Watch "Slumdog Millionaire"

has seen the movie "Slumdog Millionaire" a long time ago, and it has always been in my memory, and I have always told myself that all kinds of life experiences are my wealth. I watched it again today. It is about the growth of a child in a slum and the process of chasing love. It is in the form of a variety show with contest answers. The

movie starts with the hero being arrested and questioned by the police. Why can he answer all the questions correctly? Why can aspire to the most generous bonus? The male protagonist of the film has gone through the hardships of life and knows the answer to every question. This is the energy that life has given him! But people just don't believe it and are always questioned! Just like in the real world, if a person becomes rich and rich, people who don't understand will always frame some "extraordinary" experiences. Let me think, how this society is like that! It’s okay for everyone to be poor together, but when you see someone rich, you don’t stop. Shouldn't it be Gong Xi Fa Cai? Some people are rich and resources are flexible, so everyone can learn from it and discuss how to become rich together? Isn't this what the national leader said, to allow some to become rich first, and then the Belt and Road? How can there be no way to accept such a pattern from the heart, to recognize such an existence?

A question of conscience

Ignorance of affirmation

Definite answer

At the end of the film, the male protagonist also doesn't know the answer, so he asked his family for help, he called his brother, the beautiful heroine answered the phone, they didn't know the three What is the name of the third musketeer of the musketeer ? But they were more than happy to meet, to make sure she was safe, and to ask where she was. Seeing this, the answer doesn't really matter anymore, it doesn't matter to them that they can get the grand prize! When the two met, he kissed the scar on her face, he felt sorry for her, he just wanted to be with her. Although living in poverty, the beauty has always existed, and this beauty will make him work hard to maintain it.

sometimes doubts

but he is sure that

has already written the fate!

Finally, they are together, whether it is spiritual or material wealth, they all belong to them, and these will eventually belong to them! Congratulations to such a life for having such a receipt, and congratulations that life will eventually be full of energy to reproduce happiness and beauty!