The results of the Golden Broom Awards are out: "Zhu Xian I" defeated "Shanghai Fortress" as the most disappointing movie of the year

Recently, after a large number of netizens voted, the results of the Golden Broom Award for the third quarter of the new year were released. "Zhu Xian" and "Shanghai Fortress" were inseparable in the fight, and the results were equal. Finally, "Zhu Xian" successfully defeated "Shanghai Fortress" and became the most disappointing movie of the year. In addition, in addition to "Zhu Xian I" and "Shanghai Fortress" taking the first and second place on the list, many films such as "Little Wish", "Silent Witness" and "Late Night Canteen" are on the list. . Below, I will give you a brief comment on the ten films on the list to see if they are all well deserved!

1, "Zhu Xian I"

Douban: 5.3

Starring: Xiao Zhan / Li Qin / Meng Meiqi and others

Movie review: I don't know what to say, the whole film is broken and jumping, unintelligible and inexplicable. Perhaps the best acting in the whole film is the monkey and the horse that broke out of the ground. Although "Shanghai Fortress" is rotten, it keeps the bottom line of the original sound of the movie. The most hateful thing about the movie is that all the members of the film are dubbed and dubbed. This is an extreme insult to the movie. All in all, the director's casting ability is not good, and the narrative ability is not good. A good story was filmed so different, Xiuxian is like a martial arts, and the special effects are worse than the "Shushan Biography" N years ago. There is also the second part, which is almost...

2, "Shanghai Fortress"

Douban: 2.9

Starring: Lu Han / Shu Qi / Shi Liang and others

Movie review: "Shanghai Fortress" really deserves its name, if you say "Wandering Earth" Opened the door of Chinese science fiction, then "Shanghai Fortress" did not close the door, but smashed the door of science fiction, and there was no door. The whole movie is all lip-synching, and there is basically no one that can match me, I am also drunk! In addition, Director Teng Huatao feels that he does not know how to make action scenes and war scenes at all. The action scenes are too messy, and it is rare to see such a mess that is not tense or intense. And, except for the two protagonists, the performance of all supporting actors is also very poor. Such quality has invested 360 million yuan, who believes it?

3, "Keep Silent"

Douban: 5.4

Starring: Zhou Xun/ Wu Zhenyu/ Zu Feng and others

Movie review: I suspected that I had watched an old-fashioned, dull and lengthy eight-point series in the cinema, and I have been thinking about what to do No ads will be inserted. From the beginning, I was very confused. What is the significance of Zhou Xun playing the two roles alone? There is no plot connection nor acting skills. He can be recognized at a glance. It is a violation of the audience to treat the audience as a fool. It can indeed be seen that what "Keep Silent" wants to do is not just a suspense film. It has love, family affection, and social ethics. However, under this excessive ambition, the film is not really worthy. For the deep inner depth, the hollowness of the character image, and the bluntness of the suspense reversal, all make the movie seem plain and hard to see.

4, "Six Liansha"

Douban: No ratings yet

Starring: Huang Lu / Wang Takizheng / Liu Lin and others

Movie review: No wonder it can become a big Internet, if someone will watch it on the theater line? In addition to filters, there is nothing to see. Originally, a traditional suspense reasoning story had to be multi-threaded and multi-angled. The problem was that the director's execution was too poor, which made the story messy. One time the college entrance examination champion, another time the heroine's brother. Moreover, the low atmosphere throughout the story should imitate "Memories of Murder", but in the end it was useless. The first work of the new director is to play high-powered, and the story of the serial killer is filmed like this. What do the old directors think? One word of advice, don't shoot anymore, save some money!

5, "Making Love Bear Town"

Douban: 4.9

Starring: Zhu Yawen/ Zhang Rongrong/Wang Liang and others

Movie Comment: This "Making Love Bear Town" basically scratched the tail of the summer file, it is known as The unique story and the matching of actors are selling points, but it cannot change its essence as a money-making work. I thought that the long-extinct love comedy movie could see the world again with this movie, but who would have thought of this movie is like a little joke for those enthusiastic audiences. The story that can almost be solved by video in Kuaishou for half an hour, played for more than two hours. I think it's a fight with Bao Bell's "Fatty Action Team" last year.

6. "Little Wish"

Douban: 5.2

Starring: Peng Yuchang/ Wang Daxun/ Wei Daxun and others

Movie review: The movie "Little Wish" is a well-regulated comedy, not as good as some netizens say Worthless. However, even if the actors are very careful to complete the performance, but the plot is not very surprising. Compared to the director's "Predecessor" series, it may not be very good, it may be related to the subject matter. But we should give some applause to "Little Wish". The actors and directors have put their most dedicated efforts into the film. Then they should have no regrets. The audience can see that their intentions are the best feedback to them. .

7, "The Silent Witness"

Douban: 5.4

Starring: Zhang Jiahui / Yang Zi / Ren Xianqi and others

Movie Comment: What kind of movie is this movie? Look at the title, it should be a suspenseful reasoning movie That's right, but in fact, this is an action movie at all. Of course, if it wasn't for an action movie, he wouldn't invite an action film director like Renee Haring. The whole story, I really don’t want to talk about it anymore. The story in a confined environment was originally a very colorful story. It was rainy night and Christmas. As a result, the whole group of people tossed, this story inexplicably changed to look very strange. Uncomfortable. Facts have proved that if you are not a foreign director, you can really manage such a story better than a domestic director. The cast of Zhang Jiahui, Ren Xianqi and Yang Zi was wasted for nothing.

8, "Late Night Canteen"

Douban: 5.1

Starring: Liang Jiahui/Wei Chen/Jiao Junyan and others . However, these remakes are rarely successful. One of the most important reasons is that they are not acclimatized. Secondly, these remakes are more formal than content, and even the most basic story cannot be told. And "Late Night Cafeteria" once again proved this fact. In the end, film is definitely a science. If a filmmaker lacks the necessary awe and cannot concentrate on researching, he can only remake one and destroy one if he is driven by profit!

9, "The Legend of Pig Bajie"

Douban: 2.1

Starring: Zheng Jifeng / Zeng Zhiwei / Yin Ruoxi and others

Comment: This is a bad film that feels worse than the "Shanghai Fortress" from the poster to the feature film. From the Spring Festival file to the summer file, I did not expect the box office to reach 63.802 million, which is completely unexpected. I accidentally saw it on station B. I still watched it for 97 minutes with a firm grip on Jiuxin Pill, but I still didn't really understand what the movie said. The plot is poor, the acting is too exaggerated, there is no sense of experience, and it is too boring. I feel that IQ is being rubbed on the ground. If it is not for wasting time, I wouldn't have to endure it. ps: Did Bajie stay up late?

10, "The Gallant Hero"

Douban: 5.4

Starring: Yue Yunpeng / Tong Liya / Tian Yu and others

Movie review: Personally feel that as a comedy film is relatively qualified, the overall laughter distribution is relatively uniform, and more photography methods are used As well as the photography style, the combination of Yue Yunpeng and Tong Liya also makes the film not so boring. The progress of the storyline is also symmetrical. From the beginning of the film in reverse order, the introduction of the characters like a drawing, and the subsequent sequence of the storyline unfold, simple but clear. Generally speaking, it is a good family carnival movie. The whole film has constant laughter and is very nonsensical. Of course, there is no need to ask for it with a particularly high eye. It is just a commercial popcorn movie. It is good to have seen it and laughed.

Do you have any other opinions and comments on the above ten movies? The code word is not easy, welcome to follow, like, leave a message to discuss.