The phrase "sorry" that "Captain China" said softly, fell heavily in everyone's heart

On May 14, 2018, just as people were enjoying this day leisurely, you know that above our heads, over the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, a catastrophe of life and death was unfolding.

Sichuan Airlines flight 3U8633 encountered the extreme rare danger of the cockpit windshield bursting and falling off at an altitude of 10,000 meters, and the cockpit pressure was released. The crew was in danger and handled correctly, ensuring the safety of all people on board and creating a miracle in the history of civil aviation in the world. . Captain Liu Chuanjian,

, was calm, and saved the 119 passengers and 9 crew members on the plane with a superhuman attitude.

This is the Chinese Captain, and it is also the "Chinese Captain" to be pushed today. As of press time, the box office of "Captain of China" has exceeded 600 million.


It is difficult to describe my movie watching process. It is like taking a trip to 3U8633 again, experiencing a cycle of life and death with the characters in the movie, and the dream maker of this cycle of life and death is Liu Weiqiang.

Liu Weiqiang's work has the most perfect balance between commerce and art, which can be described as a kind of commercial art.

From the passion of "Young and Dangerous" to the introverted genre film "Infernal Affairs", Liu Weiqiang has achieved a kind of balance, and the coronation of "Infernal Affairs" allows him to play the genre to the extreme.

created the wild and unconstrained life in "Young and Dangerous", living as he pleased, with the influence of flowing comics that created the oppressive atmosphere in "Chinese Hero". Another way of "Infernal Affairs" tells the depth of destiny.

, born as a photographer, he can make the pictures into tattoos engraved on the viewers' hearts.

He played with love, police, action, comics, literature and art, horror, martial arts, and became the Baidu of various genres.

The birth of the aerial miracle on May 14, 2018, also gave birth to this movie.

The project of "Captain of China" was established in August 2018, shooting started in September, and finished in March 2019, post-production at the end of August, and released on September 30.

filming such "real people and real things" adaptations of movies is particularly difficult, especially when the parties are still there, and the creators cannot be too fanciful and exaggerate the truth.

But for Liu Weiqiang, making this film like a documentary requires tight time, heavy tasks and considerable pressure, but now it seems that Director Liu still handed in a perfect answer.

This is due to the quick shooter who was "forced" by Director Liu Weiqiang in the Hong Kong film circle. The filming of "Young and Dangerous 1" took 21 days and "Young and Dangerous 2" only took 9 days to complete. It's a one-time pass, and such a movie with its original ecology is incredibly real and beautiful.

In "The Captain of China", the director reproduced the entire event, interspersed with life details, and explained the situation on the flight from different angles, cleverly taking the 34-minute event as the main axis, and the film became a closely structured and smooth narrative. , A film full of positive energy.

"The Captain of China" is a kind of commercial disaster film itself. In terms of the tone of the whole film, it brings the audience an extremely deep sense of reality. Put the audience in the whole disaster. After watching this movie, I want to say that you must wear a seat belt when flying. The reality in the

film makes people feel the moment of life and death of the incident, but in the script and editing that are not deliberately or pretentious, they are moved beyond miracles.

First of all, this film is adapted from real events, so it has a real shooting basis, and the shooting scene is also a one-to-one full model shooting effect.

In order to film "Captain of China", the crew did not hesitate to create a one-to-one simulated aircraft to complete various actions such as aircraft bumps. In order to better framing the scene, Director Liu led the crew to Lhasa and the snow-capped mountains.

Liu Weiqiang said: "Only in a real environment, the actor's performance is realistic enough. Our cabin is divided into three segments but connected to each other, so the technicians have to solve the problem of synchronization of the three segments, and let the three segments complete one action together. This kind of filming is not available in Hollywood, but we did it, and I think it’s very proud. "


In addition to live shooting, the performances of actors tend to be more realistic. In the shaping of the role, "Chinese Captain" also has a very big breakthrough.

Zhang Hanyu's captain Liu Changjian's state while flying the plane and every action in the performance tend to be authentic. The director used countless details toComplete the preparation for the shock before 34 minutes.

For example, the captain takes a cold shower after getting up and turns on the stopwatch to practice holding his breath. These two details of

fully prove that he has complete enough working knowledge and coping methods in his work.

And Zhang Hanyu's acting is very down-to-earth and introverted, plain acting, one look can interpret all the meaning, calmness and calmness are necessary conditions for a captain. It is this kind of restraint that makes the role of the captain have a deeper sense of weight.

When the camera swept to his home, I saw that all kinds of accessories were arranged in order, which shows that he is a rigorous and demanding person in his daily life.

first understand the working plan of the route after going to work, and check whether the aircraft is working properly. It can also be seen that he is usually rigorous in his work.

Therefore, with a lot of foreshadowing of such details, it is enough to create a character's personality. It is not surprising that he can become a typical representative of the Chinese captain.

Yuan Quan’s acting skills shocked me. The flight attendant on an airplane actually didn’t have much room to play, but Yuan Quan no, she gave this character a deeper understanding. She smiled like a spring breeze, and I can feel her Strong.

"Please trust us".

In a word, this character is alive.

And Yuan Quan’s character outburst when facing difficulties, he will also take care of the safety of passengers while inhaling oxygen, which is completely in line with the reality of real human nature when facing difficulties.

Zhang Tianai’s and Li Qin’s performances are authentic and credible, and bring great vitality to the characters. Ouhao, the young general, interprets the co-pilot role vividly, from the initial exaggeration of the film to the strength after being sucked out of the cabin. The film brings a kind of youthful vitality that is strong, unyielding and fearless.


As everyone knows, the final result of the entire incident is a safe landing. In a real incident, it only took more than 30 minutes from the accident to the safe landing. How did Liu Weiqiang make the audience feel about a known ending in this 111-minute movie? Interested in movies.

Creating a sense of tension is the main task of this film. The audience hopes that they will experience life and death together like the people in the play. And Liu Weiqiang brings not only tension to the audience, but also confidence and strength.

The rhythm of the whole movie can be said to be a roller coaster ride. You will always be nervous and always want to shout. . .

And when the plane in the film landed smoothly, all the passengers were the captain, the staff, and themselves, applauding warmly. This kind of sincerity and moving has a basis and normal reason. So authenticity is the biggest advantage of this film.

When the safety of everyone’s life turned to safety, when the plane landed safely, when the captain Liu Changjian played by Zhang Hanyu stepped off the plane, the phrase "sorry" he said softly fell heavily on everyone’s heart. The comfort of the passengers is also the guarantee and trust of their excellent flying technology. It is a kind of awe of life and occupation.

"Chinese Captain" can fully represent the daily work of most flight attendants to a certain extent. This film reflects real events while also letting the audience understand their real lives, allowing us to witness each The captain’s extraordinary mission. And the vivid miracles created by the Chinese captains represented by this movie.

Captain Liu created a miracle with the hero crew, and the movie also created a miracle.

Among the Big Three in the National Day gear, "Captain China" is the weakest lineup and the least promising one before. However, this movie relied on its strong reputation, and only two days after its opening, it was soaring at the box office, which made us full of curiosity and confidence in its final performance!