It is said that the technology of "Gemini Killer" is very powerful.In addition to digital creation, what innovations has Ang made?

As the "Chinese Light" in the film industry, director Ang Lee has never disappointed. On the 18th, Ang Lee teamed up with Will Smith to create a high-profile film "Gemini Killer", and confidently returned to the inland market.

"Gemini Killer" did not disappoint. The film won a lot of money when it opened. With a box office of 60 million, it jumped to the top of the single-day box office. This result also refreshed the single-day box office record of Ang Lee's movie in the Mainland.

Compared with the film released on the same day, the opening results of "Gemini Killer" can be described as stunning. The film most attracts the audience to enter the theater. In addition to the wonderful story, it also uses advanced shooting technology. Many viewers were shocked by the visual effects of high-frame shooting with high-frame + 4K + 3D. These days, high-frame and super 3D have become hot topics.

Indeed, in addition to the story itself, the technical innovation of the film has become the most eye-catching label of the film. "Digital creation", 120 frames, 4K, and super 3D have become an important feature that distinguishes the film from traditional films.

Let’s first take a look at how the most amazing character in "Gemini Killer"-Xiao Ke, that is, 20-year-old Will Smith, was created, the appearance of this character, and how it appeared in the movie "Digital Creation". The historical significance of people.

In traditional film and television dramas "one person and two roles", most of them let the actors perform twice in the same scene, during which the positions, lighting, composition, etc. are kept the same, and then the actors change their costumes and play another role according to their positions. Finally, the effect of two characters appearing at the same time is achieved through post synthesis.

used this technique in the early films such as "Double Dragon Meeting", "Natural Couple", etc. Last year, in "Shadow" directed by Zhang Yimou, Deng Chao played two roles in the same way. Compared with the tradition of director Zhang Yimou, the CG produced by Ang Lee in "Gemini Killer" can be said to be at the forefront of film technology.

Of course, this process is not accomplished overnight. The first application of "digital human creation" to the category of film technology was in the cartoon "Final Fantasy: Deep in the Soul" released in 2001. Using "motion capture" technology, this cartoon realizes the realism of virtual characters, and the characters it creates are as natural as real people.

Later, with the rapid development of CG technology, the images in the film are getting closer and closer to the real person, but no matter how realistic, as long as you look closely at it, you can still see that it is fake. Just like "Alita" which was released in February this year, although the film created a super-high imitation "virtual person", and told her as the protagonist to tell the positive story, put her alive among the actors in the real world. The main interactive performance, but no matter how true, she is a virtual person.

In this "Gemini Killer", Ang Lee took another step forward: using CG technology to create a lively digital version of Will Smith, not only allowed him to grow with the real person Will Smith in real scenes. The match of time, and gave him the rich expressions and smooth movements of a real person, fully realized the full digitization of the cloned version of the real star.

Towards the end of the film, there is a second scene where the clones are confronted with Henry and Xiaoke. The "digital people" and the real people go back and forth, fighting each other, and it is difficult to distinguish between true and false. Since then, the image history of "digital creation of humans" in the film has reached the most advanced level. In the course of film technology innovation, Ang Lee has made a small step, while film technology has made a big step forward.

In addition to "digital creation of people", Ang Lee also chose high frame. 120 frames, that is, a movie playing 120 frames per second, the more frames per second, the more real and coherent the pictures we see.

The difference between 120 frames and 24 frames, as shown in the figure: When

is shooting a high-speed train at the same time, only the blurred body of the train can be seen speeding at 24 frames, while at 60 or 120 frames, you can see clearly Saw the train window and the passengers sitting by the train window. It is not the first time that director

Ang Lee has tried 120 frames. He has already used it once in 2016's "Billy Lynn's Midfield Battle". This time the new technology is better integrated.

For example, in the motorcycle chase of Xiaoke and Henry, if traditional shooting techniques are used, the director will probably use the camera shake and movement to show the intensity and swiftness of the motorcycle chase. The disadvantage of this shooting is that the body movements and faces of the characters are caused. The blur and distortion of expressions. When shooting in high frame, not only the dramaEvery movement and expression of the characters in the middle is clearly visible, even the distant walls and the passing pedestrians can be seen very clearly.

In a few hand-to-hand combat scenes, even the night scenes, the picture quality is very clear. For example, in the film, Chloe and Henry have a fight in the catacombs of St. Stephen's Cathedral. Because it is in the dark night, the light is very dim. If you use traditional shooting techniques, you may only see two dark figures entangled and fighting. You can't see the facial expressions of the two people, nor the surroundings. Items. In the film, not only can we clearly see that there are dense skulls around us, but also the expressions on the faces of both people are clearly visible. Another feature of

high-frame shooting is that the scene is more realistic, giving the audience an immersive viewing experience. For example, in the scenes of machine gun shooting and blasting, sparks flying around and burning human bodies are presented to the audience alive. The feeling is very strange, as if you are in that scene. This is another feature of Super 3D. , Is to make you feel like you are in it, giving people a plausible feeling.

Among the works of Director Ang Lee, "Gemini Killer" may not be the best work. Compared with his "Father Trilogy", the theme of the film to be revealed is not so profound, but it has expanded to new areas, which is about cloning. The definition of man and the discussion of its ethical relationship and so on.

However, from the perspective of film technology innovation, "Gemini Killer" is definitely an important milestone in the film career of Director Ang Lee. The 120 frames carry Ang Lee's boundless hopes and expectations for film technology, as well as his enthusiasm and courage to explore and experiment in the film industry.

In short, "Gemini Killer" is a possibility for movies to come to the future. As long as you walk into the theater, it will definitely give you an unprecedented movie-watching experience, I believe Uncle An, that's right! Text / Ximei