"Joker" has many of the best in the global film market, and the media and audience evaluations are still polarized!

"Joker" has a global opening of $234 million, setting a new record for the opening of North America in October. In 74 markets around the world, 39 overseas markets set the best draw of the year in Warner, among which 6 overseas markets set the best draw in DC history. This does not include the unreleased large ticket warehouses in France and Germany. The markets where

achieved the best drawing results include Korea’s $16.3 million, the best drawing in Warner history; the UK’s US$14.8 million, Warner’s best drawing of the year; Mexico’s US$13.1 million, second only to "Batman vs. Superman" drawing ; Russia 10 million US dollars, second only to "Task Force X";

Brazil 7.3 million US dollars, Warner's best drawing of the year; Japan 7 million US dollars, Warner's best drawing of the year; Italy 6.8 million US dollars, Warner's best drawing of the year Open drawing box office; Indonesia US$5.9 million, the top three in DC history; Spain US$4.6 million, Warner’s best drawing of the year; India US$3.9 million, ranking second in DC history.

Although "Joker" is a comic movie, the biggest difference from other comic movies is that there are no special effects in the whole film and there are very few action scenes. The film only borrows the character of the clown from the comics and certain storylines, bringing a brand new original story. The industry predicts that the film will develop linearly, with sufficient stamina, with a global box office of between 600 and 700 million US dollars. In this way, for the production cost of 70 million US dollars, "Joker" will bring considerable benefits to Warner.

With the release of "Joker", the evaluation of the film has changed accordingly. The negative side of

media evaluation is becoming increasingly polarized. 69% of the 392 media included on the Rotten Tomatoes website gave it positive reviews, with an average of 7.36 points. The 55 authoritative media included on the MTC website only scored an average of 58 points, far higher than "Suicide Squad" (40 points) and "Venom" (35 points). A total of 8 authoritative media gave the film a perfect score, and 20 media gave a low score of no more than 50 points. Let’s take a look at two representative evaluations:

"Empire" gave full marks, and its evaluation "Joker" is "a sword going slant, devastating and totally beautiful. Director Phillips and Phoenix have not only reshaped the most in film history." An iconic villain, and once again defined the genre of a comic-based movie."

"Time" only scored 20 points, believing that the film "has almost no main storyline, although Phoenix's performance is so hard that the audience You can almost feel the despair flowing in his blood, but the final effect of the movie is still empty."

This is no wonder, Time has always been different. Back then, Nolan’s "Batman Dark Knight" was only awarded 50 Minute.

In addition, the audience's evaluation of the film also shows a trend of polarization. The proportion of male audience of

films is up to 64%, and those under the age of 35 account for 66%. The proportion of young audiences is significantly higher than that of other R-rated films. It got "B+" in the CinemaScore audience survey, and the scores were equal to "Suicide Squad" and "Justice League"; comic fans gave a high rating to this movie, with a popcorn index of 91% and IMDb9.0.

Affirmative audiences generally believe that the clown is really shocking, and Jacques Phoenix has performed various acting skills, various details, and various micro-expressions to the fullest. Moreover, the theme of the film is profound. It raises the philosophical question of whether the clown made Gotham or Gotham made the clown. It is a DC movie that should not be missed.

The audience who likes the movie "Joker" are full of interest in this movie, and even picked out the filming locations of this movie in New York and New Jersey.

The long staircase where the clown dances is on the Bronx side. At that time, the subway in the Bronx, New York was changed to "Line 0 Express-To Old Gotham"; Wayne Manor was a courthouse in New Jersey.

, due to a series of controversies before the release of "Joker", also made this movie a very special movie in film history. Before the screening, Warner issued a statement prohibiting journalists from meeting with the main creator. The theater issued a special statement not encouraging children to enter the theater. The threats to individual theaters during the film screening and the arrangement of police guards around the theater kept "Joker" on the cusp. The

controversy directly affected the discussion of the film among industry insiders, and few insiders expressed their views on "Joker". But some dare to speak upBy. The film has just been released, and Mark Hamill, who has just watched "Joker", gave the film itself and its two screenwriters two praises.

Then another well-known industry insider expressed his views on "Joker". The famous director Michael Moore praised "Joker".

He believes: "Joker" is not a superhero, nor a super villain, nor is it a comic movie. I like the film’s multiple tributes to "Taxi Driver", "Social Network", "French Drug Network" and "Hot Day Afternoon". This is a movie like Stanley Kubrick.

"We were told that the police would be there for every screening this weekend to prevent trouble. What people hear is that we should be afraid of it and stay away from it. My suggestion is just the opposite: if you don’t watch this Movies may be more harmful to society. Because the stories it tells and the questions it raises are so profound and so necessary that if you look away from this masterpiece of art, you will miss this mirror. A gift for us. Yes, there is a mentally disordered clown in the mirror, but he is not alone, we are standing by his side."

In fact, the polarization of the evaluation of "Joker" just shows this. This film is a successful film with a high degree of artistry. Different evaluations represent different thoughts and speculations, and it reflects that this movie touches people's inner souls.

Jacques Phoenix did bring another peak performance since "The Master". I have to admire DC's casting ability, Jackie Phoenix, Heath Ledger (Batman: The Dark Knight), Jared Leto (Suicide Squad)", these three clowns all have created a classic clown image!

​​However, the prospect of Jackie Phoenix becoming emperor at the Oscars next year is still unclear. One is that the film itself is more controversial, and the current Oscars are more biased towards uncontroversial films; second, the Oscar winning is also a competition for financial resources and personal connections, and Jacques Phoenix is ​​disadvantaged in this respect. In Hollywood, Jacques Phoenix, who has always been on the verge of doing his own way, is a double actor in Cannes and Venice, but in Hollywood he is not rated by the Oscars, and he will not go to public relations for the award.

is actually not important anymore, the important thing is the grand performance he brings again.