"Joker" why fans all over the world are obsessed with him

Once, the clown was almost

Heath Ledger.

Now, this can be called the most classic villain in history, and there is another actor-level actor:

Jacques Phoenix.

On September 7, 2019, the 76th Venice Film Festival officially ended. The DC comic film "Joker" won the Golden Lion Award, the highest honor. Overnight praises about "Joker" and Jacques spread all over the world. So "Joker" is undisputedly the most anticipated and watched movie in the second half of 2019 at


On October 4th, "Joker" was released. The mystery of this almost god-made movie was revealed. Facts have proved that this perfect combination of artistry and commerciality deserves praise from all over the world. The

Golden Lion Award deserves its name.

So, how is Jacques’ Joker different from other clowns? What story does this movie tell? Why does he/it make fans all over the world go crazy? In this issue, I will share some of my personal understanding and interpretation of "Joker".


is a different super British movie

First of all, "Joker" is not the kind of superhero movie we remember.

What is the superhero movie we have in mind?

is Marvel's "Iron Man", "Thor", "Captain America", "Avengers"

is DC's "Superman", "Batman", "Wonder Woman", "Justice League"

since childhood From the day when Robert Downey became a hit, in the past 11 years, superhero movies have occupied most of the movie market, and Marvel, with its special effects + funny brand, has become invincible in the box office battlefield. In order to compete with this rising star, DC, which uses the dark wind as its signature, has been somewhat chaotic these years.

So, DC decided to return to the original heart and no longer create any universe. In August 2017, they teamed up with Warner to launch a personal film for the Joker, and focused on telling the story. The background of the

story is set in the 1980s. Gotham City sank due to garbage accumulation, unemployment, crime and economic depression. The life of the rich is still bright and beautiful, but most of the people are living in dire straits because of the decadent environment. The representative of the rich

is Thomas Wayne, and yes, it is the father of Batman Bruce Wayne in other DC movies.

The representative of the poor is the protagonist, the clown, whose original name is Arthur in the film.

Arthur is a patient with emotional regulation disorder. He is dependent on his mother who cannot take care of himself. Arthur's job is to dress up as a clown, receive billboards to help businesses win business, and then occasionally go to bars to perform talk shows.

​​He is kind-hearted and wants to bring happiness to others, but his illness is destined to be unable to be a good talk show performer because he will laugh wildly when he is stimulated.

Although welfare agencies regularly provide him with drugs to stabilize his condition, Arthur's life is constantly falling because of the cold eyes of others and the indifference of society.

He was working on the street and was juggled and beaten by punks.

His billboard was broken, and the boss wanted to withhold wages.

He coaxed his child on the bus and was reprimanded by the child’s mother.

His colleague lent him a pistol to protect himself, but behind the scenes reported that he had purchased the gun privately, and Arthur lost his job.

Finally, Arthur lost control of his emotions.

On the subway, the three Thomas employees harassed the female passengers. Arthur could have turned a blind eye, but risked a dangerous hero to save the beauty. Although his way was just laughing wildly on the sidelines, it was enough to help the female passengers. So 3 An employee started punching and kicking Arthur.

turned out to be unable to calm the waves for a while, and to step back, but finally Arthur pulled the trigger, and the three became Arthur's ghosts.

And then Arthur's performance was a classic. He didn't have any fear or anxiety, but danced in the bathroom. It can be understood here that Arthur started to counterattack against the cold-eyed, indifferent, and tragic fate. This is the dancing after breaking through the cocoon and becoming a butterfly.

Arthur later killed 5-6 people, of which 3 people were clearly explained in the film, while the other 2-3 people were left blank.

AsiaEvery shot of Se was shocking, even stunned, and for himself, it was an evolution time and time again on the road to the "Prince of Crime".

When Arthur walked away with his bare feet and strides with blood on the meteor, we knew that the frightening clown of

was born.

This 2-hour film "Joker" is full of funny, no action, no special effects, and no big scenes. It is no problem to say that it is a superhero movie, but if it is a character analysis movie, it seems more accurate, and It can almost be said to be a movie by Jie Kun.

​​Therefore, the previous superhero movies mainly show how superheroes can behave and save the world, while "Joker" is a step after telling how ordinary people and fringe people are hit by the indifferent world, how to experience pain and despair. Step into the abyss.

And this kind of tragedy may be happening in some corner of this world.

uses art to map reality, which is the fascinating feature of "Joker".

Because in reality, there is no superhero who acquires superpowers because of an accident or an experiment, nor is there a supervillain who rules mankind and destroys the world because of selfish desire or extreme, but a marginal person like Arthur There are many disadvantaged groups. Do they get social attention? Do they have the respect of those around them? Or is it the same as Arthur, suffering from cold eyes and ridicule?


