The elegant Song Hye Kyo looks like a work of art

한매거진은지난달7일프랑스파리에서진행된한브랜드의2022 가을-겨울쿠튀르쇼비하인드사진을공개했다.

某杂志公开了上个月7日在法国巴黎进行的某品牌的2022秋冬couture show花絮的photo.

창밖너머보이는파리의전경을배경으로한송혜교. 그는실크쉬폰소재의드레스를입고우아하고고혹적인분위기를자아냈다. 더불어테일러링이돋보이는펜디재킷및쇼츠로단정하면서도스타일리시한패션을선보이기도했다.

宋慧乔The is set against a panoramic view of Paris from the window. She wore a silk chiffon dress, exuding an elegant and charming temperament. Coupled with the Fendi jacket and shorts with a Taylor collar, it shows a dignified and stylish atmosphere.