The box office broke 800 million! "My Motherland and Me" has no actor who is holding back. The details are very good to cry

is obvious that in the three main National Day films, "My Motherland and Me" leads strongly.

According to statistics from the professional version of Maoyan Movies, the box office of "Me and My Motherland" on the first day was 278 million. As of 9:00 on October 2, the cumulative box office exceeded 800 million. It took only 47 hours and two days. Time is running out.

In addition, its total box office in the Mainland is predicted to be 3.081 billion, and the situation is very good!

Speaking of "My Motherland and Me", we have long heard the key words about it.

70th anniversary of the founding of New China, 7 well-known directors, 7 important historical moments, countless well-known actors...

can be released from the beginning of the film project to the release of each trailer. Our expectations are still refreshed again and again. Regarding the subject matter, the director, and the actors, everything can be an existence that stimulates our expectations.

"My Motherland and Me"

Know the background of the film, "My Motherland and Me" is composed of 7 stories, the theme of each story corresponds to 7 important historical moments since the founding of New China.

This is like a propositional composition, handed over to the three generations of outstanding directors of the old, middle and youth in China, giving the directors freedom to play, and they have indeed handed in satisfactory answers, and under the tone of the main theme, they also shot Their personal style.

Lao Meng will briefly talk about the feelings of these seven stories:

Guanhu "Eve"-neat

When everyone is one mind, just to ensure that the ceremony is foolproof, this moment is really teary.

From the beginning to the end of the whole story, Lao Meng's palm was almost never released. The assistant Lin Zhiyuan, played by

Ou Hao, sat on the roof and shouted loudly. Lin Zhiyuan, played by Huang Bo, ran hard on the square, and finally everyone who pulled the rope on the ground to prevent the flagpole from shaking, What we see from the picture is that everyone is working hard for the ceremony.

I have to say that Director Guan Hu is very good at grasping the emotions of the characters, especially the protagonist Lin Zhiyuan.

Huang Bo cried with joy when he was climbing the pole and everything was resolved smoothly. It can be said that every emotion is just right.

And the whole story is quite neat, from preparation to encountering difficulties, to solving difficulties, until the moment when the national flag is raised smoothly, there is no waste of writing, and our emotions are brought in step by step.

​​In Guanhu’s "Eve", even if you have not experienced the Eve, excitement is inevitable.

Zhang Yibai's "Encounter"-exquisite

To tell the truth, Lao Meng didn't expect much at the beginning of this story, but after reading it, this story surprised Lao Meng the most. The theme of

"Encounter" is the explosion of China's first atomic bomb. For this atomic bomb, many young people in China have made their best efforts, even young lives. The hero of the

story is one of these unknown researchers.

Zhang Yi played Gao Yuan, a scientific researcher who participated in the research of the atomic bomb. In an experiment, he was exposed to nuclear radiation to rescue equipment. 80% of the story of

was unfolded on this bus. The girlfriend played by Ren Suxi recognized him through her eyes and figure, but according to the regulations, he could not tell.

is the memories of his girlfriend on the one hand, and the pain in his heart on the other, what should I do?

Gao Yuan could hardly be stretched under his girlfriend's slow narration. At this time, the "big event" that Commander Chen said came.

The newspapers all over the street, the two smiled at each other across the bustling crowd. The moment we took off the masks from a high distance, we, as the audience, burst into tears. The story of

focuses on the feelings of small people and integrates major historical events into the background. Through delicate emotions, we can see the spirit of all people's dedication for their homeland and country.

This is also the most surprising part of Zhang Yibai's story.

Xu Zheng's "Winning the Championship"-exquisite

"Winning the Championship" is a story with Xu Zheng's taste. Although it is called winning the championship, he did not focus on the women's volleyball championship.

instead put the landing point on the two in the alleyIn the child, a little boy had a crush on a little girl and wanted to give her a gift before she went abroad. He did not expect to catch up with the women's volleyball team and win the championship.

In order to get the TV broadcast, the little boy who mastered electrician skills was trapped on the rooftop, so the two failed to say goodbye.

Xu Zheng put the trivial matter of "first love" in the background of "women's volleyball championship", which is actually a bit similar to Zhang Yibai's story.

But his more subtle part is that "Win the Championship" not only shows the boy's many inner struggles, but also spends more pen and ink on the women's volleyball championship, such as the reflection of the crowd watching the game in the Shanghai lane.

In other words, in this story, there are two lines that guide emotions.

One is whether the little boy and the little girl can meet for the last time, and one women's volleyball team won the championship.

And the emotions of these two lines were ignited together at the moment of winning.

