This National Day blockbuster broke my prejudice against the main theme.

National Day is approaching. The three main themes of the movies have also entered a period of publicity. Although in terms of popularity, "The Climber" and "My Country and Me" have a very strong momentum. But the "Chinese Captain" with the best of the three may not necessarily be doomed.

"Chinese Captain"

, the third "most", is that the premiere date is relatively earliest.

is well known, for a blockbuster film-

is not ahead of its premiere, it often means that the creator is not confident enough.

"Captain of China" was released on the 30th, but the premiere ceremony was held in Sichuan as early as the 20th.

You ask, how did the audience react?

has passion and embarrassment.

The passion is that the captain Liu Changjian landed safely, and when the movie appeared shady, there was thunderous applause in the theater.

​​Zhang Hanyu played Liu Changjian

The embarrassment is that the applause lasted for a few seconds, and the shady scene turned into a colorful picture.

In other words, the screening is not over yet, everyone applauded early... At the end of the

movie, the supervisory bureau leader played by Zhu Yawen walked into the cockpit with a solemn face. After checking

, looking at Liu Changjian’s body that had been ravaged by the wind, the leader uttered six words in amazement:

"Why are you so awesome..." The six words

, when placed on Liu Changjian’s fitness program, are undoubtedly valid. . The six characters

are also valid when applied to most of the workers in China's civil aviation industry.

Anyone who knows history knows that China's aviation technology developed decades later than the West.

However, despite being a developing country, China's civil aviation turnover volume ranks second in the world.

More importantly, the safety level of China's civil aviation is far ahead of the world average. How does

do all this?

Through "Chinese Captain", we can see the day of Chinese civil aviation workers-

and the following content contains spoilers

opening, wake up early in the morning, Liu Changjian turned on the timer and took a three or four minutes cold shower.

taking a cold shower is to stay awake and to smoothly complete a whole day's work.

I have to say that Liu Changjian is indeed harder than my daily behavior of buying milk tea to extend my life.

Next, is to go to work. Before entering the plane,

must understand the route and make a plan, eat a healthy meal; after entering the plane, check whether all functions are normal.

Several real professional processes have come down, which makes me unclear and dazzled.

, like Du Jiang and most people, is the first time I know-

starts a plane, it turns out to be so troublesome.

SEC 2, 3 FAULT means that spoilers 1, 2, and 5 cannot be activated when landing, automatic brake failure, 1, 2 radio failure, and passenger windshield deicing failure-transferred from Douban

In addition, I am the first I understand why the ticket is so expensive.

Because, to make an aircraft operate perfectly, more than the captain and co-pilot are needed.

must also have air traffic control bureau controllers and weather forecasters who are responsible for giving feedback on geography and weather at any time.

and when the disaster is approaching, ambulances and fire brigade must be deployed immediately, and all local flights will be suspended.

Every time you board and travel, you are not alone, but a group of people work together to work hard.

Among them, of course, the company of flight attendants (commonly known as flight attendants) is indispensable.

bow and bow your head 15 degrees;

smile and always put your face on your face;

face any situation, be rational and not be overly emotional.

is more than that. Not long after the

plane took off, a flight attendant was made trouble by a male passenger in the business class. I don't know how to make things difficult for

(I have seen too many in reality).

However, there was a line from the male passenger, which impressed me quite deeply:

"Why is such a confident person who brings tea and water?"

said frankly.

Before watching this movie, I also thought that the profession of flight attendant is similar to that of waiters in big hotels. As long as

has a beautiful appearance and a passive personality that can bend and stretch,You can eat this bowl of rice well.

It wasn't until the film entered the middle and late stages that I realized that I was so wrong.

As the cockpit windshield shattered, the aircraft suddenly lost control and reversed violently. The co-pilot of

, Xu Yichen, flew out half of his body and hung his head out of the window;

flight attendant Zhou Yawen, who was not in the seat, was directly injured and fainted.

These pictures seem to be curious and shocking, but in fact they are all real events that have happened.

The actors of Xu Yichen and Zhou Yawen, respectively Ou Hao and Li Qin

After Zhou Yawen went into a coma, the passengers in the plane were overwhelmed by themselves and no one paid attention to the flight attendants lying on the ground.

Only Bi Nan, the flight attendant, crawled into the cabin and issued instructions to everyone to ring the bell to report safety.

In this way, Zhou Yawen, who might have survived the next bump, was successfully discovered by colleagues. The perseverance of

colleagues awakened Zhou Yawen's initiative in the subconscious.

