The spirit of climbing is the Chinese spirit of "never stop, always on the road"! The main creative team of the movie "The Climber" walked into Shanghai University to give themed party class

Everyone has a dream, but it is not enough to have a dream. You must insist and practice down-to-earth. Just like the slogan written by our mountaineers in the Mount Everest camp: "Difficulty is test! Persistence is victory! Confidence is success!" On the afternoon of September 27, "Dedicated to the climbers of the new era-Dialogue with the secretary of the film party class" The curtain kicked off in the Great Hall of Weichang Building, Baoshan Campus of Shanghai University. Cheng Danhong, Secretary of the Party Committee of Shanghai University, and Ren Zhonglun, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of the Shanghai Film Group, and producer of the film "The Climber", brought an exciting and deeply educated party class to the teachers and students on site.

is one of the blockbuster films celebrating the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China. “Climbers” tells the story of the Chinese mountaineering team sprinting to Mount Everest in 1960, completing the impossible mission of the world’s first summit on the northern slope. 15 years later, the Chinese mountaineering team once again challenged the story of the top of the world.

Cheng Danhong and Ren Zhonglun had a lively dialogue and exchange. Combining their own experiences and insights, they shared with the on-site teachers and students the topics of "promoting the spirit of climbing in the new era", "how to look at dreams and persistence", and "what is the mountain in their hearts and how to climb".

Cheng Danhong said: "The connotation of the spirit of climbing is the spirit of defying hardships, facing difficulties, and striving for self-improvement." We want to build a prosperous, democratic, civilized, harmonious, and beautiful socialist modern power in the middle of this century. This is a process of continuous climbing and struggle. To realize the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, we will experience many difficulties and obstacles. This requires the vast number of scientific workers, our teachers and students to carry forward the spirit of hard work and climbing, to continuously climb the peak of science, and to effectively solve the various problems and challenges faced.

Ren Zhonglun said: "The spirit of climbing is the Chinese spirit of'never stop, always on the road'."

Currently, at the important moments of the 70th anniversary of the founding of New China and the 70th anniversary of the founding of Shanghai Film Studio, Shanghai Film Studio launched Excellent film "The Climber".

"We use the movie "The Climber" to present the 70th anniversary of the founding of New China. It is not only a tribute to the heroes and predecessors, but also to enlighten future generations: no matter how difficult it is, the Chinese will not be difficult! In this era of struggle, every Chinese They are all climbers."

"Although in reality, it is impossible for everyone to climb Mount Everest, everyone must have a mountain and a height in their hearts. We must persist in climbing this mountain. We must have dreams and Persevere."

talked about the "mountain" in his heart. Cheng Danhong said that the "mountain" in his mind is to build Shanghai University into a world-class university that matches the status of Shanghai. He quoted the words of Mr. Qian Weichang, the first president of the New Shanghai University, “In today’s big cities in the world, there are many universities named after cities, and many of them are outstanding. The goal of our Shanghai University is to work hard for several years. , To reach the level of these excellent universities, keep pace with them!"

Cheng Danhong pointed out that achieving this goal is actually a process of continuous climbing.

To this end, we must first of all be firmly committed to the purpose of educating people for the party and the country, rooting in China to run universities, and cultivating a large number of socialist builders and successors for the motherland who have all-round development of morality, intelligence, physical education, art, and labor; secondly, we must Make good use of the full range of disciplines of Shanghai University, continue to obtain original scientific research results, promote interdisciplinary integration, and strive to improve the level of serving the country's economic and social development;

Once again, we must actively increase foreign exchanges and cooperation, and encourage teachers and students Actively participate in international joint scientific research to enhance the discourse power and influence of Shanghai University in the world.

Ren Zhonglun said that from the establishment of the Shanghai Film Studio in 1949 to the Shanghai Film Group today, it has created more than 1,000 feature films, more than 500 fine art films, more than 1,300 translation films, more than 1,500 science and education films, and more than 1,000 This TV series has created the historical status of Shanghai movies in the country. A group of outstanding and representative film masters and artists have also emerged in Shanghai. The Shanghai Film Group will continue to make good films in the future, and continue to produce film masters and art masters. This is his dream.

Liu Jia, an organizer of the Party Branch directly under Qian Weichang College, said that today’s "Dialogue with the Secretary of the Film Party Class" is a special and positive party class. "We are all climbers, and we are all chasers. Dreamer! As a dreamer of the new era,As Shanghai University, we should carry forward the spirit of climbing, have dreams, actions, perseverance, work hard, and make due contributions to our respective posts." Zhang Chenlu, a polymer material and engineering major from the School of Materials Science and Engineering, said, Today I have the opportunity to participate in the "Secretary of the Film Party Class" dialogue. As a student party member, I saw the five-star red flag in the trailer flying at the highest point in China, and I was extremely proud and proud!

"The Secretary of the Film Party Class" Dialogue by Shanghai University Hosted by Ge Zihan, a graduate student party member of Shanghai Film Academy, she talked about the party class of the two secretaries to encourage college students to achieve their dreams in the new era and to bravely climb the peak of their hearts. Everyone has a mountain that is difficult to climb in their hearts and stick to their dreams. Persevere in the struggle, and the top of the mountain is right in front of you. After the film party class, the film "Climber" creators communicated with the teachers and students on the scene. Their spirit of not being afraid of difficulties and facing difficulties in the creative process also made the teachers and students on the scene. Deeply touched.

Finally, Cheng Danhong sent a message to the masters and students present:

First is Wang Guozhen’s poem "There is no mountain higher than a person, and there is no road longer than a foot", which means that we must aim high. Be down-to-earth, take dreams as horses, and move forward fearlessly; the second is today's theme, "Let’s not let down this great era, we must be climbers of the new era!" "

Ren Zhonglun also hopes that the college students present will study hard, make progress every day, practice their skills, and serve the motherland. The wonderful and profound dialogue between the two secretaries of

aroused strong resonance from the teachers and students on site, and there were many enthusiastic applause.

During the overall promotion of the theme education of “Don’t forget the original heart and keep the mission in mind” at Shanghai University, the school used the form of film party class, innovated the theme education method, combined with the creation and lecture of the film to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the founding of New China, to better help The majority of party members feel their original intentions, let the party class more add their brains to their hearts, and inspire the majority of young students to be climbers and dream chasers in the new era.