Crash landing! The heroic captain played by Tom Hanks in the air crash

Today, the three positive energy movies dedicated to the National Day-"My Motherland and Me", "The Climber", and "Captain of China" have all landed in major theaters across the country. Among them, "Captain of China" tells a miraculous chapter in China's aviation history, which inspires the audiences, and even more in reality, the heroic captain Liu Chuanjian greatly praised!

At the same time, I know that many movie lovers will certainly involuntarily think of another excellent film starring Tom Hanks, so today let us talk about another hero on the other side of the ocean. Captain-

"Captain Sally"

, a film also adapted from real events, was released in 2016. Today, more than 200,000 netizens have scored 8.3 points on Douban, which is not only true The film’s “emotional score” that reflects reality is not only an endorsement of the excellent acting skills of the leading actor Tom Hanks, it also contains a keen selection of the subject of Clint Eastwood, a hardcore Hollywood director and actor. The angle is highly appreciated.

1, Movie Air Crash VS Real Air Crash

"Captain Sally" is based on a real air crash of US Airways Class 1549 on January 15, 2009. At that time, the plane was hit by a bird during takeoff two minutes, causing engine failure Extinguished. Captain Sally was in desperation, and decisively landed the plane on the Hudson River, saving the lives of 155 people on the plane, which was a miracle.

However, frankly speaking, I am used to watching various action movies, and the air crash at the beginning of the movie is really a bit dull. why? Because we don’t understand real aviation accidents! If something like this happens, what will happen if the operation is not good, we have no idea! We always feel that the airplanes in the blockbuster movies break down at every turn. The protagonists can always magically pull up the gear lever and crash into the city at every turn. Don’t the protagonists continue to jump around vigorously?

bird strike? Small meaning. Crash landing on the river? Is it just a row of water? wrong! After watching the film, I looked for information to check what the real crash was like, and looked through the shocking records of the crash. The reality is not a movie. When a real crash occurs, 100 crash landings may not be successful once! Crash landing on the river? Perhaps a greater probability is just to facilitate the aftercare personnel to identify the complete body.

2, the film subject matter, personal style and emotional resonance are just right to balance each other.

Speaking of this "Captain Sally", in addition to the most distinctive label of adaptation of real events, another major factor that cannot be ignored is the film's creative team. I don’t need to say anything about Tom Hanks, and the director of the film is also from an extraordinary background. Clint Eastwood acted and directed Shuangxin after his “Funker Trilogy” became popular in 1964-1966. With "Unforgivable" and "Millions of Baby" twice won the Oscar for Best Picture and Best Director, shining in the film world for more than 50 years, and recently introduced his self-directed and self-acted new film "Mule", which can be described as a world movie The "treasure" of the world. The authenticity of

subject matter, coupled with such a distinctive star and director, not to mention the emotional vent of the 155 survivors and their families, and the fermentation of public opinion, the most admirable point of this movie is it Perfectly deal with problems from all angles. In the air crash at the beginning of

, Captain Sally and the deputy captain used a series of detailed and professional operations such as bird warning, single engine stop confirmation, double stop confirmation, and self-check manual, which fully restored the true appearance of the incident; and Tom · Hanks' demeanor and action are just right to not play, director Clint Eastwood also did not bring his strong western color into the film; the film’s emotional scenes are also handled implicitly and moving, when Captain Sally was investigated During the stay at the hotel, the hotel waitress gave a gentle hug, saying "The entire hotel is for you", which fully demonstrates the deep emotion of the rescued family to the captain.

3. Shocking and unique angle of topic selection

. Finally, the third point I want to say, I think the best part of the film, and the most shocking thing to me, is the excellent angle of topic selection. After the rest of my life, is it all over? In this movie, obviously not, on the contrary, it is just the beginning of the story.

Captain Sally saved more than 100 lives. However, after the incident, he was investigated by airlines and insurance departments. They questioned why his plane had just taken off and why he didn't fly back to the airport and chose to make an emergency landing on the river. "Dangerous Operation"Did it turn a small malfunction that could have landed safely into a serious flight accident? To be honest, at the first time I saw it, I was very angry, very angry, the captain saved more than 100 lives. , How many families have been saved behind this? Isn’t that enough? Such a hero, you are still aggressively questioning him?

​​However, looking back, the investigators who made people irritated were at fault. Are they just performing their duties. And is the procedure itself wrong? To a certain extent, doesn’t it also ensure that the flight crew can operate with reasonable care and be responsible for their lives.

who is right and who is wrong? It’s hard for me to judge. And the director is also very clever in handling the most capable conflicts in the whole film. He did not use the large emotional dramas of the rescued family members and the pressure of public opinion. Forcibly resolve, but let Captain Sally conquer the investigation team with his own calmness and discernment. No sensational, no pretentious, no exaggeration, the conflicts between the parties are perfectly balanced. The most sensational part of

is probably the end of the film. It proves to us that the hero will be remembered! Okay, that’s all for today’s sharing. I do not intend to recommend this film to compare it with "Captain China", just because of the real aviation history, Behind every safety rule is a painful lesson of blood and tears. Flying:

Not every accident can be rescued, but every captain who saves lives is a hero.

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