The addition and subtraction of movies, what should the relationship between the movie and the original work be?

Hello everyone, my name is Qian Huai , a self-media that focuses on film and television. Today I will talk to you about the addition and subtraction of movies. In my opinion,

is the most typical and commendable addition. It comes from "Farewell My Concubine". The original work and the movie are completely in two realms. Many details in the movie are not in the original. In addition, it is the first movie, "The Shawshank's Redemption". Similarly, the content of the original book and the movie are very different. But if we study carefully, the themes are the same between them and the original works, but they are more diverse and even more exciting.

For example, in "Farewell My Concubine", Yan Hong brought her son to see Guan Jinfa, and Yan Hong knelt down without skin and face, "It's all right." !" I dare to bet with you, but anyone who has read this paragraph will never forget it. But this paragraph is not in the novel!

The city life under the Beijing rhyme reflects the life of Baiwei. Is Yan Hong really shameless? Perhaps this was the pain of Cheng Dieyi's life, but Yanhong's responsibility as a parent made her completely lose her self-esteem and wanted to exchange her beauty for another life for her son. The class host’s squareness made the audience look at him with admiration. His seemingly ordinary pusher has retained the dignity of the lower class. Although they are all inferior, people have to bend and wait carefully, but it is for life. After being behind, you have to treat yourself as a human being, so that you can move forward firmly in the trapped quagmire.

said unceremoniously that the novel version of "Farewell My Concubine" is about a love, and by the way, I will tell you the vicissitudes of the times. However, the movie version "put the cart before the horse", highlighting the sense of the times, by the way, the love and hatred between Duan Xiaolou and Cheng Dieyi. In terms of the volume of content, the movie version has been added to highlight society and the times. Its theme is more like the song "Mountain Sheep": "Xing, the people suffer, die, and the people suffer." The film tells how the people under the "rolling wheels of history" are involuntarily drifting along with the crowd.

Cheng Dieyi "no madness will not survive" is certainly a kind of fighting spirit and belief. Just as a big IT guy said, the so-called winners are paranoid. If one thing is not done to the extreme, it will be difficult for you to succeed in the current society. But this kind of belief and attitude, in the context of the times, seems extremely small and helpless. Duan Xiaolou refused to sing for the Japanese. What happened? Had it not been for Cheng Dieyi, he would have died. This kind of "dying great" really makes the common people unable to pay-the people are gone, and what else is there? This is not surrenderism, this is a cruel reality! As for the years after the film and the novel are mad and distorted, the people have no choice! People in the huge whirlpool, or silently persisting, or deceptively welcoming and happy, this is what the film wants to criticize and express, it is shocking! As

writes here, my heart keeps beating, so I will continue with another topic.

"Shawshank's Redemption" is also adding additions. The original novel only tells of Andy's perseverance, and there is very little discussion about human nature. But in the movie, whether it is drinking beer on the roof or Andy playing music, it is Calling for humanity and seeking freedom and equality in prison deepen the theme of the novel. The

movie also rewrites the death of Old Booker, "BROOKS WAS HERE". The old Booker finally exercised his rights. He hung himself on the beam, and finally he finally decided his fate. He used his life to accuse the institutionalized crime, which is precisely the connection of light and shadow with Andy's pursuit of freedom. The film perfectly combines the two together and becomes one with two sides. The difference is that Old Booker hangs the beam and Andy escapes, but the confrontation between the two is regardless of strength. The original book only talks about Andy’s escape from prison, and the director accurately captures the other side of the constitution, leading the audience to think about it. A good movie of

must also learn to make subtraction

novels and movies. After all, they belong to two themes. If the movie wants to copy novels completely, time is not allowed. The release version of the movie "Kings of Heaven" and the director's cut version are no more than 30 minutes away in time, but they have completely different perceptions of the audience. The reason why the release version has shrunk is because of time constraints.

The "Farewell My Concubine" and "Shawshank Redemption" I mentioned earlier are also tailored to the original novel. The specific details will not be repeated. If you compare novels and movies to literary works, the novel is still a novel, but the movie is a propositional composition, subject to a limited number of words, and the movie must control the content.Have a clear understanding: highlight the theme. Although the film is not as rigid as elementary and middle school essays, the narrative of the theme can only be one or two, too many to let go.

once again took out "Psychological Crime: City Lights" to talk about things. In fact, the original novel is excellent, and the failure of the film is because it wants to "reproduce" the novel. As a result, time is limited, and the consequence of blindly seeking completeness is that there is no focus. In fact, the focus of the novel is obvious, that is, the Ren Chuan case, which reached its peak when it came to online voting. However, the film did not give enough space to express, and some of the details were distorted, making the most shocking chapters utterly obscure.

In fact, the movie can do better. In this chapter, the death of Liao Yafan can be combined with the Ren Chuan case to strengthen the accusation against Keyboard Man. Moreover, the early stages of Ren Chuan in the novel can be killed separately, the final case report, and the male protagonist’s out-of-control beatings can all be included. The effect must be much better than now.

may be due to capital considerations, the movie forcibly added a certain actor's play. In fact, screenwriters and directors can completely treat Ren Chuan as the second male number. If they are handled as I said, there will be a lot of scenes, and the expression will be more concentrated. Unfortunately, neither the director nor the screenwriter understands the author's heart.

Actually, what I want to talk about is not addition and subtraction, but the way the movie content is shaped. Hollywood's standard three-act structure is not casual talk, there is a very deep truth in it. As a director, you must know what you want to express, and don't blindly mix things up. It's just a home-cooked dish if you cook it. Dogs don't eat home-cooked dishes that are not well done. I really like to express, please go to the series, "Breaking Bad" can make people memorable, because it is large enough and expresses enough, but if it is forced to be compressed into a movie, it is estimated that no one can bear it. .

Determine the theme, highlight the theme, and see the big in the small, which is thought-provoking. If you still don’t understand, I recommend watching "That Man Comes from Earth" and "Horror Live". The main line is simple, but I really look at it carefully. There is no silence.