1960 reality climbers and movie climbers

On May 25, 1960, Wang Fuzhou, Kampot, and Qu Yinhua, three members of the summit team, successfully climbed the world's highest peak Mount Everest from the north side for the first time, which was also the first summit of mankind.

The southern slope of Mount Everest in Nepal is relatively flat, and it will not be difficult until after six kilometers. If it is difficult to climb to the top of the southern slope, it is a hell start to climb to the top of the northern slope and it is completely unpredictable. The weather is difficult.

Many attempts by the British expedition to the North Slope for many years have ended in failure.

The Chinese mountaineering team successfully completed the first two adaptive trainings in the base camp to reach 6,400 meters above sea level and the second time from base camp to 7,600 meters, and then returned to base camp to rest. When

reached 8,600 meters for the third time, the temperature dropped to 30 degrees. In the three adaptive mountaineering, the climbers not only gradually increased to adapt to the environment, but also set up small camps along the way. The rush to create favorable conditions. Although

withdrew to the base camp smoothly, more than half of the team's main team members of more than 50 members were damaged by frostbite in the extreme cold and harsh environment.

received news at this time that a foreign expedition was going to the summit from the south. Thirteen team members including Wang Fuzhou were ordered to the top of Mount Everest again.

60-degree icy slope in the north of

at the 8100m of the first pass of the northern crossing

, the peak of the Chinese mountaineering team is Mount Everest.

When the summit team set off, nine of the 13 people who completed the transportation task were insufficient resources. Can only return to the camp. The remaining four people go further five to six hundred meters from here, which is a rock face of more than ten meters with an altitude of eight thousand six hundred meters and an average slope of 80 degrees. After Liu Lianman tried to open the road four times and failed, he acted as a ladder to support Qu Yinhua in the middle. Bingzhu, Qu Yinhua couldn't bear to wear crampons on his teammate's shoulders, and decisively took off his skates. An hour later he finally hit the Bingcone and climbed the cliff, pulling the rest of the players to the top, but Liu Lianman could only stay in place to rest because of physical exhaustion.

looked at the teammates who went away and the oxygen cylinders left beside him, Liu Lianman left a text message to his teammates when he was unconscious: "I haven't completed this mission. There is still oxygen in the oxygen cylinder. You will use it when you come back. Right.”

succeeded in the first summit. Three Chinese climbers from left to right: Qu Yinhua, Kampot, and Wang Fuzhou

. When there were more than 50 meters away from the summit, the remaining three members had run out of oxygen. Throwing away the oxygen cylinder, there is no oxygen at an altitude of more than 8,800 meters. The simple equipment requires a lot of energy every step forward, severe altitude sickness, and violent physical exertion. The three supported each other. Finally, on May 25 At 4:20 in the morning of the morning, we successfully climbed to the top of the highest peak, and it was also the first time that mankind climbed the 8882-meter peak from the northern slope of Mount Everest.

is here from left to right, from left to right, the 25-year-old Sichuan forestry worker Qu Yinhua (died in September 2016 at the age of 82), the 27-year-old Tibetan team member Gongbu (wish the old man a long life), and the 25-year-old Wang Fuzhou, a graduate of the Beijing Institute of Geology (died at the age of 80 in 2015), Liu Lianman, who left oxygen to his teammates, Captain Shi Zhanchun, and the many teams that silently dedicated themselves to you, pay tribute to you.

The mountaineering team swears before the summit.

Nowadays, when talking about Mount Everest, no matter if it is expensive equipment, it costs four to five million yuan. It is a topic that people who die every year because of the summit, why go to the summit. peak?

Their story is not over yet, our own lives are continuing, and do you have a peak in your heart that you want to climb. In a blink of an eye,

has reached the top of the country and has not given way. [Climber] was also released on September 30th, and those who have watched the screening also asked if it is worth watching.