Recommend 5 movies that make people unable to extricate themselves and forget it for a long time Do not watch regret series special 2

1, "The Pianist"

recommended level: In addition to war, and the most dirty thoughts in the human soul (inferior nation, genocide, colonization, and tyranny) behind the war, what else can make a pianist go in ruins mouse? You should look at the skinny Jewish pianist wandering and wandering in the abandoned city of Warsaw in 1945. His filthy beard makes him look like Jesus on the cross, but that wretched, yes, as The wretchedness of a lonely exile, the wretchedness of a prisoner of hunger and sickness, made him devoid of human form, but as a musician and a Jew, he did not lose his minimum dignity. The main line of the

storyline does not involve too much piano. What is shocking is the bitter blood and tears of the Jews. The protagonist is a Polish Jewish pianist Valedislo Schipperman. The story begins in 1939. Warsaw, it was a turbulent era. Jews became synonymous with sin overnight. Jews were spurned by everyone, abused and beaten at will, and they wore white armbands embroidered with blue stars every day, as if they were labelled alternatives. , Was beaten and scolded at random when walking on the road, just because someone was in a bad mood. The

movie created the image of a survivor. As a pianist, Valle lived in an unsettled home on the land of his hometown. From the initial embarrassment to being imprisoned for work, to exile, no matter where he is, Even though his clothes were ragged and he was tortured by hunger and sickness, his behavior was humble, but his soul was pure. When I first encountered this documentary, I couldn't understand why the film was named as a pianist and art is not a luxury. , Its foundation is to let us live better, to make us more tenacious in desperate situations, and not to abandon the faith in the heart. There are thousands of people who survived the war, and everyone’s experience is different. As a pianist, Valle has flexibility that others do not have. He pursues less material comfort than others. All he needs is survival and food. Therefore, He is more likely to survive than others. The possibility of surviving in that era is very small, let alone pursuing the invisible and intangible things like art.

2, "Perfect World"

recommended level: the most memorable movie in childhood, the road film, ethics film, police film and many other film types are melted into one furnace, adapted to the new trend of contemporary American cinema-genre intersection. So, there is a modified road film.

The title of the perfect world has been pondered over and over from the beginning, and it has many profound meanings, which may also be the key to attracting us. The key word of this film is not maternal love, but great paternal love. The movie owner announced that Qi was a child who had lost his father since he was a child, which led to his preference for violence since childhood and no paternal love. But Buch was actually a child abandoned by the society until he was killed. The society did not face him squarely. For him, no one except himself will tell him what the world is like. Even the most basic good or bad needs to be faced by himself. In

, Butch and the kidnapped child Philip are the protagonists, and staged a warm drama. On Butch's escape, he treats his "hostage" Philip very heartily and touchingly, and for the fatherless child Philip. The escape time is regarded as the happiest time, and I also see the father's love from Butch, which may be the most tender part of the film.

Butch is the "father" to Philip. In Philip's emotional line, Butch's care and education for him along the way is a fatherly love that he has never experienced. For Butch, this "father" is the time of his father's love that was missing in his childhood, and perhaps for Butch himself, he is also making up for his childhood. In the film, Butch is very disgusted with the child being beaten, which may also come from his own experience and love for Philip in his childhood. In the film, when his partner hit Philip for the first time and when he saw a black farm worker fight his child, both can arouse his anger and arouse Butch’s violent tendency. But in getting along with Philip, he gradually became A normal "father"——giving love can free him from sin.

is a common combination in movies, as far as "Paper Moon" in 1973, as close as "This Killer Is Not So Cold" at the end of the century. But the most tearful are Butch and Philip in "The Perfect World."

3, "Brave to Death Island"

Recommended Level: ActiveThe classics in the film classics, the soundtrack is also the classics in the classics.

"Brave Death Island" is an action thriller released in 1996, directed by Michael Bay, starring Nicholas Cage, Sean Connery, Ed Harris and others. It mainly tells the story of a group of Marine Corps officers who are dissatisfied with the US government's treatment of those soldiers who were sent overseas to perform illegal missions and stole VX nerve gas missiles, in order to coerce the US government to give a fair evaluation to the dead.

