Douban scored 7.2, cost 9 million, box office broke 100 million! Do you like this kind of escape room?

It is estimated that many adventurous friends have played

. I see other people playing so happily. I have tried it myself. However, I was scared at the door at the beginning. Since then, I decided to say goodbye to the room escape

. The movie mentioned is also the theme of escape room

. The difference is that this time there is no replay. If you fail, you will pay the price of your life.

"Escape Room"

has a good viewing experience for those who have never seen it. , I’m not spoiled here today. I will probably introduce the movie

, which cost 9 million yuan. After the domestic release, the box office raked in 100 million yuan. Netizens also rated very well

. Although the cost is not high, the name is not unique, and even The Secret Chamber has also been played in the series "Painful Fang" and "Chain Saw", but the director can still make this movie feel like "the sparrow is small and complete". It is not easy

Can good luck save lives?

Six people with different occupations, genders, ages, etc., have the only thing in common, that is that these six people have survived natural and man-made disasters, which is commonly known as the catastrophe but survived, and they were collected in one day. When I arrived at an invitation letter, the form of the invitation letter was actually hidden in a Rubik's Cube. You have to solve the Rubik's Cube to get

. I couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when I saw this, because I was the one who changed it. I definitely couldn't solve the Rubik's Cube! So I won't go to this game. The

game also indicated that there is a high prize of 10,000 US dollars, which is really high. How many wowotou can be bought!

Of course, the 6 people in the movie must have been unlocked, and they all went to the place mentioned in the invitation letter to gather

. The whole movie is simply tense and exciting! And the process is accompanied by different themes of brain burning and puzzle solving

, different environments, ice and fire secret rooms, upside down the billiard hall, the plot is compact and there is no point of urine, if you take a wrong step, it will be forever, a hundred minutes of movie plot, including horror, thriller, burning Brain, suspense, reversal, all kinds of stimulating elements

Watching such a movie is no less than enjoying the pleasure of a blockbuster movie. It is good to see it, recommended!