At the end, when the little boy Dongdong happened to fly over the roof to adjust the antenna while wearing a bed sheet, whose heart would not follow? At the end of

, the story overlap was used again. The time was cut from 1984 to 2016. At the same time as the two children reunited, the women's volleyball team won the championship again.

Patriotic feelings and personal emotions were vented at one time, I have to say that this story is really praise!

Xue Xiaolu's "Return"-moving

When watching the trailer, the story of "Return" is the most tear-jerking. In the story of

, there is no protagonist in the traditional sense. Its main line revolves around the handover ceremony of the return of Hong Kong. Xue Xiaolu, director of

, also cleverly selected the core as "time".

Mr. Wenbin An once recalled in the Long Reader program that he had about 16 formal negotiations with the British Ambassador Davis, and I don’t know how many informal meetings were held.

and every negotiation is only for 2 seconds.

"We have been waiting for 154 years, we can't wait one more second."

For these two seconds, the flag-raiser played by Du Jiang kept practicing, just to be able to raise the national flag to the top every second and declare the return of sovereignty. .

also has a line of watch shop owners and captains on duty. The watch shop owners who unexpectedly came to Hong Kong that year waited for so many years and finally returned. In the story of

, the details are still moving.

Finally, the national flag rose and the singing sounded. Without any sensational skills, the tears came down by themselves.

Ning Hao "Hello Beijing"-interesting

2008 is an unforgettable year for every Chinese. The story about the Olympics directed by

in Ning Hao started with a Beijing taxi driver, who was Uncle Ge Youge. The story of

is a typical Ning Hao narrative style, with Ning Hao's stalk in it almost every second, coupled with Uncle Ge's interpretation, this story is the most relaxing and reversal of the seven stories.

Chen Kaige's "Daytime Meteor"-the magnificent

Director Chen Kaige's story focuses on the story of China's return to the voyage, using the "Prairie Legend" as the carrier, but it is full of profound ideas.

puts the aerospace industry and poverty alleviation together. The director's intention is very good. At the same time, the story also uses the most magnificent visual effects to show us the vastness of the prairie.

Among the seven stories, the visual effect is the best and the most shocking.

Wen Muye "The Escort"-the complete

Director Wen Muye still aims to tell a good story this time, using multiple flashbacks to review Li Xiaoran's journey of becoming an excellent female pilot.

went from childhood to adolescence, then experienced emotional setbacks, and finally made dedication and sacrifice for the cause he loved. Through a series of stories,

has created a vivid image of a female pilot, and has also put a good ending to this movie.

Looking at the 7 stories, there are no shortage of actors with various acting skills and awards in "My Motherland and Me".

said very responsibly, but none of the characters appearing in the film are slow, even if they only appear for 2 seconds, it is enough to see the acting and the intentions, and some details are particularly easy to cry.

Among these, what impressed Lao Meng most were Huang Bo in "Eve before" and Ren Suxi and Zhang translated in "Encounter".

Huang Bo's acting skills needless to say. In the story of "Eve before", his interpretation of the real character Lin Zhiyuan is very good.

is a sacrificial intellectual who has been hit and desperate, but in the end he overcomes his fear of heights and climbs to the flagpole. The character is quite full.

is different from Huang Bo. Ren Suxi and Zhang Yi in "Encounter" are almost all literary plays. From the time when

met in the car, Ren Suxi went from surprise to disappointment to courage. Several expressions and actions fully showed her hesitation. After

, she began to recall the past. When it came to the sweet past, she couldn't restrain the joy on her face.

can talk, but she still can't help complaining after these three years.

In the end, she said "I don't blame him", which not only impressed Zhang Yi's Gao Yuan, but also us in front of the screen.

And Zhang Yi, who was wearing a mask all the way, perfectly showed the wonderful acting skills, from dodge eyes, then struggle and hesitate to move, and finally took off the mask without being stretched.

can feel the emotional changes of the two in every shot, and it is really caught in Zhang Yi's eyes. The seven stories of

perfectly and ingeniously integrate the concept of "motherland" through the director's unique perspective and technique.

It can be the courage to climb to the top of the flagpole regardless of the danger of life, or it can be the forbearance of staying for years and resolutely not contacting family members.

It can be the sacrifice of giving up dreams for the most perfect performance, or the regret of missing and exchanging gifts with girls.

Here, the main melody is no longer a fake big sky, but in the details, it resonates.

Some people may not know that this movie was named "My Motherland" at the beginning of the preparation, but then director Chen Kaige changed it to "My Motherland and Me". This modification is wonderful, because it belongs to each of us. The story of a person and the motherland; because it emphasizes the connection between the individual and the motherland:

We are all ordinary and unknown members, but we have all witnessed and participated in the rise of the motherland's prosperity and strength!

does not deny that "My Motherland and Me" is very easy to cry.

But this time, we should cry!