This film made a noise when it came out

first talk about casting, this is not the root cause of the failure of this movie. As long as it's not too contradictory, I never think that appearance can ruin the character. Compared with the original work, Xiao Zhan's Zhang Xiaofan is too eye-catching and does not have the feeling of being among the people in the book. It is understandable that as a movie actor, it is impossible to find someone who looks too mediocre to perform. For the three heroines, Tang Yixin has no problem, and the image and temperament are Tian Linger who is alive and well. Li Qin's Lu Xueqi has a fresh and refined feeling, and her face is good enough. Meng Meiqi is a violation, and there is no such strange spirit as Baguio's cold outside and hot inside. The remaining main characters, Daoxuan, Tian Buyi, Su Ru and most of the other first ones are still barely available. Only Lin Jingyu is a failure, too ugly, and the original surprise is completely gone.

then persuade the path and special effects. I have known for a long time that the investment in this drama is limited, and overall persuasion and special effects are still in line with my expectations. Service Huadao is quite satisfactory, and there are a lot of special effects, but in general, Qingyun Mountain, Yuqing Temple, Yujian Flying, Excalibur Yulei Zhenju, etc. are not satisfactory, and domestic movies are made like this. The only thing to complain about is the appearance of the three heroines and the ghost king Puzhi. The original works of the three heroines have very clear clothes color arrangements. Tian Linger wears red, Lu Xueqi wears white, and Baguio wears green. Why change? When Tian Linger appeared on the stage, it was still pink, which was similar to red. Why did the clothes change when he acted? The original work is arranged according to the personality characteristics of each person. If it is just right, can you wear it according to the original work? Are you Puzhi a sand monk of cosplay? Is it difficult for a Buddhist monk to wear a robes with a bald head? The most unbearable is this ghost king, did you come across from Wutian in "Journey to the West"? According to the original setting, the ghost king should be an elegant middle-aged person. I once thought that Chen Daoming, who was in his forties or fifty, was the most suitable for the character of the ghost king. As a result, you gave me the entire non-mainstream Ultraman look.

also endured these.

If it's just the defects of the casting and service, I think it can be rescued. But the script...let me go smoothly first, what the hell is this script and character setting! What the hell! Yes, the story setting and system of the original work are too large for the movie, and only the main part can be intercepted. I can understand and even think that the intercepted part of the movie, from the tragedy in Caomiao Village to the death of Baguio in Qingyun Mountain. It is precisely the core and essence of Zhu Xian's book, which is well intercepted. Yes, it is difficult to adapt the original work. For the three heroines, except Tian Linger, the remaining two appeared too late and had to add drama to the first half of the movie. I can understand. Yes, the length of the movie is very limited, and some details and characters can only be selectively ignored. For example, the three-eyed monkey has become an ordinary monkey. For example, Qi Hao and Tian Linger will be fine with one shot, such as the four major gates. There is one Ghost King Sect left to kill Qingyun Mountain. For example, Fenxiang Valley does not exist at all, for example, Wan Jianyi has disappeared, and so on. I can understand all of these. But why modify the character of the main character, why modify the key setting of the storyline, and why xjby? Zhang Xiaofan is a person who is introverted and taciturn in the book. Is it you who acted this stubborn thing? Did Lu Xueqi borrow the Heavenly Sword from the Lord Jin Snake? Cang Song and Pu Zhi are the key to the origin of the whole story. Now Cang Song has not rebelled, and Pu Zhi has not been exposed as the real culprit of the Caomiao Village tragedy. Are you going to let viewers who have never read the original work go to Qingyun Mountain to investigate the case? Zhang Xiaofan and Baguio just got better after a few boring scenes of magic sticks. Why? Why did Lin Jingyu turn against Zhang Xiaofan? Why can the ghost king single-handedly take the first seat of the seven meridians and fight the remnant Dao Xuan? Tian Linger died to save Zhang Xiaofan? Why did Du Bishu also come up and take a sword for Zhang Xiaofan, don't the other six seniors need to come up and take a blow? Why did Lu Xueqi kill Zhang Xiaofan?

will write one hundred thousand why, the last question, this movie is called "Zhu Xian", where is my Zhu Xian sword? Where is my TM's Zhuxian sword?

The book "Zhu Xian" should be the most suitable for adaptation into a TV series or movie. There are many fans, the audience base and popularity are very good, the main characters are clearly set, or the single-line plot, and the lines are ready. The purpose of making a movie is nothing more than one, selling money. I just wanted to ask the investor, director and screenwriter of this movie, for a good opportunity to make money, with low cost and high return, adapt the script according to the main story in the book and restore the character’s service and scenes, which can satisfy The majority of book fans can also shoot a fantasy idol drama with a good plot, win some word of mouth, and sell it at a higher box office. Why not? Why chargeWhy bother to adapt? Why act blindly? Why should we rub the feelings of a large number of book fans and the IQ of a large audience on the ground?

In a word, can't you act according to the book? Can't you TM to play Lao Tzu in black and white on the book? Change and change, what you changed is a hammer!

I heard that I want to shoot "Zhu Xian 2"? It's really exciting.