A different clown

The clown we know is the villain in DC comics. He has no superpowers, but is Batman's lifelong rival.

has appeared in 5 live-action movies in the past 50 years, namely

1966 "Batman"

1989 "Batman"

2008 "Dark Knight"

2016 "Suicide Squad"

2019 "Joker"


Caesar Ramolo is the first real-life clown in history. The film does not explain the origin of the clown. He is just a bad guy who specializes in bad things. He is more than bad and not enough.


Jack Nicholson can be said to be a more classic clown. 13 Oscar nominations and 3 statuettes give this version of the clown a full quality assurance.


Heath Ledger shocked the world in 2008. He took the wild and crazy temperament of the clown into his bones. This is the first time in history that a role in a superhero movie won an Oscar, so Heath Ledger was once considered It is an insurmountable clown.

In 2016,

Jared Leto should be defined as the most romantic clown, and it is a beautiful version. This clown is less weird and crazy, but more focused and infatuated, so this is also a loving clown.


Jacques Phoenix is ​​somewhat similar to Heath Ledger's version in style, and has his independent style in interpretation. The most impressive thing is undoubtedly the laughter and dancing.

The magical laughter of the clown runs through the entire movie. He laughed bitterly in the nursing home, laughing at the sadness of his life; he couldn't laugh or cry on the bus, laughed at his helplessness and grievance; he laughed wildly on the subway, laughed at his helplessness, his last interview show shrieked and sneered, and his laugh was creepy.

So only by his vivid interpretation of the clown’s laughter, Jacques can make a name for himself.

And every time he completes the evolution, the funny or crazy dream dance steps bring the magical characteristics of the clown to a higher level. The first dance of

was in the toilet, and the soothing dancing posture represented that the magic in Arthur's heart had just awakened. The second dance of

is on the stairs, and the cheerful dance represents the heartiness of Arthur's hand in the hands of the enemy.

was in the studio for the third time. The confident dance gesture represented that Arthur's dream came true, and of course it was also a pavement for the next bloody. In summary, if the previous clown brought the audience a dark and crazy crime world, Jie Kun’s clown walked into the hearts of the characters and led the audience step by step into the abyss of darkness through superb and vivid interpretation.

So this is a victory for DC, a victory for "Joker", and even moreJacques' victory alone.


Different viewing experience

A good work is intriguing, such as "Joker".

Director Todd Phillips uses a narrative technique of fictitious and true to make the audience difficult to distinguish between the true and false of some plots. There are some cryptic expressions in the film that make people think about it, but they are paradoxical, and the good and evil in the clown story are not so good. Obviously, just like the famous saying "1000 Hamlets in the eyes of 1000 spectators". The

film clearly explains that there are two scenes that the clown has imagined, namely the part where the clown is on the same stage with the idol Murray and the part where he interacts with Sophie.

If someone says that the whole film is an illusion of a clown, then I can only say: Is

watching Doraemon too much? In addition to the illusion,

caused the most discussion among the audience, of course, the issue of good and evil.

First of all, Arthur is a kind person. He has dreams of working hard but runs into trouble everywhere. He actively integrates into society and wants to show his best side. The result is only ridicule and unfair treatment, all because of his humble background. And disease, but are these two problems Arthur’s problem? Should

be discriminated against from a humble background?

Should be beaten if there is a mental illness?

Arthur became a clown. Was it Arthur’s problem, a question of people’s hearts, or a social problem?

But, if you think the clown is pitiful, do the people who are killed by him deserve to die? If people who have bullied and laughed at themselves deserve to die, should mothers also die?

Although according to the so-called evidence, the mother is an adoptive mother and allowed her boyfriend to abuse Arthur, but this operation is still unacceptable.

Therefore, we sympathize with Arthur, and we blame the society for Arthur's becoming a clown, but is the clown's approach really worthy of praise and admiration?

Don't forget, he is a murderer.

Finally, the film also left at least 3 unsolved mysteries

fan 1: Arthur’s life experience

mother said that Arthur was Thomas’ illegitimate child, Thomas denied it, and 30 years ago medical records also showed that the mother suffered from mental illness. , But what's the explanation for Thomas's signature on the mother's photo? Who is lying to these two people?

Fan 2: Sophie’s ending

After learning the truth, Arthur ran to Sophie’s house. After leaving, the ambulance sirens sounded, so was Sophie’s mother and daughter killed?

Fan 3: The ending of the psychologist

The last scene of the movie is that the clown leaves barefoot and stepped on blood. So is the psychologist killed?

Above these problems, I think...

forget it, or don’t think about it, everyone think about it