Seeing the 32-year-old Song Qian falling in love with her 10-year-old boyfriend: I finally realized the happiness of Xiao Yaxuan!

Not long ago, the Tucao meeting ended, and the main coffee maker invited "the ordinary love genius" Xiao Yaxuan.

Xiao Yaxuan does not need to introduce more, in addition to "the Queen of Heaven", everyone also likes to call her "fresh meat harvester".

After all, no one at can be young forever, but Xiao Yaxuan's boyfriend can really.

Xiao Yaxuan, 40, and Huang Hao, who is 16 years younger than her, also came to the scene as a guest at the Tucao meeting. The CP of

is overwhelming. All kinds of interactions are too sweet and greasy. To be honest, I really don't see any age difference.

Of course, it is the first time that many netizens have truly understood Elaine Hsiao’s happiness:

"Xiao Yaxuan’s happiness is really happy!"

, The audience experienced this happiness!

If you don't agree, you will kill you by squeezing your face and touching your head.

Song Qian (He stars) and Song Weilong (Yuan Song), a difference in the drama played a pair of 10-year-old younger man couple.

A person is beautiful, and a handsome person can be slapped. Although

actually has a 13-year age difference between two people, it’s very sweet to fight each other together.



addition to people younger man on top of the details of the interaction, the show's conception is really quite positive compared to many families in contemporary society deeply rooted patriarchal ideas, He touches the stars at home more favored than his brother, is Children who grow up in full of love, and their parents are very open-minded.

's parents have never urged her to get married and blind date like others, and just find someone with good financial conditions to marry casually.

stars with dadIn Dad's words, has never been married compared to his daughter. Finding an unreliable man is what makes him most anxious.

real life, many girls also face pressure from parents and family.

flipped through the comments on the Internet. Such an idol drama can resonate strongly with everyone, perhaps because of the life in the drama, which truly reflects many real problems.

, especially women in their 30s, are under emotional pressure. It is conceivable that a few light words of people can tear up their newly established self-esteem.

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Because of her friends and relatives, she also went out several times because of her friends and relatives, but the other party’s utilitarianism and purpose was not so-called, but she was more certain that she was “appropriate”.

not just blind date, around because I think older women in the marriage market is no longer an advantage, to take advantage of the young, quickly find quality stocks married friends and colleagues everywhere.

them to marry a good man (family) responsibility, I feel married more important than love, more important than his own career more important than practice. When

meets something that feels right, you must hurry up. It doesn't matter whether you have love or not, you may not have time to understand the character.

As for how life will be going on in the future, it is entirely up to fate.



The 32-year-old He Fanxing is the executive director of a Shanghai decoration company. She has been in this company for 10 years, because she works internally and the working environment is relatively stable and simple.

is financially independent, parents have pensions for retirement, and there is no native family pressure.

never has the word "appropriate" in her emotional dictionary. Falling in love and getting married are based on liking. Indeed, I have bread. Why can't I make the decision for love?




z”0z She chose Yuan Song, which she liked very much, and showed a blushing heartbeat love.

With the development of the plot, the two people have also developed misunderstandings and conflicts between ordinary couples, but some have gradually appeared on the Internet. We expected "malicious comments" , and many people have replaced men. The main complaint:

"Yuan Song is so pitiful, why doesn't He Fanxing know how to cherish it?"

But is there really between these two people, who is more pitiful?


It is undeniable that although sister and brother love has become more and more popular in the past two years, it seems that everyone’s ideas are changing. Boys dare to pursue girls that are better than their own, and girls do not feel that they are with boys younger than themselves. , Will be treated with strange eyes by others.

But in fact, many people have a deep-rooted discrimination against this kind of relationship. In comparison, girls look for "uncle", it seems to be reasonable , because "uncle" is stable, can take care of others, and has financial strength, can look forward to the middle-aged, still frivolous, naive, and accomplish nothing. It also abounds.

Therefore, instead of taking age as one of the criteria for measuring two people's love, it is the mind, knowledge and pattern that determine whether two people are equal.

In short, "all things depend on ability and personal will, not gender and age. This is true respect and equality."

love, also, the model and standard of female mate selection will gradually resemble Men get closer...

If men tend to be beautiful, sexy and hot young girls, girls like young and energetic boys, it's natural to blame.


The related topics of "gender equality" have been mentioned in the past two years. What is equality? There is an answer on Zhihu that makes sense. Han Dongran, a postdoctoral fellow at Harvard University, said, “A good measure of equality is that the two parties involved in the consideration will not exchange their positions and cause any sense of disharmony.”

For example, men can earn money to support their families, and women do the same. You can go out and work hard. If a man wants a woman to be beautiful, he must also demand himself with clean and handsome standards. A man likes to find a young girl and enjoy her vitality and vigor, and he should be able to understand that women also like the passion of men. Shoot and sunshine...z2Of course, due to different physiological structures, the issue of giving birth can only be done by women at present. Therefore, the right to choose reproduction should naturally be held in their hands.


Some people say that women’s ideological independence and economic liberation have broadened their mate choice. I have bread and I want love. As for what kind of love I want, it depends on how happy I am.

in the former marriage market, a lot of economic conditions, slightly higher than Women and men will pick and choose according to women's age, body appearance, education, fertility... and put forward all kinds of bizarre and bizarre requirements.

As netizen @人五_ said: “Many men are naturally sloppy, uncut, do not like cleanliness, do not exercise, and have no scruples... It is because they consciously control other social resources.

and now, with Women are becoming more economically independent, and their hearts are gradually becoming stronger. They gradually begin to have more initiative to choose the life they want to live.

So girl, you must work hard! Must be financially independent! What kind of lover

look for, when to fall in love, when to get married, when to have children, are all decided by ourselves, not by others.