The movie "Father of the Galactic Railway" will be filmed, and Koji Sugata Masaki will join forces

Yakusho Hiroji will appear in the movie "Father of the Galaxy Railway"

1905 Movie News Recently, according to foreign media reports, "Father of the Galaxy Railway" will be filmed in a movie version. Join the show.

"Father of the Galaxy Railway" is the representative work of the Japanese writer Kadoi Keiki, which tells the life of Kenji Miyazawa, a writer who worked hard to write but was not taken seriously during his lifetime. This work also earned Katoi Keiki the Naoki Award.

It is reported that Sugata Masaki will play Kenji Miyazawa in the film, Koji Yakusho will play Masajiro Miyazawa, and Nana Mori will play Kenji Miyazawa's sister, Ahui. The film will be released in 2023.