When I watch this movie again, I have a new interpretation, sometimes fairy tales are not beautiful.

There are many excellent fantasy films in the

film industry, whether it is "Harry Potter" or "Lord of the Rings", all let us see another magical world. Compared with these, "Pan's Labyrinth" seems a bit mysterious, because you can't tell whether the world shown in the film really exists or the hero's imagination. "Pan's Labyrinth" was released in 2006, with a length of 112 minutes and a Douban score of 7.8. When

first watched this film, he simply regarded it as a fairy tale, but today it seems to hide a lot of practical significance. In 1944, at the end of the Spanish Civil War, although the war had ended, a bloodthirsty captain still massacred the democrats with cruel methods and no mercy. The protagonist Ophelia defected to the captain with his remarried mother. During the filming process, the captain mentioned his son many times. When Ophelia’s mother was about to give birth, he also told the doctor to keep the baby. It is conceivable that if a daughter is born in the end, I am afraid it will be the same as Ophelia Fate. In Greek mythology, Pan is also called Paine or Faun, with a sheep head human body, responsible for taking care of shepherds, hunters, and people living in the countryside.

One of the myths about God Pan is that he stepped into the lake at the end of the Tianhe River in order to protect his favorite fairy, and his lower body became a fish. This is also the prototype of Capricorn. At the same time, it is also considered to be a god who helps lonely voyagers expel terror. In the film, the lonely voyager is the protagonist Ophelia. Although he is accompanied by his mother, he is very lonely and spends most of the time in his own fairy tales. In the world. The three tasks that Pan God proposed to Ophelia can also be said to be a test of Ophelia's human weakness.

The first point is timid. A child faces the giant toad alone and obtains the key. It can be seen that Ophelia was very brave, and soon completed the task assigned by Pan Shen, even a little complacent when his mother scolded him. The second point is greed. When Ophelia entered a room full of delicious food, facing the man-eating monster, she didn't show fear, but when she was about to leave, she ate the grapes without hearing Pan's warning.

This also shows that Ophelia did not overcome his greed after all, and it is also very difficult for most people to overcome their greed. This scene is similar to the setting where the captain entertains guests at home. The food that the captain exchanges for the blood of others is itself sinful. Sharing food with others is equivalent to sharing greed.

The third point is selfishness. Ophelia did not choose to hurt the baby at the critical moment. In her heart, the baby was more important than herself. After all, she was the only relative in the world, and she paid the price of her life. At the end of the film, Ophelia is wearing beautiful clothes and standing in the luxurious palace. Sitting on it are her father and mother. Their family is finally reunited. Ophelia is no longer alone and realizes her spiritual self. Salvation.

As for the grapes stolen by Ophelia, in Chapter 15 of the New Testament John’s Gospel, Jesus preached: "I am the true vine, and my father is the planter. For all my fruitless branches, he Just cut it off. He repairs everything that bears fruit, so that the branches bear more fruit. I am the vine, and you are the branches. Stay in me and I will stay in it.”

​​Therefore, in the "Bible", the grape represents the people who have suffered orphans, but in the movie it should represent the lives injured by the cannibals, as well as the innocent people killed by the captain.