Zhou Yawen climbed up from the ground, gave his thumbs up, and exhausted his last strength to sit on the safety seat...

At that moment, Li Qin interprets what a real actor is with his performance full of true feelings.

Then, due to the lack of a landing point nearby, Liu Changjian had to hover the plane in place.

has hovered for a long time, and the passengers' hearts are inevitably panicked like their bodies. The

passengers shouted and made noises, making the situation worse and worse...

Fortunately, the flight attendants used their bodies to stop them and used their professional knowledge to comfort them, and it did not lead to a greater disaster.

Seeing this, I finally understand-

turns out that the passive service-type vase is just the surface of the flight attendant.

At the moment of crisis, the flight attendants will turn to the customer and guide and protect the safety of everyone in the plane.

is plain, the flight attendant is like a mother.

ostensibly delivers water and food to the child, just like a child's servant.

But in fact, the mother is not the child's servant, but the patron saint who is always ready to protect the child.

Yuan Quan plays Bi Nan

without a doubt.

The performance of Li Qin, Yuan Quan and others successfully broke my prejudice against flight attendants.

breaks prejudice, which is also a theme that this film does not explicitly mention, but is expressed everywhere.

Nowadays, how easy is it for viewers to misunderstand and prejudice various people and things?

"Chinese Captain" has not yet been released, Douban has a short comment of Yin and Yang, which is topped:

"Why is there Ouhao??"

is right.

We all know that "Captain of China" is a movie with the main theme as a gift for the National Day.

In such a work, the existence of Ou Hao will make it difficult for some viewers to understand.

After all, the two heroes besides Ouhao are Zhang Hanyu and Du Jiang.

After all, Zhang Hanyu and Du Jiang have a solid and determined face, and the other has a traditional and serious face.


"Journey to the West", Monkey King has a good saying:

people can't look like people, and sea water can't be countered.

Liu Changjian is tough on the surface, but he is gentle inside.

is at home, he loves his wife and his daughter, and even takes back the little animals that no one wants, and chats with the little animals;

is outside, and he speaks humorously and playfully outside of work. He is the biggest laughter contractor in the film. Where's Liang Dong, played by Du Jiang,


Hmm... he looks very serious and his name is very serious.

But his life style is far inferior to Huang Xiaoming.

obviously already has a baby (playing as a flight attendant), but he still can't control his love. Before

got on the plane, he asked the beautiful flight attendants one by one for phone calls; after

got on the plane, as long as there was a break at work, he couldn't help but hook up with the female passengers. Below this photo of

, a Douban user who has not watched the film commented:

is "all righteous."

all righteous?

Actually, Liang Dong sat there seriously, just conceiving the opening remarks for chatting with the female passenger... Did

find it?

is different from those stereotyped movies in the past-many protagonists of

"Chinese Captain", Have shown various characteristics that are not in line with the surface image.

flight attendants are no longer just being respectful, but have learned to be tough at critical moments;

party members (Liu Changjian) no longer only serve the people with a straight face, but have learned to make people happy; young talents in the

system , No longer just say cold polite words, but more real humanity.

Xu Yichen (Ouhao) is the same.

Xu Yichen is the new co-pilot recruited from the airport. When

first arrived at the airport, he looked suffocated, and he wore sunglasses to pretend to be mature.

Apart from work, besides being handsome, he just talks with the flight attendants.

Liu Changjian sees that he is not used to him, and always tells him something:

"When you think there is no mistake, the mistake will come to you."

"Check the equipment carefully, just look good, it's useless."

" I have no prejudice against you personally."


is not prejudiced, but it is actually biased.

Like some netizens, Liu Changjian has a deep prejudice against Xu Yichen. How is

actually? Before

took off, Xu Yichen had successfully completed every task. After

took off, the windshield shattered and Xu Yichen was swept by the wind.

His upper body is hanging outside, and the pressure he receives exceeds the limit of the human body.

After a while, although he was pulled back, his right eye was swollen like a bastard.

This time, Ou Hao came to a self-destructive performance, subverting the previous handsome image.

However, although the image was ruined, it received laughter and praise from the audience. At the end of the

movie, Xu Yichen endured the pain and completed his own work. After the successful landing of the

plane, Liu Changjian changed his previous concept and said to him:

"You will become an excellent pilot in the future." What does


, why do you want to play Ou Hao in this movie?

Because only "small fresh meat" like Ouhao can remind the audience to know how to break prejudice.