"Diet Men and Women" directed by An Li tells the separation and connection of an ordinary family


talks about food, I have to mention movies about food. The editor, I will just take an example, such as "Diet for Men and Women". This movie is the last of director Ang Lee's famous "Father Trilogy". With a few delicious meals, "Diet Men and Women" deeply showed the impressive drama, which made our jaw drop. We are shocked not only by our hearts, but also by the already hungry and thirsty stomachs. We can't wait to rush into the silver screen and have a free meal. The mere five-minute shots have kept so many viewers staring at the food on the silver screen, their eyes have not moved, and their saliva has flowed all over the floor. It is really horrible.

The protagonist of the story of "Diet Men and Women" is a retired chef who once worked in a five-star hotel. His skills can be described as perfect. But as time went by, he got older and older, his sense of taste gradually became bad, and he gradually lost his sense of taste.

After his daughter-in-law passed away, he took three women by himself. The eldest daughter Jiazhen is a religious person. She believes in Christianity. Since her mother passed away, she has treated her two younger sisters at home and played the role of mother. Because she believes in Christianity, she is very self-disciplined in her life, and behind the self-discipline is her inner paranoia and madness. The second daughter of

Jia Qian is the one who has the most connections with her father in the movie. She has liked cooking since she was a child, because she has good talent and inherited her father's cooking skills. I thought she would be a good housewife, but she didn't expect to become a strong woman in the workplace under the intervention of her father, so there was a gap with her father. The third daughter, Jianing, is the most innocent and lovely of the three sisters.

dining at the table seems to be on the battlefield

Although their family lives together, only the protagonist (Lao Zhu) is busy in the kitchen alone, like a donkey pulling a mill, sitting alone in a delicious and delicious man’s feast . You can sit down and have a rare reunion dinner after you are busy. And it is when eating meals that family conflicts erupt from time to time. This kind of family conflict is just like the dishes made by Lao Zhu. Irrelevant ingredients are put in a large pot and cooked over a high fire. Finally, the sour, sweet, bitter, spicy, salty and other flavors of the human delicacy are formed.

In the whole movie, Lao Zhu's family ate four meals together. And every meal has someone to announce a major event, including the second daughter announced to move out, the eldest daughter and the younger daughter announced marriage and pregnancy. And here, the "diet" and "men and women" in the movie title "Diet and Men" begin to have a real intersection. Every meal at

at home means that something big has happened. No major event happened, it represents parting, but also represents union. The plot of the film embodies the exchange and integration of Chinese and Western cultures, shows the collision of tradition and new ideas, and shows the conflict, tolerance and explosion between the different personalities of each character and the surrounding environment. Especially when the protagonist Lao Zhu announced at the dinner table that he fell in love with Aunt Liang, who was not showing his affection, but the daughter of Aunt Liang, the love and values ​​of feudal society were personally broken by people belonging to that generation.

The last meal in the movie, in the end only Lao Zhu’s second daughter Jia Qian ate with Lao Zhu. But Jia Qian made soup for her father, so that Lao Zhu, who had already lost his sense of taste, tasted it again. For Lao Zhu and his daughter, who had been separated for a long time, this meal was a real re-understanding of the meaning of each other in their lives. And this movie also closed the curtain in the eyes of the old Zhu and his daughter. The

dining table is supposed to be a place where family members are connected. Everything that happens in an ordinary family in the

movie makes us feel like we have experienced a revolution, which is impressive and unforgettable. And a few ordinary ingredients, after the various cooking techniques of Lao Zhu, the delicious dishes that are finally baked are also diverse, and they only give people one feeling, that is, the love of the father is like a mountain. The parting and reunion of

family members are like the dishes on the table, the preparation before the dishes and the cooking before the dishes are formed. The family gathers together and talks and laughs, and the dishes are mixed. In the heart of director Li An, the dining table is the place that best reflects the affection between family members. The second daughter, Jiaqian, also made the soup for her mother who died many years ago, but this soup expresses family affection that blood is thicker than water. The

table is a magical place. Some people talk about big business at the table, some meet friends at the table, and some people get love at the table. FrontDuring the Mid-Autumn Festival and the National Day a few days ago, did you spend dinner with your family?