Tang Yan talked about her married life and smiled and called Luo Jin "that family member of our family"

reported on November 18 Recently, in an interview with the media, Tang Yan revealed the details of getting along with her husband Luo Jin, showing her affection.

During the interview, Tang Yan sweetly referred to Luo Jin as "the family member of our family." In addition, she also revealed that when she and her husband are filming in different crews, the two people will understand each other through video. Because the eating time is almost the same, the two people are eating each time the video is made.

In addition to showing affection, Tangtang also did not forget to complain online. She joked that sometimes when she was hungry, Luo Jin, who was eating supper, would call her, and deliberately greeted her by saying it was super delicious.

previously reported that

Tang Yan was scolded as the screenwriter for the new drama: why do actors need special effects if they are not almighty?

Entertainment reported on November 17 . The audience's negative comments on "Yanyuntai". She revealed in the interview that she didn't know that Tang Yan was pregnant when she was filming, and thought she was fattening the show. In addition, she recognized the dedication of the male and female protagonists, and felt that some of the comments were too critical, saying: "Not every actor is decathlon. If you want to ride a horse, you have to ride a real horse. Why?" She also said: "The Montenegro Incident was really cut out, and it turned out not to be seen at all. It was a big summer with a green screen behind it. The heavy snow in Montenegro was shot, and it turned out so spectacular.

Tang Yan was ridiculed in pregnancy filming and used a stand-in to dispel the rumors. The studio posted an article that was weak

Wonderful barrage, all in the client &xe61d;

Netease Entertainment reported on November 5 that "Yan Yuntai" starring Tang Yan is currently on the air. This is also Tang Yan’s first costume work after his comeback. Judging from the current episodes, the texture is quite good. It's just that Tang Yan's pregnant belly makes people play a little bit, so many people complain about it.

Recently, "Yan Yuntai", a collaboration between Tang Yan and Dou Xiao, was broadcast. The popularity and discussion on the Internet is also relatively high, which has attracted a lot of attention and a wave of ratings. I originally thought it would be Tang Yan's Turning over, I didn't expect Tang Yan's pregnant belly to be eye-catching in the play, and some important scenes even need to be on the scene.

In the episode aired on November 4, Tang Yan and the maid walked together. I don’t know if it was the lighting problem or the clothing angle. Tang Yan’s stomach was very obvious, even the heavy costumes did not cover it. .

may be in response to the controversy. Tang Yan’s studio issued an article, suspecting to clarify the cutout and the double incident for Tang Yan, and released four stills. The stills did not show the pregnant belly. From this point of view, Tang Yan’s pregnant belly It may also be caused by the angle of light and clothing, but it is true that Tang Yan is still filming while pregnant.

Regarding this, many netizens complained: "This has been six or seven months, so if you know it will affect the film, you should stop shooting." From this point of view, the studio’s response to the post seemed a bit weak.

"Yanyuntai" directed by Jiang Jiajun, Jiang Shengnan is the screenwriter, Tang Yan, Dou Xiao, Charmaine Sheh, Jing Chao, Tan Kai, Liu Yijun, Lu Shan, Ji Chen, Ning Li, etc. starring in ancient costume legendary love drama. Based on Jiang Shengnan’s novel of the same name, the play tells the story of Xiao Yanyan, an iron-blooded red face of Daliao, who, with the courageous character and foresight, puts Daliao on the road to prosperity with the joint efforts of Han Derang and Yelvxian.

Recently, netizens questioned that the plot did not conform to historical facts, causing controversy. In response, the author of "Yanyuntai" responded to the plot controversy. She said, "I not only wrote the story about the Liao Kingdom "Yanyuntai", but also the story about the Northern Song Dynasty "Feng Ba Nine Heavens" and the story about Xixia " "Iron and Blood Rouge." The main content of the story about Yang Jiajiang is in the Northern Song Dynasty. Yanyuntai really doesn't have his role in this play."

Later, the author of "Yanyuntai" said again, "I The original intention of writing this series is to learn from history and explore why the three dynasties of Song, Liao and Xia were paralleled at that time. Song YouWhat is missing and wrong, why can Liao and Xixia continue to pass on. Qin ruled the world, but it did not mean that Legalists were absolutely correct; in the early Han Dynasty, it was Chu culture that used Huang Lao techniques; in the Han Wu period, it was the Qilu culture that only respected Confucianism and the theory of salt and iron. If the "fan history" only moves towards closing eyes and listening and fighting against the party, it will not benefit the present and will be harmful to the future."

(responsible editor: Li Mingyue_NBJS12251)