"Wandering Earth 2" is set, Wu Jing complains about Guo Fan from the air

Speaking of the movie "The Wandering Earth", I believe that many viewers have a lot to say. As the first hard science fiction film in China, the film won a high reputation when it was released, and eventually became the third in film history with a box office of 4.68 billion. In the past two years, audiences have continued to call director Guo Fan to make the second film.

Although the audience has not been able to wait for the second part, the creators of the first part also edited the first part into the "2020 Leap Special Edition", which was officially released. Compared with the original film, the Leap version added 11 With a minute footage, the total film length is nearly three hours.

Of course, in addition to "The Wandering Earth: 2020 Leap Edition", Guo Fan also announced another exciting news at the after-screening meeting of the Golden Rooster Film Festival. Director Guo Fan said: "After two years of thinking and the pre-production of the script, we decided to start the shooting plan for "Wandering Earth 2" and set the schedule for the first day of the New Year in 2023."

At the event site, Guo Fan also officially released the first concept poster of the second part. The poster is written in different languages ​​"Goodbye Solar System", these words are also pieced together into the number "2" and move forward Running, "Wandering Earth 2" has also become the first movie to be set for the Spring Festival in 2023.

At the post-screening meeting, Liu Cixin, the original author of "The Wandering Earth", also called Guo Fan through a video: "This has reached the end of 2020. Does our "Wandering Earth 2" have to have a say?", see It turns out that Liu Cixin is also looking forward to the second filming.

Speaking of "Wandering Earth 2," I believe that many people are more concerned about the main creative issue. What

is currently certain is that the second part is still a collaboration between director Guo Fan and original/producer Liu Cixin, and the first starring Wu Jing will continue to join. As for whether the role in the first part will continue, it is still unknown.

viewers who have watched "The Wandering Earth" must remember that Liu Peiqiang, played by Wu Jing in the first part, gave up his life in the end. In order to keep the earth and human beings alive, he resolutely drove the spacecraft and crashed into it With Jupiter, it provided the initial impetus for the wandering journey of the earth.

In other words, Liu Peiqiang should have already received a box lunch in the "Wandering Earth" universe. If Wu Jing continues to join the second part, then in what capacity should he appear?

Wu Jing is also a little confused about this issue. Wu Jing filmed a video and shouted to Director Guo Fan: "Did I not get bombed when I ordered Jupiter? How did I come back? I can't play "Wandering Earth 2" Huh? Is there no free glove (White Wolf)"?

It is said that Wu Jing is also very related to "The Wandering Earth". At first, Wu Jing was only invited to come as a guest. His role was originally not too much of a role. As a result, the film crew’s capital chain was broken during the filming process, and Wu Jing was for this The movie paid a large sum of money and became an investor, but in the end he didn't even get the remuneration. This is why Wu Jing often ridiculed Guo Fan as a "big fool".

Of course, Wu Jing's investment is obviously successful. After the release of "Wandering Earth", he has made a lot of money. I just don't know if Wu Jing will continue to invest in the second film?

Guo Fan has not revealed much news about "Wandering Earth 2", only a concept poster and schedule. As for what role Wu Jing will appear in the second part, it is still unknown. But now that the filming has been confirmed, let's sit back and wait for the second one. I believe Guo Fan will not disappoint the audience.

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