The good life diversity plot introduction (1-45 episodes) finale

A Good Life Episode 1 Plot Introduction

   Xu Tian divorced and returned to China for heart transplantation Liang Xiaohui's lover passed away and donated heart

   Xu Tian in the United States received a call from his mother Dao Meilan, Dao Meilan urged her son to change his heart as soon as possible, because two years ago the American hospital checked that his heart function had failed and he needed to wait for the donor to replace his heart. Xu Tian comforted his mother Don't worry, he feels good now. Dao Meilan asked her daughter-in-law Xiaobai, and Xu Tian said that she had gone shopping. Soon Xu Tian arrived at the parking lot. He suddenly saw his wife Xiaobai's hands dancing in excitement on the window of the car. His wife and lover were in the car. The tremendous pain and humiliation caused Xu Tian’s old illness. His heart beats instantly, but he restrained himself from having an attack, turned around and barely supported his body and walked out of the parking lot. After a while, his wife Xiaobai drove over to pick up Xu Tian and went home.

   Xiaobai soon sneaked downstairs to have a tryst with his lover in the car when he got home. Xu Tian saw them looking impatient at the window upstairs and immediately called his wife to suggest divorcing her. Fake, Xiaobai's lover in the car, took the opportunity to propose to her. At this time, Xu Tian walked to the car and let the two of them talk at home. Fack told Xu Tian that he and Xiaobai have been together for more than a year, and they truly love each other, and hope Xu Tian will make them perfect. Although Xiaobai was bitterly crying, but facing his wife's betrayal, Xu Tian decided to go through the divorce procedures tomorrow.

   On the same day, Liang Xiaohui and fiancé Xiaoguang had just obtained their marriage certificates from the Beijing Civil Affairs Bureau. The two happy people went home holding hands. At the door Xiaohui saw her father and chess friend Lao Liu fighting again and moved their hands. Liang Xiaohui hurriedly scattered the wedding candy to the neighbors and pulled her father back. She urged her father to go back and pack his bags so that he could go to the United States for their honeymoon with them. Unfortunately, Xiaoguang will have to finish the last shift tomorrow before leaving. Old Liang stayed. After Xiaoguang finished dinner, Liang Xiaohui reluctantly kissed her lover goodbye, and asked Xiaoguang to come back early tomorrow to go to the airport with her.

   The next day, Liang Xiaohui received Xiaoguang’s voice message early in the morning. He told Xiaohui that he would go directly to the airport after he was busy. He also joked that he would carry all the luggage in the future and would never make Xiaohui tired again. With.

beautiful life stills

   The derailed Xiaobai on the other side repeatedly asked Xu Tian whether it would be okay if he didn’t get a divorce. Xu Tian was non-committal. Xiaobai cried and said that he was wrong, and asked Xu Tian to forgive her not to divorce, but Xu Tian’s heart was decided, and he urged Xiao Bai to quickly. Click to go through the divorce procedures, he has to rush back to Beijing, he missed the motherland. Xiaobai had no choice but to go through the formalities with Xu Tian, ​​and Xu Tian immediately flew back to Beijing after the incident.

   Beijing, Xu Tian’s younger sister Xu Dou told her mother that her brother was coming back and they had to pick him up at the airport immediately. At this time, Dao Meilan received a call from Xiaobai. Xiaobai cried and told her that Xu Tian did not want her. They are already divorced.

   Unexpectedly, Xu Tian had a heart attack on the plane. The airline soon sent him to Beijing Hospital and notified Dao Meilan. Dao Meilan asked her daughter Doudou to call her boyfriend Huang Daxian immediately in the ambulance, because Huang Daxian is the expert director of the hospital's cardiology surgery. Unexpectedly, Xu Tian woke up when he heard this name, and he asked his mother leisurely. Why did you invite Daxian before he died? A word made my mother and sister laugh.

   Liang Xiaohui couldn't wait for Xiaoguang at the airport for a long time. Old Liang received a call when she was very anxious. Xiaoguang had an accident! After Liang Xiaohui and his father arrived at the hospital, Xiaoguang's colleagues told them that Xiaoguang was gone to the hospital. , Liang Xiaohui only saw the cold body of her lover.

   Dao Meilan asked Huang Taixian to save her son in the hospital. Huang Taixian said embarrassedly that it was almost impossible. Doudou cried after hearing this. She promised Huang Taixian that he would marry if he could save his brother. At this time, Huang Daxian's assistant suddenly came over and told him that Xu Tian had a donor, which he had just donated. Huang Daxian heard that he was about to perform surgery on Xu Tian, ​​but when he left, he did not forget to ask Doudou whether what he said just now counts, and was bombarded by the mother and daughter.

   Human Organ Donation Management Center notified Liang Xiaohui that Xiaoguang signed an organ donation agreement before his death and his heart had been transplanted, which made Liang Xiaohui feel that Xiaoguang’s heart was still alive. Xu Tian is the donor of Xiaoguang's heart. (Original plot of Lujuba, please indicate the source for reprinting!) To