One Piece Chapter 1063 Information "My Only Family": Luo Tuan VS Blackbeard Tuan! plot burst

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The first update, more detailed information translation by [TalkOP Sinicization] Lidu, Ghost Translation Source: TalkOP One Piece Forum, wx No., wb
1063 Chapter title: "My Only Family"
The title page content is the frozen cradle and the crying Bree. Bree says Breen was kidnapped.
Luffy , Chopper , Zimpe and Bonnie changed clothes with a special machine from Begapunk . Luffy, Chopper, and Bonnie don futuristic outfits, while Jinbei has Hawaiian shirts .
They encounter a robot bear in a police uniform. Unlike a real bear, he wears round-framed sunglasses and has mechanical shoulders.
bears attack them. Luffy was about to shoot, but Bonnie stopped him.
Bonnie said that Xiong was her biological father and her only family. The picture shows a young bear hugging Bonnie as a child.
has no news about the group of Zoro and .

cuts to other places, blackbeard ambushed Luo in the middle of the sea.
Blackbeard Titch with Gizas Badgers, Van Oka , Poison Q and Strong . Each of them has the ability of devil fruit .
Gizas Badgers: The fruit of power (リキリキの実), with strange power.
Poison Q: Diseased fruit (シクシクの実), which can cause people to contract diseases.
Fan Oka: Teleport Fruit (ワプワプの実), which can make people teleport.
Zhuangzhuang: Horse and Horse Fruit Eudemons, Form: Pegasus (ウマウマの実 モデル "ペガサス").
Luo fled to a nearby island, Van Oka teleported that Badgers arrived first, and Badgers lifted a whole mountain and threw it at Luo.
Poison Q came up strong on his horse with Blackbeard on top of them.
Poison Q used his ability to turn Luo into a woman for a while, but Luo used his domineering arrogance to remove Poison Q's virus ability.
Luo said that powerful domineering can invalidate the ability of Devil Fruit, and he said that he learned a lot in the battle against Kaido, and Big Mom.
Blackbeard appeared in front of Luo. Blackbeard was thinking about who of the three captains (Luffy, Kidd, and Luo) would meet him first after leaving Wano.
on the last page Blackbeard and Luo are ready to fight.

Blackbeard: Kaido definitely has a red historical text...I'm taking all your historical texts!
Luo: I'm ready, the winner gets everything!
will not stop publishing next week.