Relive the classic movie "The Years of Love"

If there is a movie that people will still mention many years later, then her music has already penetrated people's hearts, such as "Gone with the Wind", "Broken Blue Bridge", "The Lion King", "Sindler's List" "..., the music of the years of love has a strong rustic flavor, beautiful like wisps of clear spring, always rippling with the warmth of love. You will not deliberately reverberate that melody, it really brings people into the flowing emotional world. The

family sat together and listened to Shan Mo singing while Susan played piano accompaniment. The music was simple and simple. This kind of family entertainment back then is described in many movies, and the scene is very touching. There is also the music of Tris Ting drifting away from home on the sea, magnificent and soothing, full of energy. The data shows: This is another masterpiece by James Horner, impeccable, every theme melody is unparalleled.

James. Horner's music has always had a high melody, but at the same time there are so many themes, and each capital is very beautiful, probably only "Burning Love", independent appreciation will not be a problem at all. I should thank the director, the film is very emotional, allowing James Horner to do whatever he wants in music. Watching many Western movies can also make emotional stories warm and wanton, not just the patent of Eastern movies.

This is also a story told around emotional salvation, showing the mysterious relationship between humans and nature, the contradiction between love and life, the eternal dispute between war and peace, the conflict and return of blood and society, focusing on the relationship between father and son, brotherhood, and friends Love, and love. The film begins with the story of an Indian hunter. The father, Colonel William, was tired of the war. He took his family to the Western Wilderness to cultivate a remote mountain pasture and socialized with the Indians and became close friends. Later, he raised three sons alone.

The three brothers of the William family have grown up with deep brotherhood and different personalities. The eldest brother Fred is loyal; the third brother, Sammo, is an idealist and is loved by his father; and the second child, Tris Ting, is a wild and unruly man with a tough and brave personality. He has been an Indian hunter since he was a child. Learn a skill there. The four father and son lived indifferent lives in a male world. Susan is Sam Mo's fiancee, a woman with a romantic and free nature. Her arrival has brought bright colors to the family, and the family lives in harmony and happiness.

Fred and Tracy have a crush on Susan at the same time. William originally thought that he could enjoy a life without any disputes and a paradise away from the battlefield. However, when World War I broke out, he finally failed to convince Fanggang's sons, but silently agreed to them to join the army to Europe, leaving Susan in tears secretly.

Since then, the family has been traumatized by the smoke of war. During the

war, Trisiding watched as Shan Mo was shot to death but was helpless, regretting his whole life. Fred was worried about this, and the two had a conflict. The grieving Tris Ting dug out the heart of Sam Mo in the way of the Indians, and was buried in the mountains of his hometown. The feelings of brotherhood are deep.

The love of Susan and Tris Ting made Fred leave. However, Sam Mo's death made Trais Ding unable to face her beloved Susan, Trais Ding chose to escape, and traveled far away.

Susan was tortured emotionally while waiting, and time passed, she was frustrated, and finally married Fred.

Waiting until Tris Ting, who had been wandering for many years, returned home, the gentleman's steady father had unfortunately suffered a stroke, was unable to move, and was unable to express himself smoothly. However, the colonel lived steadfastly, still full of love for his son and a deep attachment to this family.

Tris Ting went through all these ups and downs, lost his feelings, married a wife and had children, and worked hard to support the ranch and family. The

film also describes the feelings between William and his sons and the Indians. They get along with each other, their feelings are sincere, and they share weal and woe. Tris Ting married Isabel, a girl of Indian descent, and lived a peaceful life. The world is difficult, Tris Ting began to sell bootleg wine to make a living, offending some people, Fred has been secretly protecting his brother.

On the way back into the city, Isabé was unfortunately killed by mistake, which once again ignited the fire in his heart. Susan still loves Tracy Ding, suffering from the contradiction between Tracy Ding and Fred, unable to extricate herself. When Susan saw Trais Ding’s son, Shan Mo, she couldn’t help but think of Sam Mo, who had been dead for many years, and thought of the happy time with Trais Ding. At that time, she told Tra Si Ding that their son would be called Shan in the future. Mo.

recalls the past, she can't bear such torture, such asToday Isabel’s death made her suffer even more, and she ended her life by suicide.

