Feelings about watching the movie "No New China Without the Communist Party"

Whenever I hear "There is no New China without the Communist Party", "There is no New China without the Communist Party"...this song. My heart will be infected by the impassioned melody. There are three reasons: first, it is full of vigor, giving people hope and confidence; second, the content is basically true, without excessive exaggeration; third, the lyrics are concise and the melody is sonorous.

To commemorate the two days before the National Day on September 29, 2019, to strengthen the party’s basic line among the masses and maintain the advanced nature and purity of party members. Watched the movie "No New China Without the Communist Party" at home. The plot of the film truly restores the historical development process, from the lyrics of the Anti-Japanese War for 6 years, to 7 years to the final 8 years. The shock of the scene has far-reaching educational significance for our group of 80 people. The

film tells the story of a small village in the Jinchaji Revolutionary Base during the Anti-Japanese War. A 19-year-old squad leader and Communist Party member Cao Martian, led three people to a small mountain village in the border area to propagate the masses and help establish a grassroots democratic regime. Amidst the gunfire, the soldiers Ding Kai and Wei Min beside them were fighting against the Japanese devils. After a series of sacrifices in China, after a series of baptisms of blood and fire, it deeply stimulated Cao Martian's creative sentiment. In the end, he put together his lofty revolutionary ideals and personal musical talents to create the immortal revolutionary song "There would be no China without the Communist Party." In 1950, after Chairman Mao Zedong listened to this song, he suggested adding a "new" word to the song's name. Since then, this popular song has become the pioneering song of the land of China and has been passed down to this day. The

film has many historically authentic scenes. Among them, the scenes of Communist soldiers defending their hometowns, protecting villagers, covering comrades, and destroying Japanese devils made me cry. These revolutionary fighters showed that they took the lead, were not afraid of sacrifice, and fought in blood. A touching story of succession and succession. They represent the lofty ideological character and great revolutionary spirit of the revolutionaries, and make us awe-inspiring and unforgettable for life.

"The Communist Party has worked hard for the people, and the Communist Party has one heart for China." For the founding of the new China, countless Communist Party members shed their heads and blood. They will go forward forever, not afraid of sacrifice. General Yang Jingyu was besieged by the enemy in the mountains for several months. Later, due to a traitor informant, he was surrounded by groups. The enemy persuaded him to surrender, but he did not surrender. In the end General Yang died. When the enemy dissected him, he found that his stomach was full of bark, cotton and leather belts. Even the cruel Japanese were shocked. There are also many unknown soldiers who regard death as home, they are righteous, and they paved the way for the liberation of New China with their blood!

Time flies. To this day, the bloody winds of the revolutionary process are all over, replaced by people's happy life, but how hard it is to live a happy life. From revolution, to development, to revitalization, there have been too many tragic wars, too many life and death, it is those great revolutionaries who used their efforts, blood, and even life to exchange our harmonious life. , What a price this is. Therefore, as we explore and strive for the Chinese dream today, we should cherish the existing happy life, and once again be grateful for the great achievements of the old generation of revolutionary martyrs.

is linked to the current society’s moral anomie and lack of integrity, and some party members are indifferent to ideals and beliefs. Distorted outlook on life and values, confusion between right and wrong, good and evil, beauty and ugliness, money worship, hedonism, extreme individualism, use of power for personal gain, fraud and fraud, forgotten gains, self-interest, and other phenomena, compared with the high morale of the older generation of Communists , It's a world of difference. To this end, General Secretary Xi Jinping proposed at the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China to strengthen the construction of the socialist core value system, emphasizing the comprehensive improvement of the moral quality of citizens, promoting truth, goodness and beauty, denounce false evil and ugliness, and guiding people to consciously fulfill legal obligations and social responsibilities is of great significance. .

Time has passed, but this song has been sung to this day, inspiring generations of people to throw their heads and blood for the dream of New China. The film is not only a good teaching material for party history education and revolutionary history education, but also a full of Revolutionary romanticism, passionate and youthful movies. After watching the film, I have a long feeling for the older generation of Communists, which made us more convinced of the greatness of the Communist Party, that it is not easy for peace and freedom today, and that it is not easy for today's society to become more prosperous and powerful, so we cherish it even more.