The source of the name "Jiang Liuer", what story does the domestic classic animation "Go Boy" tell?

In the last years of the Ming Dynasty, the coastal areas were persecuted by Japanese pirates (did you think of the hero who fought against the Japanese?). At that time, Go was popular in the entire Ming Dynasty. Through the knowledge of the way of governing the country, the national players at that time had a greater right to speak, and the folks were also very popular to play Go. Jiang Liu'er's father, as the imperial emissary, led Jiang Liu'er to secretly investigate the Japanese pirate incident, but was unfortunately killed by a dark arrow.

The demon sword king who was framed by others told Jiang Liuer to become a national Go player, and he would have a chance to take revenge. The host of Lingyun Temple discovered Jiang Liu'er's Go talent and encouraged Jiang Liu'er to explore the world of Go. As a result, Jiang Liuer embarked on the road of becoming a national player and confronting the Japanese national player...

​​Jiang Liuer

The style of this film is very realistic, and it is integrated into the chaos caused by the social environment of the late Ming Dynasty. , And focused on portraying the various tribulations encountered by a teenager when he first entered the society. On the surface, this is a story line of a teenager avenging his father, but deeply, it describes a teenager's self-transformation and growth. From the innocent and childishness at the beginning to the maturity and stability at the end, Jiang Liuer's change in character is inseparable from the hardships he experienced.


When entering the rivers and lakes for the first time, facing the intricate rivers and lakes, it is always easy to deviate from the track. The first person he met was Jin Weiyuan, known as the "Quick Axeman", the master of Lei Lingyun, the "flower-faced wolf", and the first Go master of Jiang Liuer. He used Jiang Liuer's Go talent to bet on chess, and his ultimate goal was to get the title of "Chess Master".

Jin Weiyuan

In this troubled life, a 13-year-old boy who has never had a life, meets such a scheming person, what can he do? It is easy to become ruthless. In fact, this is exactly the case. Jiang Liuer listened to Jin Weiyuan's words and used all means to win the game, and gradually became a tool for gambling.

Jiang Liuer

But he was lucky, he met one of the most important mentors in his life: Liu Nanru. This instructor did not teach him the skills of Go, but he created a kind character for Jiang Liuer, and finally sacrificed to save him. The lofty character gave Jiang Liu'er a huge touch in his heart. The kind character in the child's nature was inspired, and he was on the right track.

His kindness awakened the softness in Jin Weiyuan's heart. He was defeated by the Demon Blade King. When he was dying, he told Jiang Liuer that he was wrong and asked Jiang Liuer to work hard. Such a mentor, even if his character is poor, but the little humanity he showed when he was about to die still moved you and me, didn't it? What's more, he taught Jiang Liuer the beginning of Go and laid the foundation for his Go.


feeling lines, in this film, the expression is subtle and euphemistic. Young girls, acquainted with each other in chess, and accompanied by chess. Both of them are solo sons of wandering and rivers and lakes. Fang Baihua held the title of the daughter of her father's "Master of Chess", but was not happy at all, but felt very lonely.

Therefore, she dressed as a little beggar and walked through the streets with Lin Xincheng. For her, her belief is her father, but one day, she will defeat him and get the title of "Chess Saint"! Meeting Jiang Liuer, the true desire for life in my heart is awakened. The two of them ate and lived together, under this vibrant but perilous rivers and lakes, there was so much warmth and laughter. PartyWhen Baihua's daughter was exposed and had to leave the river. Jiang Liuer also seemed to be taken away from the motivation to play chess and live.

Fang Baihua


people's life is diverse and complex, the growth line, the emotional line interspersed "Go Boy", there must be a lifetime opponent as the theme of growing together. Dongying, the Japanese pirate clan, far beyond the ocean, acted as this master.


Kuroki is Jiang Liuer's lifelong opponent, but also his lifelong friend. Both are 13 or 4 years old. Facing the complex world of swords and sticks, Kuroki is more willing to gallop with his opponent and friend in the vast black and white world. Ethnic conflicts cannot stand alone in their exploration of growth, and cultural exchanges are the way of friendship between countries.

Jiang Liuer

written at the end

Our country has many excellent animation talents, and they have created many very classic animations. I am also willing to explore cautiously in more touched fields. An excellent animation has its own concept and cultural output. Perhaps we could not feel it before, but over time, its light will be discovered!

Go boy

hope that more animation enthusiasts will support our current animation environment, and we also look forward to more anime producers who will persevere and make better animation! Just as the ending song of "Go Boy" sings:

life is endless

you come and I go, who is the first

life is like chess, black and white

inside and outside the game, life is easy