one by one. Moreover, as the originator of the spy war drama, the plot extensions of the three stories of "The Settlement" have their own characteristics. There are basically no pale and false plots. The true feelings of the characters can be effectively revealed to the audience (of course there are more characters, most of them also It is short-lived, but it can leave an impression), the background music is also worth savoring.

5, "The Pretender"

Douban: 8.5

Starring: Hu Ge / Jin Dong / Liu Mintao and others

plot comment: As a classic work of the noon sun, it is also a rare anti-Japanese spy drama. In the play, the Ming family three brothers have not only become another big IP figure, but also a rare story in the entertainment industry. The play incorporates elements of spy war drama, suspense and the fate of the characters are intertwined, the positioning of the actors in the play, or the director's scheduling and processing of the screen are very delicate. Moreover, the rhythm of the plot complements the psychological expectations of the audience, and the audience is naturally brought into the drama situation.In, empathy with the fate of the characters. In addition, the performance of Hu Ge, Jin Dong, Wang Kai and others in the play also adds a lot of color and highlights to the play.

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