Beautiful Life Episode 12 Diversity Plot (16 episodes in total)

Beautiful Life Episode 12 Diversity Plot Introduction

Xiangwan is dissatisfied with Xizhen staying in the fishery, Xizhen is taken back by his father

   Xizhen told Jaemin that she hadn't returned to Seoul. She was always nearby, but she didn't dare to show up, otherwise her father would take her back. Xizhen went to the fishery to pick up her luggage in the people's dormitory. She said that she had hidden her luggage here before. Zaimin wondered how she learned that she would take over the fishery. Xizhen changed the subject, Jaemin stopped asking and was busy cooking for Xizhen. Xizhen took this opportunity to call Xiuzhen. She said that she was safe and she would not succumb to her father. Xiuzhen hung up the phone and told her mother that she wanted to go back to the village, otherwise her father and sister would remain stiff and would not give in.

   Zhengyu came to Zaimin overnight, and he asked if Xizhen was here. Zaimin evaded Zhengyu's eyes and said that Xizhen was not there, and Zhengyu immediately understood everything. Zheng Yu persuaded Zaimin to send Xizhen back, otherwise more people would suffer if President Liu was offended. After Zheng Yu finished speaking, he patted Zaimin's shoulder and left. Zaimin wandered around and was very entangled. Jaemin dialed President Liu's phone, and President Liu thought Xizhen was excited to persuade her to come back. At this moment, Xizhen came to find Zaimin, and Zaimin hung up the phone. Jaemin persuades Xizhen to fly away with her, otherwise they will never see each other after she is captured. Xizhen threw into Min's arms excitedly and promised to follow him far and high.

  President Liu put down the phone and concluded that this was the call from Xizhen. Secretary Cui said that he would investigate where the call came from, and he was also investigating who took Xizhen's luggage from Station Master Zhao's house. Director Zheng also said at this time that she found that there were tens of millions in Xizhen's account, and soon the money was transferred to another person. President Liu was surprised. At this time, Sujeong in Seoul also told her mother about the loan of money to Hejeong. Her mother was shocked. She was afraid that Hejeong took the money and fled abroad.

   Chun Jiu asked the stationmaster Zhao that Xizhen had given Dong Zhi the luggage, and Dong Zhi had put her luggage at the fishing ground. Zheng Yu also called Xiuzhen to tell Xizhen that Xizhen was in Zaimin's fishing ground. Xiuzhen was finally relieved. At this time, Xizhen was teaching the people in the fishery how to use the computer to surf the Internet, and Xizhen accidentally said about buying a computer. Jaemin asked if she had spent any other money for herself, but Xizhen quickly denied it. Zaimin solemnly said that he didn't want Xizhen to spend money for herself to save herself some self-esteem.

   The next morning when Min woke up and didn't see Xizhen, he was frightened. At this time, Xizhen bought the ingredients and came back. Xizhen wanted to cook for Jaemin. Although Xizhen's meal was not satisfactory, Zaimin finished it cooperatively. Jaemin got up to feed the fish, only to see the three of Xiangwan coming over early. Xiangwan and the three were very surprised to see Xizhen, and they blurted out and asked if Xizhen had stayed overnight here last night. Xiangwan left angrily.

   Sangman immediately called Mi-sook to tell her about Xizhen, Sangman asked Mi-sook to call Chun Gu and asked Chun Gu to take him away. Mei Shu is desperate, she does not want to work harder, she has decided to travel to the beach.

   Chunjiu reported to Chairman Liu that he had found out that Xizhen spent 50 million to buy the fishery and handed it over to the local people to manage, and she also kept secrets from the local people. During this time, Xizhen was hiding in the fishery. President Liu furiously orders Chun Jiu to stop Xizhen from staying with Jaemin.

   Xizhen is helping out in the fishing grounds, and the three of Xiangwan look at Xizhen's posture as she doesn't have the daughter-in-law at all. Jaemin couldn't bear to see that Xizhen was affected and asked her to go back to the kitchen to cook for everyone. Xizhen went to the kitchen without hesitation. Xiang Wan chased to the kitchen and said sincerely that he could see Xizhen's sincerity. He told the truth that he had told Mi-sook about her. He might come and take her away soon after Chun Jiu, and he persuaded Xizhen to leave. Xizhen turned a deaf ear and said calmly that she had received a call from Dong Shik and knew that Chun Jiu had investigated him, so she didn't have to run away. Sure enough, Chun Jiu and Director Zheng both rushed over, Xi Zhen calmly took Zaimin's hand and appeared. Xizhen calmly ate dinner with Zaimin and left with Director Zheng. In the people's mind, he flew over and hugged Xizhen tightly. Xizhen left in the car, Zaimin saw the car go away like a knife.


   Liu's subordinates reported to him that their construction site was under environmental investigation, and they are now required to suspend work for one month. President Liu was shocked. The subordinates then reported that Chairman Cui, who invested in the project, wanted to withdraw from the project, and Chairman Liu felt that the situation was worsening and frustrated.


   Liu saw that Xizhen insisted that the fifty million she gave to the people would not be held accountable, as long as they no longer interact with each other. She must go back to Seoul right now. Just then Mrs. Liu called and told Chairman Liu, Xiuzhen has already come, if Xizhen returns to Seoul, it is better to go with Xiuzhen. President Liu pressed the gourd and raised his head and it was big. He ordered Director Zheng to bring Xiuzhen back.

   At this time, Chun Jiu received a call from Zheng Yu. Zheng Yu told him that Xiuzhen was in school, but that Xiuzhen had become ill. Chun Jiu hurried to see the sick Xiuzhen.

   Secretary Cui broke into the barber shop and said he wanted to invest 50 million in the fishery. Jaemin was shocked when he received a call from his father. He rushed to the hotel desperately. At this time, Xizhen was being squeezed into the car by President Liu's people and galloping away. Jaemin shouted Xizhen's name, but was held back by President Liu's people. Zaimin returned to the fishing ground in frustration. At this time, Mei-sook called. On the phone, Mei-sook said that this was the last time she called Zaimin. Jaemin suddenly heard Mi-sook’s voice abnormal. He yelled Mi-suk’s name, but the phone was hung up.

This article is original Lu Opera, please do not reprint without permission! Reprinted with permission