In "Break into Death Island", General Hammer's subordinates carry out national black operations. The so-called black operation is a small under-the-counter action taken by a country against another country-a secret attack. The nature of the action is not open and illegal, and if there is a problem with the mission during the period, the soldiers sent out will be abandoned. Their actions will be regarded as private and they will not receive any recognition or compensation, and the government's crimes will be covered up. Because if the action of the army's attack becomes public, it will immediately become a declaration of war between countries. Throwing black stones at other people's homes in the dark, and being caught by them, the bloody soldiers become victims, empty cheques, and nameless people. The country turned upside down and refused to recognize people-no move.

and music is an indispensable ingredient in movies, it occupies a very important proportion, it can reflect the psychological state of the characters, and it is directly related to whether the audience can be brought into the theme. At the beginning of the film, Hanmer’s soldiers burst into the base where the secret weapon is hidden. At this time, the music accompanies the film, and it is tense and fuzzy, making people stay in it. Even if you only watched "Brave" once, you will be impressed by the car chase in the city. This is a highlight. At this time, the music seems to indicate that a great war is coming. In the park, the music became very light, allowing people to relax; after just a few minutes of calm, they returned to the tense environment, the amplitude of the music stretched, reminding people that war is coming;

4, "follow"

Recommended level: Nolan’s debut, a masterpiece that cost $6,000. Scriptwriter, director, photography and editing Nolan are all alone. Later, many of Nolan's films have the legacy of "Follow".

At the beginning of the film, in the quiet film atmosphere, a male monologue quietly narrated. Tell another. The dialogue pictures and the narrated story pictures alternately appear. The protagonist of the narrative is Bill, the protagonist of the movie. Bill said that he likes to follow others and peek into their lives. At this time, another protagonist is introduced, an object that Bill arbitrarily trails-Cobb. This can be seen as a manifestation of the first meaning of trailing. Bill has been following Cobb for a few days, following him everywhere, curiously imagining his life. Until Cobb walked up to Bill and said, who are you and why follow me. After the first-level follow-up relationship was immediately broken, Bill discovered that Cobb was a burglar. After Cobb took a fancy to Bill's strong lust for voyeurism, he invited him to commit crimes and taught him how to steal. The story here is just the beginning. In the course of the

movie, there will be another story line besides the development of Cobb and Bill's story from time to time, another man's face. It seems that the two main lines are going on at the same time without any explanation. When the other story line appears, it feels abrupt and confused. The two scenes alternate, a man in a short-haired suit strikes up a blonde woman in a bar, has a good impression of her, and takes her home. For the first time, the man's home was presented in front of the screen. This is a detail. In the next scene, Bill takes Cobb to steal the home of the man who appeared before. The woman said her house was stolen. These two simultaneous story lines are not carried out in parallel chronological order, so in the process of alternation, people will have more and more questions: What is the relationship between this woman and the story? Who is that man? ...And with the development of the story, two seemingly unrelated parallel main lines gradually merge together, and the second-level trailing relationship is revealed immediately.

5, "Black Hawk Down"

Recommended level: There is no sensational memory of "Saving Private Ryan", nor the painful reflection of "Apocalypse Now", and some are just wars, real and cruel wars!

Ridley Scott’s masterpiece of war is based on historical events. The scenes of the war are real and tragic, the scenes of street fighting are shocking, and the sound effects are top-notch editing. The images of tough guys such as Josh Harnett, Ivan McGregor, Tom Seizmore, etc. are unforgettable. War is always the biggest disaster in the history of human development.

1In 992, successive tribal wars destroyed the mountains and rivers of Somalia in the East African country, and the people were struggling to survive. The resulting famine caused 300,000 deaths. The dictator Mohammed Fara Aidid, who controls the capital of Mogadishu, snatched relief supplies from international organizations, aroused public outrage. The frenzied Aidid declared war on international peacekeeping organizations. The United States sent 160 members of the special forces to Mogadishu to overthrow the Aidid regime. The

group of full-blooded fighters is confident, but the war has fallen into a stalemate due to insufficient intelligence collection. In an operation to hunt down two senior officials of the Aidid regime, the special forces were stubbornly resisted by the Somali militia. The two sides started a fierce confrontation in the city center. A U.S. Black Hawk helicopter was attacked and landed in the city. The crew was in danger. In order to rescue their companions, a small group of special forces soldiers went deep into the tiger's den. In the next 15 hours, they experienced the most unimaginable Shura field in the world...