In fact, Susan is truly innocent, she is perfect and emotional, but the final ending is so tragic. Personally, I feel that this plot is handled abruptly, and the explanation is simple and blunt, with obvious traces of sensationalism.

moved me is the last climax of the film.

In order to defend his homeland and protect his son, the old William pained the killer with a half-length discomfort body; while Trai Si Ding, to save his father, gave up his life to stand in front of the enemy’s gun; watching Trai Si Ding was about to fall under the gun. Fred's gunshot sounded, and he completed a fatal blow to the enemy.

In a short moment, a series of changes, family affection collided in the fireworks, Fred was forgiven by his father, and the two brothers finally hugged each other tightly to relieve their suspicion. Tris Ting also completed his feelings for his younger brother Sammo. Salvation.

Seeing this, let his tears flow in the sound of an Indian spirit song, the Indian hunter witnessed Tris Ding’s life with a single blow, "Tris Ding is living a hard life again, and he lived a long time. Long, he personally sent away his father, and watched his children marry and have children. He was killed by bear claws during a fierce battle with bears in the 1960s. He died heroically. ......" Anthony Hopkins's superb acting skills are worthy of being the actor.

Brad Peter also appreciates, because he is handsome and cool, full of wild beauty. The movie "Burning Love" did not receive any Oscars. It seems strange now. Some people think that the plot is a little hollow, but many people have not forgotten this movie, which shows its value.

Sometimes, we have to admit that a lot of beautiful love is indecent love, excited by madness, and beautiful because of sinister. The first thing Colonel William taught his future daughter-in-law was shooting. Susan did not live up to the old William, she finally shot through her painful and entangled head with a bullet.

But, why at the moment of shooting, the wild boy that I shouldn't have always been in my mind? An unruly smile, like lightning, easily defeats the self-esteem built on my face and knowledge. With low eyebrows and blue eyes pressed down, it was a clouded sea.

I am an involuntary boat, driven by fate, I will eventually be broken. The strange lights, the falling blue silk, and the gunshots declared the end of the curse. In the barbaric world, power limits freedom.

Young Cui Siting understands that only by defeating a strong opponent can he be closer to freedom. He chose the strongest bear in the grassland. The fight between

and the bear made him famous, allowing him to gallop across the grasslands and forests, breathing the wind of freedom.

A true brave will not be moved by advocacy, he has his own beliefs. There is only one reason for Tristin to participate in the war, to protect his brother. Go to his shit battlefield rules, as long as he is with his brother, he is free, he only fights for his brother. His safety surpasses the temptation of all medals.

Who is the enemy is the enemy who hurts his brother. Before cutting off those scalps, he had never resented at all, how boring the war was, turning people into beasts with life and blood. Sam is dead, Alfred is limping, Tristin is muted.

This is the price. I don't like Brad Pitt growing a beard, it makes him look gloomy. It's like don't like Chow Yun-fat's back and head, it makes him look smooth. There are many people in the world who are immortal, such as Xiaobu. In a hundred years, he will still be Xiaobu.

The little cloth that swishes the line drastically, and the little cloth that screams with the Mustang will always be poked in the hearts of those who like him. For example, Fa Ge, no matter how others change from "child" to "Master", he will only be Fa Ge forever. The vicious "I hate people pointing a gun to my head" Xiao Ma is the idol of many people in their lives.

But the depressed Tristin had to grow a beard, and the shadow of not being conscientious enough for his brother made him linger. He needed a way to vent, and only a coward would keep his fear in his heart forever.

This time, he chose to challenge morality. Under his brother's gloomy gaze, he put his sister-in-law Susan to sleep (forgive me for using such an uncultural word to sleep, but other words are not enough to express the meaning of this behavior to him).

But the problem is that this behavior did not make him a public enemy.

Except for his older brother Alfred, everyone on his side, the challenge failed. Colonel William has always believed that this son most resembles himself and is the most worrying.

The industrial society is corroding their homes, and sooner or later they will be trapped in. So, can his wild Tristin adapt?

Looking at Susan, who is in the right place with Tristin, does he think of his wife who likes more flashy?

Did he foresee the misfortune of his love if he condoned Justin?

was unsuccessful in challenging morality, and Tristin was at a loss again. Fettered by love, for many nights, he still can't sleep.

Even with the gentle Susan next to him, he would often pull out the knife under his pillow in fear.

(the above pictures are from the network)